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Anuran species in a remnant of the Atlantic rainforest in an urban area 84
Mageski,Marcio Marques; Silva-Soares,Thiago; Duca,Charles; Santos,Débora Cristina Baptista Medeiros de Oliveira; Jesus Filho,Paulo Roberto de; Costa,Larissa Corteletti da; Clemente-Carvalho,Rute Beatriz Garcia.
Abstract Forest fragments in urban areas have many habitat resources that frogs use for refuge, reproduction and growth. Knowledge of an anuran assembly is the first step towards understanding the importance of these forest fragments in areas highly threatened by anthropogenic actions. We sampled anurans during the day and night from November 2012 to August 2013 through visual and acoustic surveys. We found 333 individuals belonging to 19 species. The highest richness and abundance were recorded in January whereas the lowest richness and abundance were recorded in June. Most species were found in open areas. Our results highlight the importance of well-studied urban fragments for the anuran community. The conservation of these habitats may ensure the...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Amphibian; Community; Habitat loss; Refuge; Conservation.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Assemblage of medium and large size mammals in an urban Semideciduous Seasonal Forest fragment in Cerrado biome 49
Bernardo,Paulo Vitor dos Santos; Melo,Fabiano Rodrigues de.
Nowadays, the processes of deforestation and loss of habitats represent a major threat to many species of mammals. These processes cause changes in natural landscapes by decreasing area, connectivity, and fragment size, and increasing edge effects and number of fragments. Understanding which and how many species persist in disturbed fragments may indicate the species' minimum requirements and might contribute to their conservation. Here we show how the mammalian fauna of medium and large size (higher than 1 kg) are structured in a semideciduous seasonal forest fragment of 36.5 ha in the urban area of Jataí, Goiás. We performed the sampling with 30 sand track plots (1 x 1 m). We analyzed the relative record frequency and built a collector's curve to...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Goiás Southwest; Habitat fragmentation; Habitat loss; Mammalian fauna; Urban ecology.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Assessing population size of the Chestnut-Capped Foliage-Gleaner 84
Faria,Luciene; Carrara,Lucas A.; Garcia,Frederico I.; Rodrigues,Marcos.
Chestnut-Capped Foliage-Gleaner (Hylocryptus rectirostris) is a Neotropical ovenbird species (Furnariidae) endemic to gallery forests of the Cerrado region of central Brazil. While it is not considered globally threatened, the degree of habitat loss occurring throughout much of its known distribution may warrant its inclusion on red lists beyond just the state of Sao Paulo. The primary objective of this study is to evaluate the conservation status of Chestnut-Capped Foliage-Gleaner according to those criteria adopted by the IUCN. Results of censuses conducted in the Serra do Cipó National Park were used to estimate the entire population size of the Chestnut-Capped Foliage-Gleaner and refine our understanding of its actual geographic distribution. Census...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Cerrado; Conservation; Endemism; Gallery forests; Habitat loss; Range distribution.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Climate Change Will Re-draw the Map for Marine Megafauna and the People Who Depend on Them 5
Grose, Susan O.; Pendleton, Linwood; Leathers, Amanda; Cornish, Andrew; Waitai, Sheridan.
Climate change is expected to dramatically alter the distribution of many marine megafauna, impacting the people and economies that depend upon them. We build on the recent literature by developing a framework to describe the effects these changes will have on marine megafauna. With the goal to assist policymakers and grass roots organizers, we identify three illustrative pathways by which climate change drives these range shifts: (1) effects on habitat and shelter, (2) impacts on reproduction and disease, and (3) changing distribution of sources of food. We examine non-climate factors that may constrain or enable megafauna to adapt, creating winners and losers both for the species and the people dependent upon them. Finally, we comment on what management...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Climate change; Marine megafauna; Habitat loss; Disease; Range shifts; Prey.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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Community dynamics in a species-rich patch of old-growth forest in a global changing scenario 39
Gastauer,Markus; Meira Neto,João Augusto Alves.
