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A Multi-Factorial Risk Prioritization Framework for Food-borne Pathogens 31
Henson, Spencer J.; Caswell, Julie A.; Cranfield, John A.L.; Fazil, Aamir; Davidson, Valerie J.; Anders, Sven M.; Schmidt, Claudia.
To lower the incidence of human food-borne disease, experts and stakeholders have urged the development of a science- and risk-based management system in which food-borne hazards are analyzed and prioritized. A literature review shows that most approaches to risk prioritization developed to date are based on measures of health outcomes and do not systematically account for other factors that may be important to decision making. The Multi-Factorial Risk Prioritization Framework developed here considers four factors that may be important to risk managers: public health, consumer risk perceptions and acceptance, market-level impacts, and social sensitivity. The framework is based on the systematic organization and analysis of data on these multiple factors....
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Risk analysis; Risk prioritization; Food-borne pathogens; Benefits and costs; Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety; I18; L51; Q00; K32; H11.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Agri-Environmental Policy: Understanding the Role of Regional Administration 31
Eggers, Jorg; Laschewski, Lutz; Schleyer, Christian.
With regard to agri-environmental schemes (AES) under Regulation (EC) 1257/99, we suggest that their ineffectiveness, inefficiency, and divers uptake is inherent to the way they are institutionalised in the European CAP framework. Based on experiences of the GRANO research project that initiated two Agri-Environmental Forums in Brandenburg (Germany) to integrate local actors directly into designing and implementing local AES we argue that the process of designing AES can be conceptualised as a complex negotiation process at Laender level. The related institutional settings shape possible outcomes and scheme designs. With only "passive support" for decentralised and participatory approaches yet compulsory complex bureaucratic procedures on part of the EU,...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Agri-environmental policy; Subsidiarity principle; Germany; Environmental Economics and Policy; H11; H77; Q18.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Democracy, Property Rights, Income Equality, and Corruption 31
Dong, Bin; Torgler, Benno.
This paper presents theoretical and empirical evidence on the nexus between corruption and democracy. We establish a political economy model where the effect of democracy on corruption is conditional on income distribution and property rights protection. Our empirical analysis with cross-national panel data provides evidence that is consistent with the theoretical prediction. Moreover, the effect of democratization on corruption depends on the protection of property rights and income equality which shows that corruption is a nonlinear function of these variables. The results indicate that democracy will work better as a control of corruption if the property rights system works and there is a low level of income inequality. On the other hand if property...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Corruption; Democracy; Income inequality; Property rights; Political Economy; D73; H11; P16.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Distributing pollution rights in cap-and-trade programs: are outcomes independent of allocation? 31
Fowlie, Meredith; Perloff, Jeffrey M..
According to the Coase theorem, if property rights to pollute are clearly established and emissions permit markets nearly eliminate transaction costs, the permit market equilibrium will be independent of how the permits are initially distributed among …firms. Testing the independence of …firms' permit allocations and emissions is difficult because of endogeneity and omitted variable bias. We exploit the random assignment of …firms to different permit allocation cycles in Southern California's RECLAIM Program to test for a causal relationship between facility-level emissions and initial permit allocations. Our primary …finding is that a null hypothesis of zero effect cannot be rejected.
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Air pollution; Emissions trading; Transaction costs; Environmental Economics and Policy; D21; D23; H11; Q50; Q53; Q58.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Does Nature Limit Environmental Federalism? 31
Smith, V. Kerry; Schwabe, Kurt A.; Mansfield, Carol.
This research considers whether the principles developed to analyze the optimal jurisdiction for producing public goods can be applied in cases where regulations of private activities provide the primary means to deliver different amounts of public and quasi-public goods. The analysis evaluates how devolution affects the development of benefit cost analyses for regulations and the role of economic versus environmental factors in defining the extent of the regulatory market. Using a study of nutrient control for the Neuse River in North Carolina, the analysis develops area specific measures of the benefits and costs of regulations and illustrates how changes in the composition of the areas allowed to "count" for policy design can affect decisions about the...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Environmental federalism; Benefit-cost analysis; Nutrient control; Environmental Economics and Policy; H11; H23; Q28.
