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Bidding for Complex Projects: Evidence From the Acquisitions of IT Services 31
Albano, Gian Luigi; Dini, Federico; Zampino, Roberto.
Competitive bidding (as auctions) is commonly used to procure goods and services. Public buyers are often mandated by law to adopt competitive procedures to ensure transparency and promote full competition. Recent theoretical literature, however, suggests that open competition can perform poorly in allocating complex projects. In exploring the determinants of suppliers’ bidding behavior in procurement auctions for complex IT services, we find results that are consistent with theory. We find that price and quality do not exhibit the classical tradeoff one would expect: quite surprisingly, high quality is associated to low prices. Furthermore, while quality is mainly driven by suppliers’ experience, price is affected more by the scoring rule and by the level...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palabras clave: Procurement Auctions; Scoring Rules; IT Contracts; Price/Quality Ratio; Demand and Price Analysis; D44; D86; H51; H57.
Año: 2008 URL:
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Estimation of Treatment Effect of Asthma Case Management Using Propensity Score Methods 31
Brandt, Sylvia J.; Gale, Sara; Tager, Ira.
Objective: To estimate the treatment effect from participating in an asthma intervention that was part of the National Asthma Control Program. Study Setting: Data on children who participated in asthma case management (N=270) and eligible children who did not participate in case management (N=2,742) were extracted from a claims database. Study Design: We created 81 measures of health care utilization and 40 measures of neighborhood characteristics that could be related to participation in the program. The participation model was selected using the cross-validation-based Deletion Substitution and Addition (DSA) algorithm. We used optimal full matching for the vector of Mahalanobis’ distances and propensity scores to estimate the difference between...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palabras clave: Asthma; Treatment effect; Health intervention; Propensity scores; Consumer/Household Economics; Health Economics and Policy; Research Methods/ Statistical Methods; I1; D13; H51; C31; C80; C81; C83.
Año: 2009 URL:
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Belot, Michele; James, Jonathan.
This paper provides field evidence on the effects of diet on educational outcomes, exploiting a campaign lead in the UK in 2004, which introduced drastic changes in the meals, offered in the schools of one Borough – Greenwich - shifting from low-budget processed meals towards healthier options. We evaluate the effect of the campaign on educational outcomes in primary schools using a difference in differences approach; comparing educational outcomes in primary schools (key stage 2 outcomes more specifically) before and after the reform, using the neighbouring Local Education Authorities as a control group. We find evidence that educational outcomes did improve significantly in English and Science. We also find that the campaign lead to a 15% fall in...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palabras clave: Child nutrition; Child health; School meals; Education; Natural Experiment; Placebo effect; Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety; Health Economics and Policy; J13; I18; I28; H51; H52.
Año: 2009 URL:
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Non-Parametric Approaches to Education and Health Efficiency in OECD Countries 31
Afonso, Antonio; St. Aubyn, Miguel.
We address the efficiency in education and health sectors for a sample of OECD countries by applying two alternative non-parametric methodologies: FDH and DEA. Those are two areas where public expenditure is of great importance so that findings have strong implications in what concerns public sector efficiency. When estimating the efficiency frontier we focus on measures of quantity inputs. We believe this approach to be advantageous since a country may well be efficient from a technical point of view but appear as inefficient if the inputs it uses are expensive. Efficient outcomes across sectors and analytical methods seem to cluster around a small number of core countries, even if for different reasons: Japan, Korea and Sweden.
Tipo: Journal Article Palabras clave: Education; Health; Expenditure efficiency; Production possibility frontier; FDH; DEA; C14; H51; H52; I18; I21; I28.
Año: 2005 URL:
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