Ecological theory predicts that, in mature ecosystems, species richness, the number of individuals and the biomass of individuals will remain in a relatively stable state of equilibrium. The aim of this study was to test that theory. In 2001 and 2010, we conducted censuses of all trees with a circumference at breast height > 10 cm in a one-hectare plot in a seasonal semideciduous old-growth forest in southeastern Brazil. We compared the two censuses in terms of species richness and diversity, computing growth, recruitment and mortality rates, as well as gains and losses of basal area. Between 2001 and 2010, species richness declined from 224 to 218 species and the basal area increased from 37.86 to 40.16 m² ha-1. Overall turnover (the mean...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Community dynamics; Habitat loss; Immigration rate; Landscape fragmentation; Species richness.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Cumulative Effects of Barriers on the Movements of Forest Birds 7
St. Clair, Colleen Cassady; University of Alberta;
Although there is a consensus of opinion that habitat fragmentation has deleterious effects on animal populations, primarily by inhibiting dispersal among remaining patches, there have been few explicit demonstrations of the ways by which degraded habitats actually constrain individual movement. Two impediments are primarily responsible for this paucity: it is difficult to separate the effects of habitat fragmentation (configuration) from habitat loss (composition), and conventional measures of fragmented habitats are assumed to be, but probably are not, isotropic. We addressed these limitations by standardizing differences in forest cover in a clearly anisotropic configuration of habitat fragmentation by conducting a homing experiment with three species...
Tipo: Peer-Reviewed Reports Palavras-chave: Banff National Park; Golden-crowned Kinglet; Red-breasted Nuthatch; Yellow-rumped Warbler; Barriers; Connectivity; Corridor; Forest cover; Fragmentation; Habitat loss; Movement of forest birds; Roads.
Ano: 2001
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Impacts of the Belo Monte hydroelectric dam construction on pioneer vegetation formations along the Xingu River, Pará State, Brazil 88
Cunha,Denise de Andrade; Ferreira,Leandro Valle.
There is an important pioneer vegetation formation along the Xingu River in the area where the Belo Monte hydroelectric dam is being constructed that is highly adapted to a seasonally fluctuating water levels. The aim of this study was to examine the habitat and flora of the pioneer formations in the Belo Monte area. The area was divided in three sections for study purposes (Reservoir, Low Flow, and Control) that were expected to experience different degrees of impact from the dam project. The calculations of habitat losses were based on satellite imagery classifications, and a total of 111 plots were established in the three areas for vegetation sampling. Habitat losses of the pioneer formations will total 89.7% when the project is fully functional....
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Diversity; Habitat loss; Low flow reservoir; Richness.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Mammalian phylogenetic diversity-area relationships at a continental scale 5
Mazel, Florent; Renaud, Julien; Guilhaumon, Francois; Mouillot, David; Gravel, Dominique; Thuiller, Wilfried.
In analogy to the species-area relationship (SAR), one of the few laws in ecology, the phylogenetic diversity-area relationship (PDAR) describes the tendency of phylogenetic diversity (PD) to increase with area. Although investigating PDAR has the potential to unravel the underlying processes shaping assemblages across spatial scales and to predict PD loss through habitat reduction, it has been little investigated so far. Focusing on PD has noticeable advantages compared to species richness (SR), since PD also gives insights on processes such as speciation/extinction, assembly rules and ecosystem functioning. Here we investigate the universality and pervasiveness of the PDAR at continental scale using terrestrial mammals as study case. We define the...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Conservation biogeography; Habitat loss; Null models; Phylogenetic diversity; Species-area relationship; Strict nested design.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Quantification and classification of the main environmental impacts on a Halodule wrightii seagrass meadow on a tropical island in northeastern Brazil 42
Pitanga,Maria Elisa; Montes,Manuel J.F.; Magalhães,Karine M.; Reis,Thiago N.V..
Multiple stress mechanisms have caused a worldwide decrease in seagrasses, which are vulnerable to environmental and/or anthropogenic pressure. The loss of seagrass meadows of Halodule wrightii is reported for the littoral of Itamaracá Island (Northeastern Brazil). The present study identified the main anthropogenic factors that negatively influenced over the abundance and distribution of seagrass meadows between July and September 2007 at the Jaguaribe and Pilar Beaches, Eastern littoral of Itamaracá. Anthropogenic impact included the discharge of untreated sewage through fluvial channels, urban and commercial development along the coast, the anchoring of motorized and non-motorized boats, diverse fishing techniques and the dumping of solid waste. The...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Conservation; Ecological value; Habitat loss; Marine habitat.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Quantifying the Road-Effect Zone: Threshold Effects of a Motorway on Anuran Populations in Ontario, Canada 7
Eigenbrod, Felix; Geomatics and Landscape Ecology Research Laboratory, Department of Biology, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada;; Hecnar, Stephen J.; Department of Biology, Lakehead University, Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada;; Fahrig, Lenore; Geomatics and Landscape Ecology Research Laboratory, Department of Biology, Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario Canada;
Tipo: Peer-Reviewed Reports Palavras-chave: Accessible habitat; Amphibian decline; Anuran populations; Ecological thresholds; Forests; Fragmentation; Habitat loss; Piecewise regression; Road ecology..
