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Benefits of radar-derived surface current assimilation for South of Africa ocean circulation 5
Couvelard, Xavier; Messager, Christophe; Penven, Pierrick; Smet, Sébastien; Lattes, Philippe.
The oceanic circulation south of Africa is characterised by a complex dynamics with a strong variability due to the presence of the Agulhas current and numerous eddies. This area of interest is also the location of several natural gas fields under seafloor which are targeted for drilling and exploitation. The complex and powerful ocean currents induces significant issues for ship operations at the surface as well as under the surface for deep sea operations. Therefore, the knowledge of the state of the currents and the ability to forecast them in a realistic manners could greatly enforce the safety of various marine operation. Following this objective, an array of HF radar systems were deployed to allow a detailed knowledge of the Agulhas currents and its...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: 4DVAR; Agulhas current; HF radar; ROMS; Forecast.
Ano: 2021 URL:
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Etude de la circulation résiduelle lagrangienne en mer d'Iroise 5
Muller, Heloise.
The aim of this work is to assess the lagrangian residual circulation in the Iroise sea and to evaluate the relative contribution of the different physical processes at play. We calculate water displacements with a diagnostic lagrangian tool that computes the full trajectories of Active particles advected in a given velocity field. The lagrangian residual circulation is inferred from trajectories integrated over an appropriate period. This analysis is applied both to ocean model ouputs and genuine, gridded current measurements. These two sources of data are indeed complementary to study the lagrangian residual circulation according to the impact of the physical processes at play. We used sea surface currents measured by HF radars and surface currents...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Mer d'Iroise; Modélisation régionale océanique; Circulation résiduelle lagrangienne; Radar HF; Iroise sea; Regional oceanic modeling; Lagrangian residual circulation; HF radar.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Surface currents in the Alderney Race from high-frequency radar measurements and three-dimensional modelling 5
Lopez, G.; Bennis, Anne-claire; Barbin, Y.; Sentchev, A.; Benoit, L.; Marié, Louis.
Two weeks of high-frequency radar measurements collected at the Alderney Race are compared with the results of a three-dimensional fully coupled wave–current model. Spatial current measurements are rare in this site, otherwise well investigated through modelling. Thus, the radar measurements offer a unique opportunity to examine the spatial reliability of numerical results, and can help to improve our understanding of the complex currents in the area. Comparison of observed and modelled surface current velocities showed a good agreement between the methods, represented by root mean squared errors ranging from 14 to 40 cm s−1 and from 18 to 60 cm s−1 during neap and spring tides, respectively. Maximum errors were found in shallow regions with consistently...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: HF radar; Surface current; Alderney Race; MARS 3D; WW3; High-frequency radar.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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Surface water circulation patterns in the southeastern bay of biscay: new evidences from hf radar data 5
Solabarrieta, Lohitzune; Rubio, Anna; Castanedo, Sonia; Medina, Raul; Charria, Guillaume; Hernandez, Carl.
High Frequency (HF) radar stations have been working operationally in the southeastern part of the Bay of Biscay since 2009. The (2) systems provide hourly surface currents, with 5 km spatial resolution and a radial coverage lying close to 180 km. The detailed and quantitative description of the spatial patterns observed by the HF radar offers new evidence on the main ocean processes, at different time scales, affecting a study area where surface currents show marked temporal and spatial variability. A clear seasonality in terms of sea surface currents and along-slope circulation is observed, with cyclonic and anticyclonic patterns during the winter and summer months, respectively. From the analysis of low-pass filtered currents, a key component of this...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: HF radar; Surface circulation patterns; Seasonal and mesoscale variability; Inertial currents; Bay of Biscay; Iberian Poleward Current (IPC).
Ano: 2014 URL:
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