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Accumulation of salts in the soil and growth of cowpea under salinity and phosphorus fertilization 124
Lima,Yuri Bezerra de; Sá,Francisco Vanies da Silva; Ferreira Neto,Miguel; Paiva,Emanoela Pereira de; Gheyi,Hans Raj.
ABSTRACT Cowpea is widely grown in the Brazilian semiarid region, however, due to excess salts in the soil and irrigation water constantly low crop productivity has been observed. Accumulation of salts in the soil, growth and biomass partition of cowpea under salt stress and phosphorus fertilization was evaluated in this study. The assay was conducted in a greenhouse in Mossoró, State of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil, from September to December 2015, using a Alfissol Latosolic with low phosphorus content. The experiment was carried out in a randomized block design in a factorial 5 x 3 arrangement, consisting of five water salinity levels (0.5, 1.5, 2.5, 3.5 and 4.5 dS m-1) and three doses of superphosphate (60, 100 and 140% of the recommended dose for crop -...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Vigna unguiculata; Soil fertility; Irrigation; Growth analysis; Saturation extract.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Análisis del crecimiento y calidad de semillas de tres tipos de chile (Capsicum annuum L.). 32
Ayala Villegas, Misael Jorge.
El chile es una de las hortalizas más importante a nivel mundial. México es de los países con mayor producción y al ser centro de origen y domesticación de la especie Capsicum annuum L. tiene una amplia diversidad de materiales agrupados en tipos. Los estudios referentes al crecimiento y desarrollo de la planta y semilla de chile, son escasos y no son recientes. Aquí, se comparó el crecimiento de la planta de los tipos de árbol, ancho y guajillo y se evaluó la calidad de semillas durante su desarrollo. Se utilizaron semillas provenientes del Programa de Conservación de Germoplasma de Chile del Colegio de Postgraduados. Las plantas crecieron bajo condiciones de invernadero en Texcoco, Edo, de México entre el 25 de marzo y el 12 de noviembre de 2010. El...
Palavras-chave: Capsicum annuum; Análisis de crecimiento; Etapa de desarrollo; Etapa de extracción; Germinación; Growth analysis; Development stage; Extraction stage; Germination; Maestría; Fisiología Vegetal.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Biological Cycle of Susceptible and Glyphosate-Resistant Sourgrass Biotypes in Two Growth Periods 87
ABSTRACT: Selecting glyphosate-resistant Digitaria insularis may cause changes in the biological cycle of the species. Therefore, the objective of this study was to evaluate the biological cycle of susceptible and glyphosate-resistant D. insularis biotypes in two growth periods (summer/autumn and autumn/winter). Seeds were collected in the municipality of Alagoa Grande (07o02’59" S 35o37’01,5" W), and were considered susceptible (S1), in Cascavel (24o55’27" S 53o27’54.6 ”W) considered as resistant 1 (R1), Entre Rios do Oeste (24o40’44" S 54o17’05" W) considered as resistant 2 (R2) and Marechal Cândido Rondon (24o42’30" S 54o21’10" W) considered as resistant 3 (R3). Evaluations were carried out in the summer/autumn and autumn/winter periods. The collection...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Digitaria insularis; Growth analysis; Weed; Chemical control.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Biomass association in specimens and interspecific hybrids of tomatoes 1
Zeist, André Ricardo; Faria, Marcos Ventura; Resende, Juliano Tadeu Vilela; Gabriel, André; Nonato, Julio José; Santos, Matheus Hermann dos.
The objective of this study is to analyze the growth of wild species of tomato, of the cultivar Redenção and of the respective F1 hybrids of interspecific crossings. We evaluated six wild-type accessions (Solanum pimpinellifolium ‘AF 26970’, S. galapagense ‘LA-1401’, S. peruvianum ‘AF 19684’, S. habrochaites var. hirsutum ‘PI-127826’, S. habrochaites var. glabratum ‘PI-134417’, and S. pennellii ‘LA-716’) and the commercial cultivar Redenção (S. lycopersicum) together with their respective interspecific hybrids. In completely randomized blocks and plots subdivided by time (16, 28, 42, 56, 70, and 84 days after transplanting), we evaluated leaf area (LA), total dry matter (TDM), absolute growth rate (AGR), relative growth rate (RGR) and net assimilation rate...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Solanum lycopersicum; Wild accessions; Growth analysis; Pre-breeding..
