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Contribution sur la gestion et la valorisation des ressources au Sénégal OceanDocs
Au Sénégal le secteur de la pêche maritime jour un rôle socioéconomique de premier plan comparé aux autres activités du secteur primaire comme l'agriculture et l'élevage la pêche a enregistré une croissance qui a eu un impact important dans l'amélioration des revenus des populations côtères des investissements et des exportations de produits halieutiques.
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Histamines; Ground water; Fertility; Fauna; Fish; Ground water; Fauna; Fish; Fertility; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://
Ano: 2003 URL:
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Estimation of some heavy metals in polluted well water and mercury accumulation in broiler organs BABT
Hussein,Hussein Khamis; Abu-Zinadah,Osama Abdullah; EL-Rabey,Haddad Abdulsameih; Meerasahib,Mohammed Fareez.
The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between the concentrations of heavy metals in well water and bioaccumulation of the most abundant metals in chicken tissues in some areas in the province of Mecca Almokaramah, Saudi Arabia. Among the heavy metals (Cd, Zn, Cr, Mn, Cu Hg, Pb and Ni) studied, mercury (Hg) revealed highest in concentration in well waters. The concentration of mercury in the ground water, beside in liver, kidney, muscle and blood samples of ten chickens from each of four poultry- production farms were estimated using atomic absorption spectrophotometer. The results showed that the kidney followed by liver had the highest bioaccumulation of mercury in all farm samples. The level of mercury in the ground water was...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Environmental toxicology; Ground water; Heavy metals; Mercury; Bioaccumulation-chicken histopathology.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Estudio hidroquímico en las aguas del Estrecho Bransfield, durante el verano austral 1998 OceanDocs
Burgos, L..
Durante los meses del verano austral (Nov. 1997-feb.1998) se realizó la VII Expedición Ecuatoriana a la Antártida a bordo del B/I ORION del Instituto Oceanográfico de la Armada. del 24 al 27 de enero/98, se realizaron 14 estaciones oceanográficas en el interior del Estrecho Bransfield donde además de varios parámetros físicos, meteorológicos y biológicos se estudiaron parámetros químicos como micronutrientes y oxígeno disuelto hasta una profundidad de 500 m. Se exponen los criterios y resultados obtenido de la distribución superficial y subsuperficial de los nutrientes y oxígeno disueltos. Se describen los diagramas T/S de las masas de aguas identificadas y su composición química. Las aguas superficiales del interior del Estrecho Bransfield se presentaron...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Chemical composition; Dissolved oxygen; Surface water; Ground water; Research vessels; Ground water; Chemical composition; Dissolved oxygen; Surface water.
Ano: 1998 URL:
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Geological and structural investigation based on regional gravity and vertical electrical sounding data of the East Nile Rift Basin – Sudan OceanDocs
The analysis of geology and structure of the study area (East Nile - North Khartoum) is attempted by utilizing regional gravity and vertical electrical sounding (VES) data to investigate the source of the high gravity encountered over the basin features in this area as well as to reveal the structures, sedimentary sequences and groundwater condition in the area. The regional gravity measurements are achieved along two profiles in the area using Scintrex CG-3 gravimeter. All corrections common in gravity method are applied to the field data to produce Bouguer anomalies. The Bouguer anomalies are combined together with those produced by Sun Oil Company in 1984 and the residual anomaly separation is made using the least-squares method. The residual anomalies...
Tipo: Theses and Dissertations Palavras-chave: Ground water.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Ground Water Quantity and Quality Management: Agricultural Production and Aquifer Salinization over Long Time Scales AgEcon
Knapp, Keith C.; Baerenklau, Kenneth A..
An economic model of ground water salinization is developed. Starting from a full, high-quality aquifer, there is an initial extraction period, an intermediate waste disposal period, and a final drainage period. Drainage management is initially source control and reuse, but eventually culminates in evaporation basins and a system steady-state. This process occurs over long time scales but is consistent with historical observation. Efficiency is qualitatively similar to common property though quantitative magnitudes differ substantially. Regulatory pricing instruments are developed to support the efficient allocation. The system is not sustainable in that net returns generally decline through time until the steady-state.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Common property; Dynamic programming; Efficiency; Ground water; Irrigation; Salinity; Sustainability; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Groundwater links between Kenyan Rift Valley lakes OceanDocs
Becht, Robert; Mwango, Fred; Muno, Fred Amstrong.
The series of lakes in the bottom of the Kenyan Rift valley are fed by rivers and springs. Based on the water balance, the relative positions determining the regional groundwater flow systems and the analysis of natural isotopes it can be shown that groundwater flows from lake Naivasha to lake Magadi, Elementeita, Nakuru and Bogoria.
Tipo: Proceedings Paper Palavras-chave: Ground water; Lake basins; River basins; Ground water; River basins; Http://; Http://
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Perspectivas do uso das águas subterrâneas do embasamento cristalino no Nordeste Semi-Árido do Brasil. Infoteca-e
Mais de 16.000 pocos ja foram perfurados nas rochas igneas metamorficas do embasamento cristalino do Semi-Arido do Nordeste do Brasil, segundo levantamento de 1983. Os aquiferos nestas formacoes sao constituidos por fraturas e fendas da rocha, cujas caracteristicas hidrogeologicas se desconhecem. Caracteristicas de vazoes esses pocos e qualidade das aguas tem marginalizado a utilizacao racional desse recurso. Assim, tem-se vazoes que variam entre 0,0 a mais de 16.000 l/h e pode-se dizer que, em geral, as aguas sao mineralizadas em maior ou menor grau, com teores de residuo seco variando entre 1 a 10 g/l. O objetivo deste trabalho e, pois, apresentar as alternativas e possibilidades de uso destas aguas subterraneas do embasamento cristalino na regiao, ainda...
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Agua subterranea; Ground water; Água; Irrigação; Manejo; Salinidade; Solo; Water; Irrigation; Saline water; Soil.
Ano: 1989 URL:
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แรงจูงใจและผลด้านเศรษฐกิจของเกษตรกรผู้ผลิตผักปลอดสารพิษ บ้านสว่าง ตำบลห้วยเตย อำเภอซำสูง จังหวัดขอนแก่น Thai Agricultural
Krailert Taweekul.
The research aim to study the motivation and the economic characteristics of farmers participated in chemically free vegetable production by using underground water. Various research methods had been used: interview and focus group at Swang village Samsung district, Khon Kaen province. Then, the data had been analyzed by using statistic test: frequency, percentage average and regression, after that explanation also was used to describe. The study found that the member of group had annual farm income average 72,941 baht per household, while their expenditures on farm totaled 62,560 baht per household per year. Their motivations of them to participate the group were: 1) need land to cultivate vegetable, 2) need the cultivate land nearby houses, 3) water for...
Tipo: Collection Palavras-chave: Chemically free vegetable; Ground water; Organic; Khon Kaen province; ผักปลอดสารพิษ; สารอินทรีย์; แรงจูงใจ; เทคโนโลยีการผลิต; รายได้; ต้นทุนการผลิต; ครัวเรือน; จ.ขอนแก่น อ.ซำสูง.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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