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Bio-economic management strategy evaluation of deepwater stocks using the FLBEIA model ArchiMer
Garcia, Dorleta; Urtizberea, Agurtzane; Diez, Guzman; Gil, Juan; Marchal, Paul.
Deepwater fish are characterized by long lifespans, late maturity and low productivity. This implies slow recovery from low biomass levels and it is, therefore, important to manage these stocks correctly to avoid overfishing. However, these stocks are generally data poor, which it makes difficult to apply quantitative assessment models on which to base their management. The management strategy evaluation (MSE) approach consists in evaluating the performance of management strategies by simulation before their implementation. In the evaluation, the main sources of uncertainty in a fishery system and its management process should be taken into account in order to find robust management strategies. Thus, the MSE approach is relevant to the management of...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Bio-economic modelling; Deep-sea fisheries; Harvest control rules; Management strategy evaluation; Norway; Bay of Biscay; Gibraltar; Atlantic Ocean.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Ecosystem-Based Harvest Control Rules for Norwegian and US Ecosystems ArchiMer
Kaplan, Isaac C.; Hansen, Cecilie; Morzaria-luna, Hem Nalini; Girardin, Raphael; Marshall, Kristin N..
Management strategy evaluation (MSE) provides a simulation framework to test the performance of living marine resource management. MSE has now been adopted broadly for use in single-species fishery management, often using a relatively simple “operating model” that projects population dynamics of one species forward in time. However, many challenges in ecosystem-based management involve tradeoffs between multiple species and interactions of multiple stressors. Here we use complex operating models, multi-species ecosystem models of the California Current and Nordic and Barents Seas, to test threshold harvest control rules that explicitly address the linkage between predators and prey, and between the forage needs of predators and fisheries. Specifically,...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Harvest control rules; California Current; Nordic and Barents Seas; Pacific hake; Atlantic mackerel; Management strategy evaluation.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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Evaluating deepwater fisheries management strategies using a mixed-fisheries and spatially explicit modelling framework ArchiMer
Marchal, Paul; Vermard, Youen.
Wehave used in this study a spatially explicit bioeconomic modelling framework to evaluate management strategies, building in both datarich and data-limited harvest control rules (HCRs), for a mix of deepwater fleets and species, on which information is variable. The main focus was on blue ling (Molva dypterygia). For that species, both data-rich and data-limited HCRs were tested, while catch per unit effort (CPUE) was used either to tune stock assessments, or to directly trigger management action. There were only limited differences between the performances of both HCRs when blue ling biomass was initialized at the current level, but blue ling recovered more quickly with the data-rich HCR when its initial biomass was severely depleted. Both types of HCR...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Bioeconomic model; Catch per unit effort; Fleet dynamics; Harvest control rules; Management strategy evaluation; Mixed fisheries.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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