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A syphilis co-infection study in human papilloma virus patients attended in the sexually transmitted infection ambulatory clinic, Santa Casa de Misericórdia Hospital, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil BJID
Souza,Lúcia Maria de Sena; Miller,William Meihack; Nery,José Augusto da Costa; Andrade,Arnaldo Feitosa Braga de; Asensi,Marise Dutra.
Despite the prevalence of syphilis worldwide, little is known about its manifestations when associated with other Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI), specifically the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV). Current epidemiological studies show that there is a high incidence of both diseases in ambulatory clinics all over Brazil. This study aims to estimate the incidence of syphilis - HPV co-infections, among patients from the STI ambulatory clinic at the Santa Casa da Misericórdia Hospital, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Two-hundred and seven patients were seen in the clinic between March and December 2005, of which 113 (54.6%) sought care for an HPV infection. Blood samples were taken from all patients to check syphilis serology using the flocculation and the...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Co-infection; Syphilis; HPV; STD.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Association between HPV infection and prostate cancer in a Mexican population Genet. Mol. Biol.
Medel-Flores,Olivia; Valenzuela-Rodríguez,Vania Alejandra; Ocadiz-Delgado,Rodolfo; Castro-Muñoz,Leonardo Josué; Hernández-Leyva,Sandra; Lara-Hernández,Gabriel; Silva-Escobedo,Jesús-Gabriel; Vidal,Patricio Gariglio; Sánchez-Monroy,Virginia.
Abstract The aim of this study was to evaluate the association between prostate cancer (PCa) and Human papillomavirus (HPV) infection in the Mexican population. We studied 356 paraffin-embedded tissues from unrelated Mexican men with PCa or benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), with the latter serving as control. HPV detection was performed by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) using universal primers, and viral genotypes were detected using sequencing or multiplex PCR. Light microscopy analyses enabled the identification of koilocytes in samples subsequently analyzed for HPV detection by in situ PCR and for p16-INK4A expression by immunohistochemistry. The results showed that high risk- (HR) HPVs were detected in 37/189 (19.6%) PCa specimens compared to 16/167...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: HPV; Prostate; Cancer; Koilocytes.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Detection of human papilloma virus in the tonsils of children undergoing tonsillectomy BJID
Ribeiro,Kátia Moreira Xavier; Alvez,Janaína Maria; Pignatari,Shirley S.N.; Weckx,Luc Louis Maurice.
Human papilloma virus (HPV) is related to respiratory mucosal diseases, such as recurrent respiratory papillomatosis, as well as to upper-respiratory-tract malignancies. There are few reports concerning the prevalence of HPV in the upper respiratory tract of non-affected individuals. We examined the prevalence of HPV in the tonsils of children of the general population scheduled for tonsillectomy. Samples were taken from the tonsils of 100 children undergoing tonsillectomy and were then tested for HPV with the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technique, utilizing the generic primers MY09 and MY 11. The study excluded children known to have HPV and HIV-related diseases. Parents and legal guardians completed a standardized socio-demographic questionnaire. The...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: HPV; Tonsils; Children.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Detection of human papillomavirus DNA by the hybrid capture assay BJID
Carvalho,Maria Odete O.; Almeida,Ricardo W.; Leite,Fátima M. S.; Fellows,Ilza B.; Teixeira,Mariza H.; Oliveira,Ledy H. S.; Cavalcanti,Silvia M. B..
Human Papillomavirus (HPV) infection is the main cause of cervical cancers and cervical intraepithelial neoplasias (CIN) worldwide. Consequently, it would be useful to evaluate HPV testing to screen for cervical cancer. Recently developed, the second-generation Hybrid Capture (HCA II) test is a non-radioactive, relatively rapid, liquid hybridization assay designed to detect 18 HPV types, divided into high and low-risk groups. We evaluated 1055 women for HPV infection with the HCA II test. Five hundred and ten (48.3%) of these women had HPV infection; 60 (11.8%) had low cancer-risk HPV DNA; 269 (52.7%) had high-risk HPV types and 181 (35.5%) had both groups. Hence, 450 women (88.2%) in this HPV-infected group had at least one high risk HPV type, and were...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: HPV; SIL; Cancer; Hybrid capture.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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Diagnosis of human papillomatosis by polymerase chain reaction in cases of divergence between results of hybrid capture and papanicolaou cytology BJID
Novaes,Luiz Carlos Garcez; Novaes,Maria Rita Carvalho Garbi; Simões-Barbosa,Augusto.