Ano: 2009
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Reproductive consequences of flower damage in two contrasting habitats: The case of Viola portalesia (Violaceae) in Chile 97
The indirect impact of flower herbivory on plant reproduction depends on the pollination environment, particularly on the presence or absence of pollinator species with the ability to discriminate damaged from undamaged flowers. The change in pollinator assemblages, due to habitat modification, may modify the impact of flower herbivory on plant reproductive success. In this work, we evaluate the effect of flower herbivory on the seed production of Viola portalesia (Gay) in two contrasting environments, a native and low-disturbed habitat and an extensively transformed habitat characterized by Pinus radiata plantations. Even though the two habitats differed substantially in the composition of pollinator assemblages and visitation rate, the flower damage...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Flower herbivory; Habitat loss; Maulino forest; Pinus radiata; Pollination.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Short-term effects of habitat fragmentation on the abundance and species richness of beetles in experimental alfalfa micro-landscapes 97
Habitat loss and fragmentation are considered as the main causes of biodiversity depression. Habitat loss implies a reduction of suitable habitat for organisms, and habitat fragmentation is a change in the spatial configuration of the landscape, with the remaining fragments resulting more or less isolated. Recent theory indicates that the effects of habitat loss are more important than those of habitat fragmentation, however there are few experimental studies evaluating both processes separately. To test the effects of habitat fragmentation per se on the abundance, species richness and diversity of epigeal coleopterans, 15 (30 x 30 m) alfalfa micro-landscapes, distributed in three blocks, were created. On twelve of them, 84 % of the habitat was removed,...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Habitat fragmentation; Habitat loss; Micro-landscapes; Diversity of epigeal beetles.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Systematic Notes on Asian Birds. 64. The range of the Chinese Nuthatch Sitta villosa and an evaluation of subspecies validity 16
Nazarenko, A.A..
A critical analysis of the literature regarding Sitta villosa and the examination of specimens has shown that the range of this species is divisible into three main areas. These are well separated and each population is best treated as a valid subspecies, although for corea, the easternmost population, further research is needed to understand the distinctions between two apparently disjunct populations.
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: Sitta villosa; Habitat loss; Range fragmentation; Subspecies variation; 42.83.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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The influence of fire and livestock grazing on the assemblage of non-flying small mammals in grassland-Araucaria Forest ecotones, southern Brazil 103
Pedó,Ezequiel; Freitas,Thales R. O. de; Hartz,Sandra M..
Grazing and fire, used in pasture regeneration practices, are inter-related activities in livestock management. Both activities affect habitat characteristics by changing the structure of the herbaceous and shrubby vegetation, reducing their biomass and litter cover. This study evaluated the effect of fire and livestock grazing on the assemblage of non-flying small mammals in grassland-Araucaria forest ecotones in southern Brazil. We compared four areas frequently affected by livestock management with four protected areas. Surveys were carried out in four sampling periods, one in each season of 2004. We captured a total of 325 individuals from 12 species of rodents - Akodon montensis Thomas, 1913, Akodon paranaensis Christoff, Fagundes, Sbalqueiro, Mattevi...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Atlantic Forest; Campos; Didelphimorphia; Habitat loss; Rodentia.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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The rarest of the rare: rediscovery and status of the critically endangered Belem Curassow, Crax fasciolata pinima (Pelzeln, 1870) 84
Alteff,Eduardo França; Gonsioroski,Gustavo; Barreiros,Marcelo; Torres,Leonardo Gabriel Campos de Oliveira; Camilo,André Restel; Mozerle,Hugo Borghezan; Sousa,Antônio Emanuel Barreto Alves de; Medolago,César Augusto Bronzatto; Martínez,Carlos; Lima,Diego Mendes; Ubaid,Flávio Kulaif; Mendonça,Eloisa Neves; Tomotani,Barbara Mizumo; Silveira,Luís Fábio.
Abstract The Belem Curassow (Crax fasciolata pinima) is one of the most endangered birds in South America, without sightings of birds in the wild for 40 years. This subspecies is nationally and internationally classified as critically endangered and close to extinction, suffering from poaching and deforestation in its range. Here we present new records of free-living individuals made on three indigenous lands in Pará and Maranhão states: in part of Terra Indígena Mãe Maria, Bom Jesus do Tocantins, Pará; in locations within the Reserva Biológica do Gurupi/Terra Indígena Alto Turiaçu, Centro Novo do Maranhão, Maranhão; and around the Terra Indígena Rio Pindaré, Alto Alegre do Pindaré, Maranhão. We also provide recommendations to protect this bird via a...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Mutum-pinima; Indigenous lands; Reserva Biológica do Gurupi; Habitat loss; Poaching.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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