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Alimentation expérimentale de l'huître Crassostrea gigas à l'aide de navicules bleus Haslea ostrearia (Simonsen) de différentes tailles ArchiMer
Barille, Laurent; Bougrier, Serge; Geairon, Philippe; Robert, Jean-michel.
The influence on the feeding physiology (clearance, filtration, ingestion, absorption) of the Japanese oyster Crassostrea gigas of low concentrations of suspended particulate matter (SPM ranging from 2 to 20 mg.l-l) and high food quality (mean organic fraction =54 %) was studied in the laboratory. Experimental diets were made up with three strains of the "blue diatom" Haslea ostrearia, which is responsible of the greening of oyster-ponds. The strains were characterized by different sizes (48, 65 and 98 µm respectively) but possessed the same density and biochemical composition. Clearance rate was found constant at 2.2 1.h(-l).g-l dry weight and therefore was not influenced by increasing seston load. Pseudofaeces production was observed for SPM...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Taille des particules; Qualité alimentaire; Haslea ostrearia; Crassostrea gigas; Alimentation; Particle size; Food quality; Haslea ostrearia; Crassostrea gigas; Feeding.
Ano: 1994 URL:
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First metabolomic approach of the epiphytic bacteria-marine diatom Haslea ostrearia relationships ArchiMer
Mondeguer, Florence; Lepinay, Alexandra; Capiaux, Hervé; Turpin, Vincent; Baron, Regis; Hess, Philipp; Lebeau, Thierry; Boug,.
The marine diatom Haslea ostrearia [1] produces a water-soluble blue-pigment named marennine [2] of economic interest. But the lack of knowledge of the ecological conditions, under which this microalga develops in its natural ecosystem, more especially bacteria H. ostrearia interactions, prevents any optimization of its culture in well-controlled conditions. The structure of the bacterial community was analyzed by PCR-TTGE before and after the isolation of H. ostrearia cells recovered from 4 localities, to distinguish the relative part of the biotope and the biocenose and eventually to describe the temporal dynamic of the structure of the bacterial community at two time-scales. The differences in genetic fingerprints, more especially high between two H....
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Haslea ostrearia; Marine diatom; Co-culture microalgae; Bacterial community; PCR-TTGE; High Resolution Mass Spectrometry; Untargeted metabolomics.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Harmful or harmless: biological effects of marennine on marine organisms ArchiMer
Falaise, Charlotte; Cormier, Patrick; Tremblay, Réjean; Audet, Céline; Deschênes, Jean-sébastien; Turcotte, François; François, Cyrille; Seger, Andreas; Hallegraeff, Gustaaf; Lindquist, Niels; Sirjacobs, Damien; Gobert, Sylvie; Lejeune, Pierre; Demoulin, Vincent; Mouget, Jean-luc.
Marennine is a water-soluble blue-green pigment produced by the marine diatom Haslea ostrearia. The diatom and its pigment are well known from oyster farming areas as the source of the greening of oyster gills, a natural process increasing their market value in Western France. Blooms of blue Haslea are also present outside oyster ponds and hence marine organisms can be exposed, periodically and locally, to significant amounts of marennine in natural environments. Due to its demonstrated antibacterial activities against marine pathogenic bacteria (e.g. Vibrio) and possible prophylactic effects toward bivalve larvae, marennine is of special interest for the aquaculture industry, especially bivalve hatcheries. The present study aimed to provide new insights...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Diatom; Haslea ostrearia; Marennine; Marine organisms; Natural bioactive compound.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Les métaux (Cd, Cu, Pb et Zn) dans la production des microalgues sur différents milieux de culture : biodisponibilité, bioaccumulation et impact physiologique ArchiMer
Gagneux-moreaux, Sindy.
The quality and the productivity of microalgal cultures depend on different physicochemical factors like salinity, pH, nutrient and trace element (including trace metals) concentration in the culture medium. During this doctoral study, the bioavailability of four metals for microalgae was tested in coastal seawater and several salt groundwaters. The bioavailability of a metal depends on its own total concentration as well as that of ligands in the medium, and on the relative affinity of each ligand towards the given metal. After a comparative study of the quality of algae grown in coastal seawater and salt groundwaters, the complexation capacities of these media were studied to allow a better understanding of the observed variations of metal...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Metal speciation; Artifical medium DAM; Salt groundwater; Coastal seawater; Tetraselmis suecica; Skeletonema costatum; Phaeodactylum tricornutum; Haslea ostrearia; Spéciation métallique; Milieu artificiel DAM; Eau souterraine salée; Eau de mer; Tetraselmis suecica; Skeletonema costatum; Phaeodactylum tricornutum; Haslea ostrearia.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Les microalgues des claires ostréicoles de la région de Marennes-Oléron : diversité spécififique, biomasse, répartition spation-temporelle. Dynamique des populations microalgales jusqu'au verdissement des bassins en conditions naturelles et provoquées : événements physico-chimiques et biologiques présidant à la prolifération d'Haslea ostrearia Simonsen ArchiMer
Goulletquer, Philippe; Turpin, Vincent.