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Biomass production, yield and chemical composition of peppermint essential oil using different organic fertilizer sources 64
Costa,Andressa Giovannini; Bertolucci,Suzan Kelly Vilela; Chagas,Jorge Henrique; Ferraz,Elza Oliveira; Pinto,José Eduardo Brasil Pereira.
Mentha x piperita L. is an aromatic and medicinal species belonging to the family Lamiaceae that is popularly known as peppermint. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of organic fertilizer sources on the biomass production, yield and chemical composition of peppermint (Mentha piperita L.) essential oil. The experiment was conducted using a completely randomized design (CRD) with a 2 x 5 factorial scheme, two sources of manure (cattle and poultry), five doses (0, 3, 6, 9 and 12 kg m-2) and four replicates. Different doses of cattle and poultry manure significantly affected plant biomass production and the responses of other variables, including leaf area, leaf weight ratio, leaf area ratio, root:shoot ratio, yield and chemical composition....
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Mentha piperita; Cattle manure; Poultry manure; Growth analysis.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Crescimento e produtividade do meloeiro Torreon influenciado pela cobertura do solo - DOI: 10.4025/actasciagron.v32i2.3770 1
Morais, Elís Regina Costa; UFERSA; Maia, Celsemy Eleutério; Universidade Federal Rural do Semi-Árido; Negreiros, Maria Zuleide de; Universidade Federal Rural do Semi-Árido; Araújo Junior, Bernardo Bezerra de; Universidade Federal Rural do Semi-Árido.
Objetivou-se com este trabalho, avaliar índices de crescimento e fisiológicos do meloeiro em função dos graus-dia acumulados e determinar a relação dos índices fisiológicos com a produtividade da cultura em coberto com filme plástico nas cores preto, prateado, amarelo e marrom, e do solo descoberto como testemunha. O experimento foi desenvolvido na Fazenda Santa Júlia Agrocomercial Exportadora de Frutos Tropicais Ltda., Mossoró, Estado do Rio Grande do Norte (agosto-outubro de 2003), em Latossolo Vermelho eutrófico Argissólico, utilizando-se o melão Torreon em blocos casualizados com quatro repetições. A taxa de crescimento absoluta e a taxa de crescimento relativa para o número de folhas e índice de área foliar foram influenciadas pela cobertura do solo e...
Palavras-chave: Cucumis melo L.; Graus-dia acumulado; Análise de crescimento AGRONOMIA Cucumis melo L.; Accumulated degree-day; Growth analysis.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Cultivo hidropónico y manejo nutrimental de la producción anual de Antirrhinum majus L. en condiciones de invernadero. 32
Rojas Velázquez, Angel Natanael.
La información y tecnologías para el cultivo hidropónico de perrito (Antirrhinum majus L.) en invernadero es limitada y requiere mayor conocimiento e investigación para el adecuado manejo del cultivo. En el presente estudio se utilizó un material de verano (Grupo IV) serie Potomac cv. Rose, para determinar los efectos del potencial osmótico (PO) en la solución nutritiva (-0.036, -0.054, -0.072, -0.090 y -0.108 MPa) en el contenido de biomasa y calidad comercial, análisis de crecimiento, absorción y extracción nutrimental, durante en cultivos de invierno y verano. En general las diferentes variables evaluadas, biomasa aérea, vida de florero y días a cosecha se vieron afectados por los tratamientos de PO y por las estaciones de crecimiento. La...
Palavras-chave: Análisis de crecimiento; Absorción; Extracción; Hidroponía; Invernaderos; Growth analysis; Absorption; Extraction; Hydroponic; Greenhouse; Doctorado; Fruticultura.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Cultivo hidropónico y manejo nutrimental de la producción anual de Antirrhinum majus L. en condiciones de invernadero. 32
Rojas Velázquez, Angel Natanael.
