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Guide du chef de mission de la campagne MEDITS (série Française) (MEDiterranean International Trawl Survey) ArchiMer
Jadaud, Angelique; Souplet, Arnauld.
Ce document détaille la succession des actions à conduire lors des campagnes MEDITS. Il vient en complément du manuel des protocoles officiel.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: MEDITS; Campagne halieutique; Guide.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Research on Model of Guiding Rural Residents’ Relatively Centralized Residence-A case study of Chongqing City AgEcon
Song, Fu-zhong; Zhao, Hong-bin.
On the basis of expounding the status quo of rural residents’ residence, the thesis notes that influenced by the weak foundation of rural economy, the characteristic of mountain landscape, smallholder consciousness, shortage of capital and other factors, the rural residents in Chongqing City mainly live scattered. In addition to opportunities of the expansion and drive of city, rural market development, rural resources development, rural industrial development, and rural ecological migration, the model of urban development promotion, the model of market development drive, the model of land development drive, the model of rural industry construction and the model of resettlement and reconstruction are advocated in order to guide the rural residents to adopt...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Guide; Rural residents; Relative centralized residence; Chongqing City, China; Agribusiness.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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