Les claires ostréicoles représentent près de 3000ha de marais exploités par la conchyliculture dans le seul Département de Charente-Maritime. Plus de 50000 tonnes sont ainsi affinées puis commercialisées à partir de ce bassin de production, représentant 1/3 de la commercialisation française. Les travaux menés en 1997 portent sur une meilleure connaissance écophysiologique des diatomées des claires ostréicoles dont Haslea ostrearia, ainsi qu'à de meilleures estimations des conditions environnementales naturelles (évolution de la qualité d'eau entre 2 remplissages de marais). En particulier, la variabilité et la répartition au sein des claires des populations phytoplanctoniques ainsi que l'évolution dans le temps de celles-ci ont fait l'objet de recherches....
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Claires ostréicoles; Verdissement; Biomasse; Haslea ostrearia; Bassin de la Charente.
Ano: 1997 URL:
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Limiting nutrients of oyster pond seawater in the Marennes-Oleron region for Haslea ostrearia : applications to the mass production of the diatom in mesocosom experiments ArchiMer
Turpin, Vincent; Robert, Jean-michel; Goulletquer, Philippe.
Bioassays were carried out with the 'blue diatom' Haslea ostrearia Simonsen, which is responsible for oyster greening during the fattening period of Crassostrea gigas Thunberg in oyster ponds. Samples of seawater were taken from two oyster ponds: one without oysters and the other with 20 oysters per m_, maximal density allowed by the French AFNOR norm for 'refinement'. The aims were to clarify the nutrient requirements of this diatom, also to elucidate the eventual influence of C. gigas at this density on the seawater fertility and to envisage the mass production of this diatom by pond fertilization. Examination of cell numeric densities at the end of bioassays allows us to conclude that silicate was the first limiting nutrient, closely followed by...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Marennes Oleron; Oyster ponds; Mesocosm experiment; Bioassay; Haslea ostrearia; Bacillariophyceae; Limiting nutrients; Marennes Oléron; Claires à huîtres; Expérience en mésocosmes; Bioessai; Haslea ostrearia; Bacillariophyceae; Nutriments limitants.
Ano: 1999 URL:
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Preliminary metabolomic approach on the bacterial structure community of Haslea ostrearia ArchiMer
Mondeguer, Florence; Lepinay, Alexandra; Capiaux, Hervé; Turpin, Vincent; Lebeau, Thierry.
The marine diatom Haslea ostrearia [1] produces a water-soluble blue-pigment named marennine [2] of economic interest. But the lack of knowledge of the ecological conditions, under which this microalga develops in its natural ecosystem, more especially bacteria H. ostrearia interactions, prevents any optimization of its culture in well-controlled conditions. The structure of the bacterial community was analyzed by PCR-TTGE before and after the isolation of H. ostrearia cells recovered from 4 localities, to distinguish the relative part of the biotope and the biocenose and eventually to describe the temporal dynamic of the structure of the bacterial community at two time-scales. The differences in genetic fingerprints, more especially high between two H....
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Haslea ostrearia; Marine diatom; Co-culture microalgae; Bacterial community; TTGE; High Resolution Mass Spectrometry; Untargeted metabolomics.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Valorisation des claires ostréicoles - Contrat de Plan IFREMER - Région Poitou-Charentes - Année 1994 ArchiMer
Soletchnik, Patrick; Goulletquer, Philippe; Razet, Daniel; Geairon, Philippe; Le Moine, Olivier; Faury, Nicole; Turpin, Vincent; Hamon, R.; Robert, Jean-michel; Hussenot, Jerome; Brossard, Nicolas.
Cette étude constitue une des trois actions engagées dans le cadre du Contrat de Plan IFREMER - Poitou-Charentes (1994-1998) sous l"intitulé Valorisation des Claires Ostréicoles. Les deux actions complémentaires concernent la compréhension et l'amélioration du verdissement des claires sous la direction du Pr. J.M. Robert de l'Université de Nantes/lSOMER et la production de masse de microalgues afin de stimuler la croissance de mollusques filtreurs sous la direction de Dr. J. Hussenot du CREMA L'Houmeau. Ce programme répond directement à la demande des professionnels afin d'optimiser les conditions d'élevage de l'huître creuse C. gigas en période d'affinage qui à l'heure actuelle, ne permettent pas le contrôle de la qualité finale du produit. L'objectif...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Claires ostréicoles; Affinage; Capacité trophique; Paramètres; Marais expérimental; Culture diatomée; Huître creuse; Crassostrea gigas; Haslea ostrearia.
Ano: 1994 URL:
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