La información y tecnologías para el cultivo hidropónico de perrito (Antirrhinum majus L.) en invernadero es limitada y requiere mayor conocimiento e investigación para el adecuado manejo del cultivo. En el presente estudio se utilizó un material de verano (Grupo IV) serie Potomac cv. Rose, para determinar los efectos del potencial osmótico (PO) en la solución nutritiva (-0.036, -0.054, -0.072, -0.090 y -0.108 MPa) en el contenido de biomasa y calidad comercial, análisis de crecimiento, absorción y extracción nutrimental, durante en cultivos de invierno y verano. En general las diferentes variables evaluadas, biomasa aérea, vida de florero y días a cosecha se vieron afectados por los tratamientos de PO y por las estaciones de crecimiento. La...
Palavras-chave: Análisis de crecimiento; Absorción; Extracción; Hidroponía; Invernaderos; Growth analysis; Absorption; Extraction; Hydroponic; Greenhouse; Doctorado; Fruticultura.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Development of mint (Mentha piperita L.) grown on biosolids: evaluation of productivity and essential oil content 52
Scavroni,Joseane; Ferreira,Leonardo Cesar; Valmorbida,Janice; Boaro,Carmen Sílvia Fernandes.
Development of Mentha piperita L . on biosolids amended soil with levels equivalent to 0, 28, 56 and 112 t ha-1 was evaluated. In order to measure the productivity and its relation with mint essential oil yield, different indices were determined: leaf area, total and several organ dry matter, leaf area ratio, specific leaf area, net assimilation rate and relative growth rate at 30, 44, 58, 72 and 86 days after planting (DAP), and essential oil yield at 90, 110 and 120 DAP. Physiological indices revealed that biosolids prolonged the vegetative phase of the plants, which adapted themselves to the presence of biosolids with time. Plants showed inverse behaviors in relation to productivity, resulting from the primary metabolism, represented by the shoot dry...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Growth analysis; Peppermint; Essential oil; Sewage-sludge; Leaf area; Dry matter.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Development of the banana plants 'Prata Anã' and 'FHIA-01' under the effect of paclobutrazol applied on the soil 42
Maia,Emanuel; Siqueira,Dalmo L.; Salomão,luiz C.C.; Peternelli,Luiz A.; Ventrella,Marília C.; Cavatte,Rithiely P.Q..
Under some cultivation conditions, excessive growth of the pseudostem of banana plants can be considered a limiting factor, and thus, the use of growth regulators can constitute a valid alternative. This work aimed to evaluate the action of paclobutrazol on the growth of the pseudostem of banana plants and other characteristics of their development. An experiment was installed with five paclobutrazol doses (0; 0.5; 1.0; 1.5; and 2.0 g of a.i. plant-1) combined with two banana plant cultivars ('Prata Anã' and 'FHIA-01'). Paclobutrazol did not affect the number of days from planting to flowering, total leaf area and leaf emission rate. However, it increased leaf permanence on the plants and sucker number, reduced the foliar area of the leaves emitted after...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Foliar area; Growth analysis; Growth regulator; Musa spp.; Suckers.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Effects of salt stress on plant growth, stomatal response and solute accumulation of different maize genotypes 61
Azevedo Neto,André Dias de; Prisco,José Tarquinio; Enéas-Filho,Joaquim; Lacerda,Claudivan Feitosa de; Silva,José Vieira; Costa,Paulo Henrique Alves da; Gomes-Filho,Enéas.
Seeds from eight different maize genotypes (BR3123, BR5004, BR5011, BR5026, BR5033, CMS50, D766 and ICI8447) were sown in vermiculite, and after germination they were transplanted into nutrient solution or nutrient solution containing 100 mmol.L-1 of NaCl and placed in a greenhouse. During the experimental period plant growth (dry matter, shoot to root dry mass ratio, leaf area, relative growth rate, and net assimilation rate), leaf temperature, stomatal conductance, transpiration, predawn water potential, sodium, potassium, soluble amino acids and soluble carbohydrate contents were determined in both control and salt stressed plants of all genotypes studied. Salt stress reduced plant growth of all genotypes but the genotypes BR5033 and BR5011 were...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Growth analysis; Osmoregulation; Salinity; Transpiration; Zea mays; Water relations.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Effects of the size of sown seed on growth and yield of common bean cultivars of different seed sizes 61
Lima,Elvis Rodrigues; Santiago,Aline Silva; Araújo,Adelson Paulo; Teixeira,Marcelo Grandi.