As various types of human papillomavirus (HPV) are involved in the pathogenesis of cervical cancer, correct diagnosis is of fundamental importance for screening programs. We evaluated the divergence of results between Papanicolaou cytology and hybrid capture by PCR detection of HPV DNA . A transversal study was conducted on 70 women attending private gynecological clinics in Brasilia, Brazil. PCRs were conducted with specific primers for general and high-risk HPV DNA. Based on the PCR results, hybrid capture was a superior diagnostic technique. When Papanicolaou was compared with the molecular biology methods, it was found that a positive Papanicolaou result does not necessarily indicate the presence of HPV. The agreement between PCR and hybrid capture...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: HPV; Diagnosis; Hybrid capture; PCR.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Diagnostic methods for prevention of anal cancer and characteristics of anal lesions caused by HPV in men with HIV/AIDS BJID
Pereira,Araiz Cajueiro Carneiro; Lacerda,Heloísa Ramos de; Barros,Romualda Castro do Rêgo.
Abnormalities found with anuscopy under colposcopic vision, anal cytology and anal biopsy were evaluated in 21 men with human immunodeficiency virus/acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (HIV/AIDS) at the Federal University of Pernambuco Hospital in Brazil. Mean age was 38.4 ± 6.0 years, and mean time of HIV infection was 8.3 ± 5.1 years; 95.2% of the patients had been on highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) for an average of 6.6 ± 4.5 years. Mean CD4+ cell count was 482.2 ± 173.75 cells/mm³, and 80.9% presented a HIV viral load of < 5,000 copies/mL. Reported sexual preference was 52.4% homosexuals, 28.6% bisexuals, and 19.0%heterosexuals; 81% reported having had receptive anal intercourse and 61.9% reported more than 10 sexual partners of the same...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: HIV/AIDS; HPV; Anuscopy; Anal cytology; Anal biopsy.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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High incidence of oncogenic HPV genotypes found in women from Southern Brazil BJM
Entiauspe,Ludmila G; Silveira,Mariângela; Nunes,Emily M; Basgalupp,Suélen P; Stauffert,Dulce; Dellagostini,Odir A.; Collares,Tiago; Seixas,Fabiana K..
Oncogenic HPV genotypes are strongly associated with premalignant and malignant cervical lesion. The purpose was to determine human papillomavirus (HPV) prevalence and genotypes, and to estimate cervical cancer risk factor associations. Cervical samples were obtained from 251 women seeking gynecological care at the Pelotas School of Medicine Clinic. This is a cross-sectional study. HPV-DNA was amplified by nested-PCR using MY09/11 and GP5/6 primers, and the sequencing was used for genotyping. Sociodemographic and behavioral risk factors were obtained by closed questionnaire, and its relationship to HPV infection prevalence were analyzed. Statistical analyses were performed using SPSS 16.0 software, and differences were considered significant at p <...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: HPV; SDT; Molecular epidemiology; Cervical cancer.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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High-risk human papillomavirus and cervical lesions among women living with HIV/AIDS in Brazilian Amazon, Brazil BJID
Silva,Leila da; Miranda,Angélica; Batalha,Rosieny; Ferreira,Luiz; Santos,Mayara; Talhari,Sinésio.
ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE: The goal of this study was to determine the prevalence of human papillomavirus infection infection and cervical lesions and its associated factors among HIV infected women attending an AIDS clinic in Amazonas state, Brazil. METHODS: Cross-sectional study. Women attending an AIDS clinic in the city of Manaus between March and December 2011 for gynecological examination were invited to participate. Enrolled patients answered a standardized interview including demographical, behavioral, and clinical data. Additionally, patients underwent a gynecological evaluation with collection of cervical samples for cytological analysis and high-risk human papillomavirus infection hybrid capture. A blood sample was also obtained to determine CD4...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: HPV; HIV; Cervical cancer; Brazilian Amazon.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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HPV infection, risk factors and viral load among Mexican male college students BJID
Vera-Uehara,Carmina; Sánchez-Alemán,Miguel Angel; Uribe-Salas,Felipe Javier; Ramos-Castañeda,José; Olamendi-Portugal,Ma. Leónidez; Conde-Glez,Carlos Jesús.
