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Dynamique sédimentaire et répartition granulométrique des sédiments de surface dans la frange littorale Ras Taguermess-Ras Marmour (golfe de Gabès) OceanDocs
Brahim., M.; Abdelfattah., A..
Les analyses granulométriques des sédiments superficiels de la zone côtière située entre Ras Taguermess et Ras Marmours montrent que les petits fonds (-2 à -10 m) sont couverts par des sables fins aux sables grossiers (la moyenne est entre 0,39 et 3,34 ), généralement mal à très mal classés. Cependant, le haut de plage situé entre Ras Taguermess et Ras Marmour est couvert essentiellement par des sables fins et des sables moyens (la moyenne est entre 1,082 et 2,823 ). La répartition spatiale des sables ne montre pas un grano-classement décroissant ou croissant des sédiments de la côte vers le large. Cette distribution est due à l‘existence d’une énergie importante où la houle joue le rôle essentiel sur leur répartition. L’étude granulométrique montre aussi...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Beaches; Coastal zone; Grading; Grain size; Longshore sediment transport; Sand; Sediment analysis; Sediment texture; Sediments; Swell.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Dynamique sédimentaire et répartition granulometrique des sédiments de surface dans la frange littorale Ras Taguermess-Ras Marmour (golfe de Gabès) OceanDocs
Brahim., M.; Atoui, A..
Les analyses granulométriques des sédiments superficiels de la zone côtière située entre Ras Taguermess et Ras Marmours montrent que les petits fonds (-2 à -10 m) sont couverts par des sables fins aux sables grossiers (la moyenne est entre 0,39 et 3,34 ), généralement mal à très mal classés. Cependant, le haut de plage situé entre Ras Taguermess et Ras Marmour est couvert essentiellement par des sables fins et des sables moyens (la moyenne est entre 1,082 et 2,823 ). La répartition spatiale des sables ne montre pas un grano-classement décroissant ou croissant des sédiments de la côte vers le large. Cette distribution est due à l‘existence d’une énergie importante où la houle joue le rôle essentiel sur leur répartition. L’étude granulométrique montre aussi...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Beaches; Coastal zone; Grading; Longshore sediment transport; Sediment analysis; Sediment texture; Sediments; Swell.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Effect of size grading on sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) juvenile self- feeding behaviour, social structure and culture performance ArchiMer
Benhaim, David; Pean, Samuel; Brisset, Blandine; Leguay, Didier; Begout, Marie-laure; Chatain, Beatrice.
This study aims to test the influence of size grading on self-feeding behaviour, social structure (measured by the percentage of triggering acts per individual), growth performances, and blood physiological variables of individually passive integrated transponder (PIT)-tagged sea bass juveniles, using a computerized on-demand feeding system coupled with a PIT tag monitoring device. Three consecutive periods of 27 days each were compared: a first period (P1) before grading (6 tanks of 100 fish; 40.2 +/- 8.9 g) followed by a second period (P2) after grading. The protocol applied aimed to create two groups of fish of similar mean weight but with either a low or a high coefficient of variation of weight (CV(w)) corresponding to an imposed difference in social...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Feeding behaviour; Self feeder; Triggering activity; Heterogeneity; Growth; Grading.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Ergonomic investigation of workers in tea factories using REBA and OWAS methods – case study: (Langroud Region, Guilan, Iran) CIGR Journal
Soheili-Fard, Farshad; Rahbar, Amir; Marzban, Afshin.
Work-related Musculoskeletal Disorders (WMSDs) are a leading cause of disability, work time loss and economic loss in both industrialized and developing countries. WMSDs include muscles, bones, joints, nerves and blood vessel disorders. According to the studies done by some researchers, lack of harmony between technology and the technology users in workplace can degrade the product quality and increase the injuries. In the present study, an ergonomic investigation was conducted and the position and posture of the workers of tea factories were evaluated. REBA and OWAS methods were used for analyzing the postures. The energy expenditure of workers was calculated by heart rate monitoring. In this study, 6 tea factories were considered and totally 48 workers...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Ergonomic; Tea factory; Heart rate; Withering; Grading; Curling.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Etude des tris précoces en élevage de crevettes P. stylirostris dans un objectif de sélection génétique. Février à Juillet 2000. ArchiMer
De Decker, Sophie.
