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Germination of Puccinia polysora spores through aqueous extracts of Mikania glomerata Sci. Agrar.Paran. / SAP
Carvalho, J. C.; Viecelli, C. A.; Calixto, L. B.; Barbieri, L. D.; Silva, A. C..
Corn rust requires chemical fungicides as the main method for its control. This research aimed to evaluate the spore germination of the fungus Puccinia polysora, responsible for corn rust, using static aqueous extract of guaco (Mikania glomerata). The extract was obtained by hydrating whole leaves of guaco in distilled water and then it was kept in the refrigerator for 24 hours. Afterwards, the extract was filtered with filter paper and diluted in water until it reached the concentrations of 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5%. The control was prepared with distilled water. Aliquots of 40 µL of the extract and 40 µL of spore suspension of P. polysora (1 x 104 spores mL-1), obtained in a commercial farming area in Toledo (Paraná, Brazil), were spread over the surface of a...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Ferrugem polisora; Guaco; Milho; Planta medicinal.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Phytochemical and molluscicidal activity of Mikania glomerata Sprengel (Asteraceae) in different lifestages of Subulina octona (Mollusca, Subulinidade) BABT
Souza,Bruna Aparecida de; Silva,Lidiane Cristina da; Chicarino,Evelyn Durço; Bessa,Elisabeth Cristina de Almeida.
The objective of this work was to study the molluscicidal activity of aqueous extract of Mikania glomerata on the land snail Subulina octona and to assess the changes caused on the snail's fecundity, growth, hatchability and the offspring produced after exposure. Eggs, newly hatched and 30 day old snails were exposed to the sublethal concentration of M. glomerata extract for 24 and 48 h and the observations were made for 120 days. The presence of tannins, flavonoids and saponins were shown by phytochemical tests. The extract reduced significantly the hatchability and the survival of the offspring hatched from the exposed eggs. The eggs exposed for 48 h presented lower hatchability rates. There was a reduction on survival and growth of newly hatched and...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Land snail; Guaco; Molluscicidal; Toxicity; Control.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Produção de guaco no litoral cearense. Infoteca-e
PEREIRA, R. de C. A.; VAZ, A. P. A.; SILVA, D. B. da; VIEIRA, R. F..
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Mikania laevigata Schultz; Preparo das mudas; Pragas e doenças; Guaco; Produção; Colheita; Planta Medicinal.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Rendimento de biomassa de acessos de guaco em Planaltina, Distrito Federal. Infoteca-e
ALONSO, A. M.; SOUSA, D. M. G. de; MALAQUIAS, J. V.; VIEIRA, R. F.; SILVA, D. B. da.
Resumo ? O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o rendimento da biomassa de acessos de Mikania laevigata nas condições edafoclimáticas do Cerrado, Planaltina, DF. O experimento ocorreu na Embrapa Cerrados, com plantio em abril/2013, em espaldeiras e espaçamento de 2,0 m entrelinhas por 1,0 m entre plantas, adubação de acordo com a análise do solo, irrigação por aspersão, pleno sol e uso de tela preta de ráfia para solo nas entrelinhas. O delineamento foi em blocos casualizados com 7 blocos e 3 tratamentos: CPQBA, UNAERP e Cenargen, 5 plantas/tratamento. A verificação estatística foi pela Análise de Variância (Anova), Teste de Tukey a 5% de probabilidade e análise pelo Statistical Analysis System (SAS). A colheita ocorreu em maio/2014 e em seguida...
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Mikania laevigata; Guaco; Planta Medicinal; Biomassa; Cerrado; Asteraceae; Mikania guaco.
Ano: 2021 URL:
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Stability of hydroalcoholic extracts of two species of guaco; Mikania glomerata SPRENG. and Mikania laevigata SCHULTZ. (Asteraceae), by UHPLC-MS BJPS
Melo,Lucilia Vilela de; Sawaya,Alexandra Christine Helena Frankland.
It is important to study the stability of plant extracts used as active ingredients in phytotherapic medicine, as degradation of the active principles directly affects the efficacy and safety of these products. Therefore, a stability study of the hydroalcoholic extract of the species: Mikania glomerata and Mikania laevigata was conducted in order to determine the speed of degradation and shelf life of these extracts, which are incorporated in cough syrup in Brazil. Leaves of both species were dried in an oven or by lyophilization (freeze-dried). Hydroalcoholic extracts underwent both accelerated stability study of six months and long-term stability study for 12 months. Samples were stored at different temperatures and every three months were analysed by...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Mikania glomerata Spreng.; Mikania laevigata Sch; Bip ex Baker; Guaco; Ultra-high performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry; Stability test; Coumarin; Chlorogenic acid.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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Variação na estrutura foliar de Mikania glomerata Spreng. (Asteraceae) sob diferentes condições de luminosidade Rev. Bras. Bot.
Espindola Junior,Ari; Boeger,Maria Regina Torres; Maccari Júnior,Agenor; Reissmann,Carlos Bruno; Rickli,Fernanda Lessa.
As variações estruturais foliares de Mikania glomerata Spreng. foram investigadas em distintas condições de luminosidade (pleno sol, meia-sombra e sombra; 100%, 26,4% e 13,8% de intensidade luminosa, respectivamente) associadas a diferentes tipos de coberturas vegetais numa região de Floresta com Araucária, Município de Castro, PR (25°50'64"S e 49°43'69"W). Este estudo buscou subsidiar os produtores de plantas medicinais na escolha da melhor condição de luz para plantio, gerando informações sobre o potencial das plantas medicinais na recomposição e manejo do sub-bosque da área. Após dois anos de crescimento nos tratamentos, 37 folhas foram coletadas em cada tratamento, para a análise de massa foliar fresca e seca, teor de água, área foliar, área foliar...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Guaco; Intensidade luminosa; Plantas medicinais; Plasticidade foliar.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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