A field experiment was conducted to evaluate the effects of planting different sizes of seed of the same cultivar on biomass accumulation and grain yield of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) cultivars of different seed sizes. A 6 X 2 split-plot factorial design with four replicates was employed, with six bean cultivars as main plots and two seed sizes (small and large, the latter twice as heavy as the former) of the same cultivar as subplots. Eight weekly samplings of biomass were performed, and yield components were measured at maturity. Large seeds increased the leaf area index and the shoot and root biomass of bean cultivars, particularly at the beginning of the growth cycle, but they did not affect the pod biomass. Improved growth associated with the...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Phaseolus vulgaris; Genotype; Growth analysis; Leaf area; Yield components.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Growth analysis and yield of tomato crop under different irrigation depths 91
Monte,José A.; Carvalho,Daniel F. de; Medici,Leonardo O.; Silva,Leonardo D. B. da; Pimentel,Carlos.
The influence of irrigation depth was evaluated on tomato crop hybrid Debora plus for salad in a field experiment in split-block design with five treatments (irrigation depth of 40, 60, 80, 100 and 120% of crop evapotranspiration - ETc) and four replications. During the experiment, ten plant samples were collected to determine phytomass and leaf area to estimate plant growth parameters for different depths of irrigation. Results showed maximal growth between 70 and 80 days after transplanting in all treatments. Increase in irrigation depth above 80% of ETc increased crop growth rate (CGR), leaf area index (LAI) and total production of tomato fruits, although same commercial fruit yield was obtained with the lower depths. Therefore, an increase in depth of...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Solanum lycopersicon; Growth analysis; Drip irrigation.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Growth analysis of sweet pepper cultivated in coconut fiber in a greenhouse 75
Charlo,Hamilton César de O; Oliveira,Sueyde F de; Castoldi,Renata; Vargas,Pablo F; Braz,Leila T; Barbosa,José Carlos.
Knowledge about the growth of crops allows the planning of rational cultivation methods which contribute to achieve greater potential of plant species, besides supplying information for the construction of descriptive mathematical models of growth. The growth curve of sweet pepper (Eppo hybrid), cultivated in coconut fiber in a greenhouse with fertirrigation, was determined. The experiment consisted initially of 160 plants divided into four blocks. Two plants were analyzed per block every 21 days after transplanting, ending at 189 days after transplant. The cultivation was carried out in plastics pots of 13 L containing coconut fiber, which were arranged in double rows, spaced 0.5 x 0.8 m between simple rows and 1.1 m between double rows. In each harvest...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Capsicum annuum; Growth analysis; Fertirrigation.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Growth and Development of Digitaria insularis Biotypes Susceptible and Resistant to Glyphosate 87
ABSTRACT The study aimed to evaluate the growth and development of biotypes of Digitaria insularis susceptible and resistant to glyphosate. Samples of biotypes were collected in Western Paraná in Cascavel, one susceptible (24o57'29.06" S and 53o30'23.73" W) and one resistant (24o54'54.99" S and 53o30'08.55" W; with Resistance Factor of 2.96). The experiment was arranged in a completely randomized design with four replications. The treatments consisted of different plant collection timings, carried out at regular intervals of 14, 21, 28, 35, 42, 49, 56, 63, 70, 77, 84, 91, 98, 105 and 112 days after emergence. The growth curve of susceptible and resistant biotypes were similar; however, the susceptible biotypes accumulated more leaf dry mass, while the...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Growth analysis; Chemical control; Sourgrass; Weeds.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Growth and development of yacon in different periods of planting and growing regions 1
Silva, Diego Mathias Natal da; Oliveira, Fábio Luiz de; Cavatte, Paulo Cezar; Quaresma, Mateus Augusto Lima; Christo, Bruno Fardim.
The increasing interest in the commercial exploitation of yacon has demanded adequate technological knowledge for the implantation and management of the crop, including planting periods and cultivation regions that contribute to the satisfactory growth and development of the species. This study was conducted in two different locations, one in a mountainous region and another in a lowland region. In each location, yacon was planted in four different seasons, fall (April), winter (July), spring (September) and summer (December). We collected primary dry matter accumulation data for different parts of the plant and the leaf area at 30 day intervals. We used these values to calculate the following morphophysiological indexes: specific leaf area, leaf area...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Smallanthus sonchifolius; Growth analysis; Production.; Fisiologia de Plantas Cultivadas.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Growth and development of yacon in different periods of planting and growing regions 1
Silva, Diego Mathias Natal da; Oliveira, Fábio Luiz de; Cavatte, Paulo Cezar; Quaresma, Mateus Augusto Lima; Christo, Bruno Fardim.