Objectives:To determine the prevalence of HPV and the risky sexual behaviors associated to it in a sample of male college students, taking into account genotype and viral load.Methods:From 2002 to 2003, male students from the Autonomous University of Morelos State completed a questionnaire and provided self-collected genital samples to detect and quantify HPV. We performed a bivariate and a multivariate logistic regression analysis to identify correlates associated with the infection and to assess the viral load as a function of the viral infecting type. The fragments of β-globin gene and L1 of HPV, were amplified, purified and cloned, to evaluate viral load.Results:Among 253 subjects, HPV prevalence was 19.4%, and HPV16 was the most common subtype....
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: HPV; Viral load; Contraceptive pills; Risky sexual behaviors; Male; Students.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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HPV-related external genital lesions among men residing in Brazil BJID
Silva,Roberto Jose Carvalho da; Sudenga,Staci Lynn; Sichero,Laura; Baggio,Maria Luiza; Galan,Lenice; Cintra,Ricardo; Torres,Benji Nelson; Stoler,Mark; Giuliano,Anna Regina; Villa,Luisa Lina.
Abstract The aims of this study were to determine the incidence of external genital lesions (EGLs), specifically histologically confirmed condyloma (genital warts) and Penile Intraepithelial Neoplasia (PeIN), and genital HPV infection progression to EGLs among healthy men aged 18-73 residing in Brazil. Subjects included 1118 men enrolled in the HPV Infection in Men (HIM) study between July 2005 and June 2009. At each visit, EGLs were biopsied and subjected to pathological evaluation. HPV status in genital swabs and biopsies was determined by Linear Array and INNO-LiPA, respectively. Age-specific EGLs incidence and the proportion and median time to EGL development were estimated. Kaplan-Meier cumulative incidence rates at 6, 12, and 24 months were...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Men; Genital lesions; PeIN; Condyloma; HPV.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Human papillomavirus infection in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: a retrospective study BJID
Carvalho,M.O.O; Carestiato,F.N; Perdigão,P.H; Xavier,M.P.P.T; Silva,KC; Botelho,M.O; Oliveira,L.H.S.; Cavalcanti,S.M.B..
There is considerable data to support a central role for human papillomavirus (HPV) in the etiology of cervical cancer. More than a 100 HPV types have been described, and 40 have been isolated from benign and malignant genital lesions. Consequently, there is strong motivation to evaluate HPV testing for cervical cancer screening. Few studies concerning the natural history of HPV infection have been conducted in the state of Rio de Janeiro. We determined the prevalence of HPV types in female genital lesions by using Hybrid Capture Assay (HCA) and we retrospectively analyzed the course of HPV infection. Our sample included 788 women attended at Laboratórios Sérgio Franco. The average age of the participants was 29.6 years. HPV prevalence and cytological...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: HPV; Cervical cancer; Rio de Janeiro; Brazil.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Hybrid capture as a tool for cervical lesions screening in HIV-infected women: insights from a Brazilian cohort BJID
Jalil,Emilia Moreira; Luz,Paula M.; Quintana,Marcel; Friedman,Ruth Khalili; Madeira,Rosa M. Domingues S.; Andrade,Angela Cristina; Chicarino,Janice; Moreira,Ronaldo Ismerio; Derrico,Monica; Levi,José Eduardo; Russomano,Fabio; Veloso,Valdilea Gonçalves; Grinsztejn,Beatriz.
ABSTRACT Introduction: Cervical cancer remains an important burden for HIV-infected women in the era of combination antiretroviral therapy. Recommendations for cervical screening in these women diverge and may include high-risk HPV (HRHPV) testing. We aimed to evaluate the clinical usefulness of a single HRHPV testing for cervical screening of HIV-infected women. Methods: 723 HIV-infected women from a Brazilian prospective cohort were included between 1996 and 2012. Inclusion criteria were: normal cervical cytology at baseline and having a HRHPV-test at baseline. We calculated incidence rates of any squamous intraepithelial lesion (SIL) and high grade SIL+ (HSIL+) and negative predictive values (NPV) within 12 and 36 months. Hazard Ratios were obtained...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: HPV; HIV; Women; Cohort; Incidence.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Importância da aplicação de critérios morfológicos não-clássicos para o diagnóstico citopatológico de Papillomavirus humano (HPV) previamente detectado por PCR ABCL
Nobuyoshi Kaneshima,Edilson; Suzuki,Linda Emiko; Taguti Irie,Mary Mayumi; Yoshida,Celina Shizue; Francieli Maia da Silva,Sônia; Lopes Consolaro,Márcia Edilaine.