Schemes optimisation for genetic improvement for growth of Penaeus stylirostris requires the development of technologies for grading shrimps easily. This work shows that bar and mesh graders are very suitable for early selection at post-larval stages, as long as early growth is heritable. Experimental data sets lead to the equations which give the grading weight as a function of the dimensions of the graders. Mesh graders which allow an earlier selection than bar graders (PL19 instead of PL25) open a new way to implement experimental selection into production hatcheries.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Tri; Sélection génétique; Crevettes; Penaeus stylirostris; Grading; Sorter; Genetic selection; Shrimps; Penaeus stylirostris.
Ano: 2000 URL:
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Strawberry fruit resistance to simulated handling Scientia Agricola
Ferreira,Marcos David; Sargent,Steven Alonzo; Brecht,Jeffrey Karl; Chandler,Craig Kellman.
Harvest operations are currently the main source of mechanical injury of strawberry (Fragaria x ananassa Duch.). Experiments were designed to simulate conditions encountered during commercial handling. Individual fruits were subjected to impact or compression forces with similar energy to determine the sensitivity to mechanical injury. Bruise volume was used as the measurement of injury. Bruise severity increased as a function of impact energy for both impact types. However, dropped fruits had larger bruise volume than fruits submitted to pendulum impactor at the same energy level. Doubling the impact energy (0.040 to 0.083 J) increased bruise volume by 7 times (13 to 91 mm³). Fruits dropped from 380 mm (0.075 J) showed 71% greater bruise volume than those...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Fragaria x ananassa Duch.; Impact; Compression; Injury; Grading.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Diaz, Edgar F. Pebe; Brorsen, B. Wade; Anderson, Kim B.; Richter, Francisca G.-C.; Kenkel, Philip L..
This article determines the effect of rounding (pointing-off) of grade percentages to the nearest whole number on the probability distribution of regrading in the peanut industry. Results show that rounding causes graders to have to regrade an extra 4% of samples even when they follow all directions and make no mistakes. When rounding was not used, the sample weight had little effect on the probability of regrading. With rounding, the probability of regrading was reduced by beginning with a larger than 500-gram sample. Thus, rounding provides an incentive to take overweight samples in order to avoid regrading. Overweight samples can overestimate the value of peanuts. A low-cost way to improve peanut grading accuracy would be to round to tenths rather than...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Grading; Normal-jump distribution; Peanuts; Regrading; Rounding; Crop Production/Industries.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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Using Both Sociological and Economic Incentives to Reduce Moral Hazard AgEcon
Richter, Francisca G.-C.; Diaz, Edgar F. Pebe; Brorsen, B. Wade; Currier, Kevin.
Economists tend to focus on monetary incentives. In the model developed here, both sociological and economic incentives are used to diminish the apparent moral hazard problem existing in commodity grading. Training that promotes graders' response to sociological incentives is shown to increase expected benefits. The model suggests this training be increased up to the point where the marginal benefit due to training equals its marginal cost. It may be more economical to influence the grader's behavior by creating cognitive dissonance through training and rules rather than by using economic incentives alone.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Grading; Incentives; Moral hazard; Norms; Social sanctions; Institutional and Behavioral Economics.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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ผลของการปลิดผลพลัมพันธุ์ Gulf ruby หลังระยะดอกบานเต็มที่ 4 สัปดาห์ ต่อความแน่นเนื้อ และน้ำหนักผล Thai Agricultural
Suthee Suranun.
Special Problem (B.S. in Agriculture)
Tipo: PhysicalObject Palavras-chave: Prunus salicina; Japanese plum; Gulf ruby; Fruit thinning; Fruit quality; Flesh firmness; Fruit weight; Grading; พลัมญี่ปุ่น; พันธุ์กัลฟ์รูบี; การปลิดผล; คุณภาพผล; ความแน่นเนื้อ; น้ำหนักผล.
Ano: 1999 URL:
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