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Apports des hautes résolutions spatiales pour l'étude et la cartographie des algues vertes. Application à la grève de St-Michel(22) 5
Ruiz, Olivier.
The increasing amounts of agricultural effluents associated with particular hydrodynamical locations are resulting in strong proliferations of suspended green algae Ulva lactuca. During ebb tide, the algae deposit on beaches, creating a nuisance for both tourism and fishermen. Biomass estimates are hence needed both for understanding the phenomenon and for measuring its magnitude. During the spring tide period of September 1993, two high resolutions digital sensors were run jointly on the French A.R.A.T (Remote Sensing and Atmospheric Research Aircraft). A pushbroom instrument called RAMI (run by C.N.E.S.) with spectral bands identical to those of S.P.O.T. and the Canadian C.A.S.I (which possesses a lot of spectral bands) acquired images over the sandy...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Télédetection; Green seaweed; Cartography; Télédetection; Algue verte; Cartographie.
Ano: 1994 URL:
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Etude de la prolifération des algues vertes dans le bassin d'Arcachon 5
Manaud, Francois; Maurer, Daniele; Trut, Gilles; Auby, Isabelle.
Introduction Massive proliferations of algae and, in particular green macroalgae, have been known all over the continents for several decades. They affect various littoral sites and belong to diverse species (Ulva, Enteromorpha and especially Cladophora). In 1990, on the North Brittany shore, more than 80 000 m3 ulvas have been mechanically removed by affected communities. Up until recently, the Arcachon basin escaped from such phenomenon, even if the diversity and quantity of algae found there had already undergone increasing periods in the past. However, the first algae proliferations only started in the 80's, which scale was large enough to be a nuisance to all activities taking place in the basin. At first (starting in1982), those proliferations were...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Basin of Arcachon; Green seaweed; Proliferation; Bassin d'Arcachon; Algue verte; Proliferation.
Ano: 1994 URL:
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Pré-contrat de baie - Golfe du Morbihan - Identification, localisation et estimation des biomasses d'algues vertes du golfe du Morbihan en 1995. 5
Ifremer, Del; Ceva, Pleubian.
In 1995, the gulf of Morbihan was not showing on the whole a pronounced level of eutrophication, but has nonetheless three sites of green algae proliferation: the Auray river estuary, the branches of the Vannes and Séné estuary, as well as the outlet of the Noyalo's estuary. Only these last two sectors show algal developments that are "abnormal" and that can be linked to a specific phenomenon of eutrophication (Ulva green tide in the Rosvellec-Séné sector, Monostroma green tide in the Saint Armel-Tascon sector). In the spring of 1995, the observations made on the foreshores of the Gulf of Morbihan, excluding the islands, made it possible to estimate an algal biomass of between 2,000 and 6,000 tons.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Morbihan gulf; Eutrophication; Green seaweed; Green algae; Eutrophisation; Golfe du Morbihan; Algues vertes.
Ano: 1996 URL:
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Précontrat de baie "golfe du Morbihan" Mesures de flux nutritifs et inventaire d'algues vertes en 1995 5
Piriou, Jean-yves; Chapron, Victorien; Annezo, Jean-pierre.
The gulf of Morbihan, without manifesting any pronounced signs of eutrophication, has, in 1995, three sites of green algae proliferation: the Auray river estuary, the branches of the Vannes and Séné estuary, as well as the outlet of the Noyalo's estuary. They are also the three sectors of the gulf that receive the most nutrient salts, in particular, nitrogen, which is a determining factor in the development of nitrophilic green algae (Ménesguen and Piriou 1995). During spring the nitrogen seems to come as much from urban sources (Vannes, Auray) as from agricultural sources coming from the northern catchment areas of the gulf.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Morbihan gulf; Eutrophication; Nitrogen; Green seaweed; Green algae; Eutrophisation; Golfe du Morbihan; Azote; Algues vertes.
Ano: 1995 URL:
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