Existe atualmente grande preocupação com a melhoria no diagnóstico citopatológico para HPV e para isto tem-se estudado a introdução de critérios morfológicos não-clássicos, tendo em vista a elevada freqüência desta infecção viral bem como o seu potencial carcinogênico. Desta forma, este trabalho objetivou uma releitura de 41 casos positivos para HPV por PCR, cujos critérios inicialmente utilizados foram apenas os clássicos, e introduzir os critérios não clássicos. Os critérios citopatológicos mais observados foram os não clássicos, sendo bi ou multinucleação o mais freqüente, com n=37 (90,24%), seguido de núcleo hipercromático, com n=35 (85,36%) e núcleo em borrão, com n=24 (58,54%). Quanto aos critérios clássicos, a disqueratose foi observada em n=17...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: HPV; PCR; Critérios não clássicos.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Low frequency of p53 mutations in cervical carcinomas among Brazilian women BJMBR
Pinheiro,N.A.; Villa,L.L..
Human papillomavirus (HPV) infections of the high-risk types are strongly linked to the development of cervical carcinoma. The HPV oncoproteins E6 and E7 are thought to play a crucial role in this process through their interactions with the p53 protein and the retinoblastoma susceptibility gene product pRb, respectively. E6 binds to p53 protein promoting its degradation. This is considered to contribute to the oncogenesis of HPV-associated anogenital cancer. On the other hand, in HPV-negative cervical carcinoma, p53 mutations are thought to have a role in the transformation process. A total of 122 HPV-positive cervical carcinoma tissue samples were evaluated for the presence of mutations in exons 5-8 of the p53 gene by single-stranded conformation...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Single-stranded conformation polymorphism; SSCP; Suppressor gene; HPV; PCR; DNA sequencing.
Ano: 2001 URL:
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Oral HPV infection in a bone marrow transplantation patient: a case report with atypical clinical presentation and unexpected outcome BJID
Pereira,Claudio Maranhão; Melo,Laura Guimarães; Correa,Maysa Milazzo; Souza,Cármino Antônio; Corrêa,Maria Elvira P.
HPV (Human Papilloma Virus) is one of the most prevalent infections worlwide. Oral HPV infection may be associated with different diseases of oral cavitie. Although oral HPV infection occurs frequently, it rarely causes lesions. An increased rate of oral HPV-induced lesions is observed in people with an impaired immune system. The most common conditions induced by oral HPV infection are focal epithelial hyperplasia, oral condylomas and oral papillomas. We reported a case of oral HPV lesion in a bone marrow transplantation patient with atypical clinical presentation and unexpected outcome.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/report Palavras-chave: HPV; Bone marrow transplantation; Leukemia.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Papillomavirus infections in the oral and genital mucosa of asymptomatic women BJID
Oliveira,Ledy Horto Santos; Santos,Larissa Silva; Silva,Carolina Oliveira; Augusto,Everton Faccini; Neves,Felipe Piedade Gonçalves.
Abstract Human papillomavirus (HPV) has been found in several regions of the body, including the oral cavity. Recently, this virus has been associated with oropharyngeal cancer, but little is known about HPV transmission to the oral cavity. We carried out a study to investigate concurrent oral and cervical infections in 76 asymptomatic women attending a healthcare program. Demographic and behavior data were obtained through a structured questionnaire. Oral and cervical mucosa scrapings were collected and stored for DNA extraction. HPV DNA amplification was performed by polymerase chain reaction assay (PCR) using both primers My09/My11 and FAP59/64, followed by HPV typing with restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis (RFLP) and sequencing. The data...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/other Palavras-chave: HPV; Oral infection; Transmission.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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PCR-RFLP assay as an option for primary HPV test BJMBR
Golfetto,L.; Alves,E.V.; Martins,T.R.; Sincero,T.C.M.; Castro,J.B.S.; Dannebrock,C.; Oliveira,J.G.; Levi,J.E.; Onofre,A.S.C.; Bazzo,M.L..
