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Adoption of Site-Specific Information and Variable-Rate Technologies in Cotton Precision Farming 31
Roberts, Roland K.; English, Burton C.; Larson, James A.; Cochran, Rebecca L.; Goodman, W. Robert; Larkin, Sherry L.; Marra, Michele C.; Martin, Steven W.; Shurley, W. Donald; Reeves, Jeanne M..
Probit analysis identified factors that influence the adoption of precision farming technologies by Southeastern cotton farmers. Younger, more educated farmer who operated larger farms and were optimistic about the future of precision farming were most likely to adopt site-specific information technology. The probability of adopting variable-rate input application technology was higher for younger farmers who operated larger farms, owned more of the land they farmed, were more informed about the costs and benefits of precision farming, and were optimistic about the future of precision farming. Computer use was not important, possibly because custom hiring shifts the burden of computer use to agribusiness firms.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Cotton; Grid soil sampling; Precision farming; Probit; Sample selection; Site-specific information; Technology adoption; Variable-rate application; D21; Q12; Q16.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Will Variable Rate Application Technology Pay in Tennessee? 31
Cochran, Rebecca L.; Larson, James A.; Roberts, Roland K.; English, Burton C..
Costs differ among variable rate application systems. Most feasible in Tennessee are the 1-bin and 2-bin spreader beds mounted to existing chassis with an owner-added variable rate controller and global positioning system. Truck spreader systems required more acreage or larger custom charges making it difficult to breakeven and earn a profit.
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Cotton; Grid soil sampling; Precision farming; Site-specific information; Variable rate application; Research and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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