Ano: 1997 URL:
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Environmental Decentralization in the United States: Seeking the Proper Balance between National and State Authority 31
Laskowski, Stanley; Morgenstern, Richard D.; Blackman, Allen.
This paper examines the United States' experience with environmental decentralization, focusing on the relationship between the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the states. It outlines the factors that are considered in determining the appropriate degree of decentralization, the advantages and disadvantages of decentralization, how the EPA-state relationship has evolved over the years, and the structural mechanisms used to ensure that there is a high degree of performance by EPA and the states in administering the programs. Program-specific examples of the EPA-state relationship are also provided.
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Environmental decentralization; Environmental administration; Environmental Economics and Policy; H11; H59.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Evaluating Regulatory Impact Analyses 31
Harrington, Winston; Morgenstern, Richard D..
Federal agencies in the United States are required to prepare regulatory impact analyses (RIAs) for every major regulatory action they undertake. Increasingly, other OECD countries are imposing similar requirements. However, there has been little examination of the quality of these documents or of the uses to which they have been put in the regulatory process or elsewhere. In this paper we survey previous efforts to evaluate RIAs and find a fair amount of evaluation of RIAs as stand-alone documents, but much less evaluation of their contribution to producing better regulations.
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Regulation; RIA; Benefit-cost analysis; Cost-effectiveness analysis; Environmental Economics and Policy; H11; H43.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Expanding the Focus of Cost-Benefit Analysis for Food Safety: A Multi-Factorial Risk Prioritization Approach 31
Caswell, Julie A..
A pressing need in the area of food safety is a tool for making overall, macro judgments about which risks should be given priority for management. Governments often seek to base this prioritization on public health impacts only to find that other considerations also influence the prioritization process. A multi-factorial approach formally recognizes that public health, market-level impacts, consumer risk preferences and acceptance, and the social sensitivity of particular risks all play a role in prioritization. It also provides decision makers with a variety of information outputs that allow risk prioritization to be considered along different dimensions. Macro-level prioritization of risks based on multiple factors is an important expanded use of...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Cost-benefit analysis; Food safety; Risk prioritization; Agricultural and Food Policy; Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety; Risk and Uncertainty; I18; L51; Q18; K32; H11.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Harnessing the Forces of Urban Expansion - The Public Economics of Farmland Development Allowance 31
Chau, Nancy H.; Zhang, Weiwen.
For decades, rapid urban expansion has led to concerns over the loss of cultivated land in rural China. This contrasts sharply with another salient feature of the Chinese land policy reform landscape that has gone on largely unnoticed - the addition of newly cultivated land in China through land development has consistently exceeded land conversion. In a model featuring fiscal decentralization, local governments as custodians of land use and development, along with a land development allowance policy instituted in 1998, we show that a land development allowance policy can harness the forces of urban expansion to encourage agricultural land development.
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Land development allowance; Fiscal decentralization; Inter-jurisdictional competition; Agricultural development; Community/Rural/Urban Development; H11; H77; P35; R5; R14; O18.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Institutional Impediments to Groundwater Trading: the case of the Gnangara groundwater system of Western Australia 31
Skurray, James H.; Pandit, Ram; Pannell, David J..