Persistent human papillomavirus (HPV) infection is an essential factor of cervical cancer. This study evaluated the analytical performance of restriction fragment length polymorphism polymerase chain reaction (PCR-RFLP) assay compared to PapilloCheck® microarray to identify human papilloma virus (HPV) in cervical cells. Three hundred and twenty-five women were analyzed. One sample was used for conventional cytology and another sample was collected using BD SurePath™ kit for HPV tests. Eighty samples (24.6%) were positive for HPV gene by PCR-Multiplex and were then submitted to PCR-RFLP and PapilloCheck® microarray. There was a genotyping agreement in 71.25% (57/80) on at least one HPV type between PCR-RFLP and PapilloCheck® microarray. In 22 samples...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Cervical cancer; HPV; Screening; PCR-RFLP; PapilloCheck® microarray.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Prevalence and risk factors for human papillomavirus infection among Chinese ethnic women in southern of Yunnan, China BJID
Baloch,Zulqarnain; Yasmeen,Nafeesa; Li,Yuanyue; Ma,Ke; Wu,Xiaomei; Yang,Shi-hua; Xia,Xueshan.
ABSTRACT Background: Dai is a major Chinese ethnic minority group residing in rural areas of the southern part of Yunnan. However, no data exist on the Human Papillomavirus (HPV) prevalence and genotype distribution among Dai women. Method: A total of 793 participants (Dai = 324, Han = 251, other ethnic = 218) were included in this study. PCR was performed to detect the HPV-positive samples, and genotyping was performed with an HPV Geno-Array. Result: The overall HPV prevalence was very low among Dai women compared to the others. The prevalence of high-risk-HPV infections was significantly higher (p = 0.001) among other ethnic women (22.0%) than that among Han (13.1%) and Dai women (7.1%). The overall HPV, high-risk-HPV, single and multiple infection...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: HPV; Prevalence; Dai; Genotypes; Rural; Urban; China.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Prevalence of human papillomavirus infection in the genital tract determined by hybrid capture assay BJID
Carestiato,Fernanda N.; Silva,Katia C; Dimetz,Trude; Oliveira,Ledy H. S.; Cavalcanti,Silvia M. B..
Human Papillomavirus (HPV) infection is the most prevalent sexually-transmitted virus worldwide. It is known to be the etiological agent of cervical cancer and cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN). Consequently, there is strong motivation to evaluate HPV testing in cervical cancer screening. Recently developed, the second generation of the hybrid capture test (HCA II) is a non-radioactive, relatively rapid, hybridization assay, designed to detect 18 HPV types divided into high and low-risk groups. We evaluated 7,314 patients (5,833 women and 1,481 men) for HPV infection by HCA II. Among them, 3,008 (41.1%) presented HPV infection: 430 (14.2%) had HPV DNA of low risk for cancer, 1,631 (54.2%) had high risk HPV types and 947 (31.5%) had both types. The...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: HPV; SIL; Cancer; Hybrid capture.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Safety, tolerability and side effects of human papillomavirus vaccines: a systematic quantitative review BJID
Gonçalves,Ana Katherine; Cobucci,Ricardo Ney; Rodrigues,Hugo Marcus; Melo,Amanda Gosson de; Giraldo,Paulo César.
Recently, many studies have evaluated HPV vaccine safety and adverse effects. Two vaccine shave been recently evaluated in randomized controlled trials: the bivalent vaccine for HPV 16 and 18 (Cervarix, GlaxoSmithKline Biologicals, Rixensart, Belgium) and the quadrivalent vaccine for HPV 6, 11, 16, and 18 (Gardasil, Merck and Co., Inc., Whitehouse Station, NJ). We have performed a systematic review of all randomized controlled trials in which HPV vaccines were compared with placebo regarding safety, tolerability and adverse effects. Studies were searched up to March 2013 in the databases: Pubmed, Embase, Scielo and Cancerlit. Odds Ratios (OR) of most incident adverse effects were obtained. Twelve reports, involving 29,540 subjects, were included. In the...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: HPV; Vaccines; Adverse effects.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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