The increasing interest in the commercial exploitation of yacon has demanded adequate technological knowledge for the implantation and management of the crop, including planting periods and cultivation regions that contribute to the satisfactory growth and development of the species. This study was conducted in two different locations, one in a mountainous region and another in a lowland region. In each location, yacon was planted in four different seasons, fall (April), winter (July), spring (September) and summer (December). We collected primary dry matter accumulation data for different parts of the plant and the leaf area at 30 day intervals. We used these values to calculate the following morphophysiological indexes: specific leaf area, leaf area...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Smallanthus sonchifolius; Growth analysis; Production. Fisiologia de Plantas Cultivadas.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Growth and productivity of lettuce cultivars under protected environment with and without thermal reflector screen 22
Gonçalves-Trevisoli, Edilaine Della Valentina; Dartora, Janaína; Mendonça, Heloísa Ferro Constâncio; Rissato, Bruna Broti; Dildey, Omari Dangelo Forlin; Coltro-Roncato, Sidiane; Santana, José Carlos de; Klosowski, Élcio Silvério; Echer, Marcia de Morais; Tsutsumi, Cláudio Yuji.
The aim of the work was to evaluate the growth and productivity of lettuce cultivars cultivated in greenhouse with and without thermo-reflective screens. The experiment was conducted in greenhouse in Assis Chateaubriand, Paraná State. The experimental design was in a randomized block design with six replications and treatments arranged in a 2 x 4 factorial. The first factor consisted of culture environments (with and without thermo-reflective screens 50%) and the second of four cultivars of lettuce (Itapuã, Paola, Vera and Verônica). Five samples were performed weekly for evaluation of dry matter and leaf area used to obtain the absolute and relative growth rates, net assimilation rates, leaf area ratio and specific leaf area. At the last evaluation were...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Growth analysis; Photosynthesis; Lactuca sativa L.; Solar radiation..
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Growth, biomass allocation and photosynthesis of Rolandra fruticosa (asteraceae) in response to shade 87
Dias-Filho,Moacyr B.; Chagas Júnior,Aloisio F..
The effects of shade on growth, biomass allocation patterns and photosynthetic response was examined for Rolandra fruticosa (L.) Kuntze, a common perennial weed shrub in cultivated pastures and agricultural areas of Brazilian Amazonia, for plants grown in full sunlight and those shaded to 30 % of full sunlight over a 34-d period. Specific leaf area and leaf area ratio were higher for shade plants during all the experimental period. Shade plants allocated significantly less biomass to root tissue than sun plants and relative growth rate was higher in sun plants. Sun leaves had significantly higher dark respiration and light saturated rates of photosynthesis than shade leaves. The apparent quantum efficiency was higher for shade leaves, while light...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Specific leaf area; Leaf area ratio; Growth analysis; Tropics.
Ano: 2000 URL:
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Growth rates and yields of cassava at different planting dates in a tropical savanna climate 63
Phoncharoen,Phanupong; Banterng,Poramate; Vorasoot,Nimitr; Jogloy,Sanun; Theerakulpisut,Piyada; Hoogenboom,Gerrit.
ABSTRACT: Details on growth and yield for cassava planted on different dates are useful for determining suitable genotypes for particular growing seasons. Our aim was to study growth and yield of cassava planted on different dates. Four cassava genotypes (Kasetsart 50, Rayong 9, Rayong 11 and CMR38-125-77) were evaluated using a randomized complete block design (RCBD) with four replications in six growing periods (20 Apr, 25 May, 30 June, 5 Oct, 10 Nov and 15 Dec 2015-2016) at Khon Kaen, Thailand. Soil properties were determined prior to planting, and crop traits and weather data were recorded. The six planting dates had a statistically significant effect on all crop traits. Low temperatures and solar radiation related to low biomass accumulation rates and...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Climatic factors; Environment; Growth analysis; Growing date.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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