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Subdividing the Commons: The Politics of Property Rights Transformation in Kenya’s Maasailand AgEcon
Mwangi, Esther.
This paper discusses the internal processes and decisions that characterized the transition from collectively held group ranches to individualized property systems among the Maasai pastoralists of Kajiado district in Kenya. It addresses the question of why group ranch members would demand individualized property systems, but then turn against the outcome. In addressing this puzzle the paper discusses the process of land allocation and distribution during group ranch subdivision. It examines who the main actors were during subdivision, their degree of latitude in crafting and changing rules, and the interactions between Maasai and state institutions. Findings suggest that, because the process by which property rights change is so intertwined with politics,...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Commons; Policy process; Property rights; Kenya; Land tenure; Pastoralism; Group ranches.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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The Transformation of Property Rights in Kenya's Maasiland: Triggers and Motivations AgEcon
Mwangi, Esther.
This paper explores the puzzle of why the pastoral Maasai of Kajiado, Kenya, supported the individualization of their collectively held group ranches, an outcome that is inconsistent with theoretical expectation. Findings suggest that individuals and groups will seek to alter property rights in their anticipation of net gains from a new assignment, even as they seek to eliminate disadvantages that were present in the status quo property rights structure. Heightened perceptions of impending land scarcity, failures of collective decision making, the promise of new income opportunities and the possibility of accessing capital markets motivated individuals to support group ranch subdivision. More importantly individuals were confronted with a declining...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Property rights; Privatization; Land tenure; Group ranches; Maasai; Pastoralism; Kajiado; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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