The development of a market in groundwater usage rights can be inhibited by constraints arising from the institutional context. Such impediments may reduce the potential gains from trade and may generate high transaction costs for prospective traders. We analyse the regulations and policies influencing groundwater transfers in a case-study area -- the Gnangara groundwater system around Perth, Western Australia -- and identify significant impediments to a groundwater market. Property rights are found to be conditional, temporary, and vulnerable to amendment. Regulatory approval is required for all transfers. Facilitating infrastructure is lacking, and price information is unavailable. Management area boundaries reflect land ownership and use rather than...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Agricultural and Food Policy; Environmental Economics and Policy; Institutional and Behavioral Economics; Land Economics/Use; Political Economy; Public Economics; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy; Q15; Q25; Q28; Q38; Q56; Q57; Q58; D02; R52; H41; H23; H11; D23; D47; D78; H44.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Local Officials as Land Developers: Urban Spatial Expansion in China 31
Lichtenberg, Erik; Ding, Chengri.
We investigate conceptually and empirically the role of economic incentives in the primary land allocation in China in recent years. A theoretical analysis demonstrates how recent fiscal and governance reforms give rise to land conversion decisions and long run urban spatial sizes much like those generated by competitive land markets with private land ownership. An econometric investigation of Shanghai and the provinces surrounding it demonstrates the presence of rent gradients, often used as an indication of the presence of land markets. It thus appears that economic forces have continued to exercise dominant influence over primary land allocations in spite of recent administrative restrictions on land conversion. These rent gradients are strongest in the...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Community/Rural/Urban Development; Land Economics/Use; R5; R14; H11; O18.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Political Selection and the Quality of Government: Evidence from South India 31
Besley, Timothy; Pande, Rohini; Rao, Vijayendra.
This paper uses household data from India to examine the economic and social status of village politicians, and how individual and village characteristics affect politician behavior while in office. Education increases the chances of selection to public office and reduces the odds that a politician uses political power opportunistically. In contrast, land ownership and political connections enable selection but do not affect politician opportunism. At the village level, changes in the identity of the politically dominant group alters the group allocation of resources but not politician opportunism. Improved information flows in the village, however, reduce opportunism and improve resource allocation.
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Development; Political economy; Public provision of private goods; Decentralization; Political Economy; O12; H11; H42; O20.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Ortega, David L.; Florax, Raymond J.G.M.; Delbecq, Benoit A..
This paper analyzes the spatial distribution of corruption and its primary economic and political determinants. Economic freedom and development are found to lower incidences of corruption. Of notable significance, this study finds empirical evidence of a non-linear relationship between a country’s level of democracy and corruption. Extreme authoritarian regimes are found to have lower corruption levels than hybrid regimes, but past a certain threshold democracy inhibits corruption. More importantly the analysis in this paper finds that the economic and political actions of a country have a significant impact on corruption levels worldwide.
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Corruption; Spatial econometrics; Economic freedom; Political democracy; Political Economy; Public Economics; Research Methods/ Statistical Methods; C21; D73; H11.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Principal-Agent-Probleme in Internationalen Organisationen 31
Vaubel, Roland.
Der Aufsatz zeigt anhand zahlreicher Beispiele und quantitativer Analysen, dass internationale Organisationen - mehr als alle anderen staatlichen Institutionen - ein extremes Kontrolldefizit aufweisen. Umfragen belegen, dass sie andere Interessen als die Bürger haben. Sie können diese Interessen auch durchsetzen, weil die Informationskosten der Bürger hoch, ihre Kontrollanreize gering und ihre Ausweichmöglichkeiten eingeschränkt sind. Die Parlamente können ihrer Kontrollfunktion nicht gerecht werden, weil sie von den nationalen und internationalen Exekutivorganen entmachtet werden. Von den nationalen Regierungen werden die internationalen Organisationen nur sehr unvollkommen kontrolliert, weil sie Agenda- Setting Macht besitzen und weil die Kontrollkosten...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: International organisations; Principal-agent problem; Institutional and Behavioral Economics; H79; H11.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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State and Federal Roles in Facilitating Electricity Competition: Legal and Economic Perspectives 31
Brennan, Timothy J..
