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Intercropping maize and cowpea cultivars: I. Green-grain yield Rev. Ciênc. Agron.
Silva,Marcos Antônio Leite da; Silva,Paulo Sérgio Lima e; Oliveira,Vianney Reinaldo de; Sousa,Roberto Pequeno de; Silva,Paulo Igor Barbosa e.
ABSTRACT Green ears of maize are much appreciated all over Brazil and reach higher prices than dry grain. This also occurs with green cowpea grain, which is much appreciated in the north and northeast of the country. The aim of this study was to identify maize and cowpea cultivars that can be grown as monocrops or intercrops to produce green grain in the state of Pará (PA). An experiment was carried out in a randomized block design with six replications in Marabá, PA. Monocrops of traditional varieties of the cowpea (‘Corujinha’ and ‘Sempre Verde’) and the maize cultivars (‘AG 1051’ and ‘AL Bandeirante’), and four alternating, intercropped rows of a combination of the varieties and cultivars were evaluated. The ‘AG 1051’ cultivar was more productive than...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Zea mays; Vigna unguiculata; Green maize; Green beans; Land equivalent ratio.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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Why market institutions disfavor smallholder farmers’ compliance with international food safety standards: Evidence from Kenya, Zambia and Ethiopia AgEcon
Okello, Julius Juma; Narrod, Clare A.; Roy, Devesh.
This paper examines the high value chains (HVC) for green bean exports from Africa to identify the critical points at which exporters exercise great caution in preventing produce contamination with pathogens and pesticide residues. It then examines the control points that pose greatest threat to continued participation of smallholder farmers in the HVC and discusses the strategies African countries have used to maintain smallholder farmers in the green bean HVC. The paper identifies six critical control points. Among these, smallholders are most threatened with exclusion from HVC at two control points. At those points the farmer must make costly lumpy investments to meet the standards. To overcome the likelihood of smallholders being excluded from HVC at...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Smallholder farmers; International food safety standards; Critical control points; Exclusion; Green beans; Africa; Health Economics and Policy; International Development; Marketing.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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