Jurisdictions have overlapping authority regarding electricity restructuring when a national authority and subnational regional governments-for example, states-both have a say. The initial sections of the paper review the division of regulatory authority over electricity markets in the United States, constitutional provisions, recent developments, and how federalist concerns have been manifested in antitrust and telecommunications. Justifications for using private markets rather than central governments suggest an efficiency approach to dividing authority, based on information, cross-border externalities, and agency, that is, the ability of a government to reflect the political preferences of its constituents. The goal is not to impose a "right" policy...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Electricity restructuring; Federalism; Regulatory policy; Political Economy; H11; L94; L51; H77.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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The changing paradigm of rural governance 31
Guido, Valeria Agustina; Rodriguez, Maria Soledad.
The following document will approach the analysis of the Provincial Agricultural Services Program, PROSAP, as a tool to promote the sustainable development of agriculture, taking into consideration the economic and social needs, with a strong regional and territorial insertion. The purpose is to go beyond the prospects of the sector, identifying the changes in the management of public policies for the agricultural area through the PROSAP. Although a new governance paradigm with larger consensus and more coordination is foreseen, its institutionalization will face frictions, difficulties and challenges.
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Agricultural Policy - Structure; Scope; And Performance of Government; Community/Rural/Urban Development; Q18; H11.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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The Efficacy of Parochial Politics: Caste, Commitment, and Competence in Indian Local Governments 31
Munshi, Kaivan; Rosenzweig, Mark R..
Parochial politics is typically associated with poor leadership and low levels of public good provision. This paper explores the possibility that community involvement in politics need not necessarily worsen governance and, indeed, can be efficiency enhancing when the context is appropriate. Complementing the new literature on the role of community networks in solving market problems, we test the hypothesis that strong traditional social institutions can discipline the leaders they put forward, successfully substituting for secular political institutions when they are ineffective. Using new data on Indian local governments at the ward level over multiple terms, and exploiting the randomized election reservation system, we find that the presence of a...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Politics; Commitment; Governance; International Development; Political Economy; H11; H44; O12.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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The Political Economy of Incentive Regulation: Theory and Evidence from US States 31
Guerriero, Carmine.
Replaced with revised version of paper 10/14/08.
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Incentive Schemes; Accountability Rules; Regulatory Capture; D73; H11; L51; K2.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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The Positive Political Economy of Instrument Choice in Environmental Policy 31
Keohane, Nathaniel O.; Revesz, Richard L.; Stavins, Robert N..
In the realm of environmental policy instrument choice, there is great divergence between the recommendations of normative economic theory and positive political reality. Four gaps stand out. First, despite the advantages of market-based policy instruments, they have been used to a minor degree, compared with conventional, command-and-control instruments. Second, pollution-control standards have typically been much more stringent for new than for existing sources, despite the inefficiency of this approach. Third, in the few instances in which market-based instruments have been adopted, they have nearly always taken the form of grandfathered tradeable permits, rather than auctioned permits or pollution taxes, despite the advantages in some situations of...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Environmental Economics and Policy; L51; H11; P16; K32; Q28.
Ano: 1997 URL:
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The “Rural-Sensitive Evaluation Model” for evaluation of local governments’ sensitivity to rural issues in Serbia 31
Win, Heijman; Milic, Branislav B.; Bogdanov, Natalija.
In the search for an adequate set of indicators to measure the level of pro-rural aspirations of Local Governments (LG), the main existing approaches to endogenous development have been examined. However, the conclusion must be that none of them seem to fit the needs completely. For this reason, a new index, the Municipal Rural-Sensitive Index (MRSI), has been developed, representing the base for the Rural Sensitive Evaluation Model (RSEM). The MRSI integrates the key features of the LEADER (Liaison Entre Actions de Développement Rural) philosophy, consisting of 41 rural-sensitive indicators, grouped into 3 categories and 7 sub-categories. The resulting MRSI scores allow a quick comparison between LGs, show changes over time and assists in establishing a...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Evaluation; Model; LEADER; Local Government; Agricultural and Food Policy; C52; C54; H11; O21; R58..
Ano: 2011 URL:
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