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Mondeguer, Florence; Lepinay, Alexandra; Capiaux, Hervé; Turpin, Vincent; Baron, Regis; Hess, Philipp; Lebeau, Thierry; Boug,. |
The marine diatom Haslea ostrearia [1] produces a water-soluble blue-pigment named marennine [2] of economic interest. But the lack of knowledge of the ecological conditions, under which this microalga develops in its natural ecosystem, more especially bacteria H. ostrearia interactions, prevents any optimization of its culture in well-controlled conditions. The structure of the bacterial community was analyzed by PCR-TTGE before and after the isolation of H. ostrearia cells recovered from 4 localities, to distinguish the relative part of the biotope and the biocenose and eventually to describe the temporal dynamic of the structure of the bacterial community at two time-scales. The differences in genetic fingerprints, more especially high between two H.... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Haslea ostrearia; Marine diatom; Co-culture microalgae; Bacterial community; PCR-TTGE; High Resolution Mass Spectrometry; Untargeted metabolomics. |
Ano: 2016 |
URL: https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00342/45367/44862.pdf |
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Falaise, Charlotte; Cormier, Patrick; Tremblay, Réjean; Audet, Céline; Deschênes, Jean-sébastien; Turcotte, François; François, Cyrille; Seger, Andreas; Hallegraeff, Gustaaf; Lindquist, Niels; Sirjacobs, Damien; Gobert, Sylvie; Lejeune, Pierre; Demoulin, Vincent; Mouget, Jean-luc. |
Marennine is a water-soluble blue-green pigment produced by the marine diatom Haslea ostrearia. The diatom and its pigment are well known from oyster farming areas as the source of the greening of oyster gills, a natural process increasing their market value in Western France. Blooms of blue Haslea are also present outside oyster ponds and hence marine organisms can be exposed, periodically and locally, to significant amounts of marennine in natural environments. Due to its demonstrated antibacterial activities against marine pathogenic bacteria (e.g. Vibrio) and possible prophylactic effects toward bivalve larvae, marennine is of special interest for the aquaculture industry, especially bivalve hatcheries. The present study aimed to provide new insights... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Diatom; Haslea ostrearia; Marennine; Marine organisms; Natural bioactive compound. |
Ano: 2019 |
URL: https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00477/58887/61443.pdf |
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Goulletquer, Philippe; Turpin, Vincent. |
Les claires ostréicoles représentent près de 3000ha de marais exploités par la conchyliculture dans le seul Département de Charente-Maritime. Plus de 50000 tonnes sont ainsi affinées puis commercialisées à partir de ce bassin de production, représentant 1/3 de la commercialisation française. Les travaux menés en 1997 portent sur une meilleure connaissance écophysiologique des diatomées des claires ostréicoles dont Haslea ostrearia, ainsi qu'à de meilleures estimations des conditions environnementales naturelles (évolution de la qualité d'eau entre 2 remplissages de marais). En particulier, la variabilité et la répartition au sein des claires des populations phytoplanctoniques ainsi que l'évolution dans le temps de celles-ci ont fait l'objet de recherches.... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Claires ostréicoles; Verdissement; Biomasse; Haslea ostrearia; Bassin de la Charente. |
Ano: 1997 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00076/18762/16333.pdf |
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Mondeguer, Florence; Lepinay, Alexandra; Capiaux, Hervé; Turpin, Vincent; Lebeau, Thierry. |
The marine diatom Haslea ostrearia [1] produces a water-soluble blue-pigment named marennine [2] of economic interest. But the lack of knowledge of the ecological conditions, under which this microalga develops in its natural ecosystem, more especially bacteria H. ostrearia interactions, prevents any optimization of its culture in well-controlled conditions. The structure of the bacterial community was analyzed by PCR-TTGE before and after the isolation of H. ostrearia cells recovered from 4 localities, to distinguish the relative part of the biotope and the biocenose and eventually to describe the temporal dynamic of the structure of the bacterial community at two time-scales. The differences in genetic fingerprints, more especially high between two H.... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Haslea ostrearia; Marine diatom; Co-culture microalgae; Bacterial community; TTGE; High Resolution Mass Spectrometry; Untargeted metabolomics. |
Ano: 2016 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00342/45368/44863.pdf |
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Soletchnik, Patrick; Goulletquer, Philippe; Razet, Daniel; Geairon, Philippe; Le Moine, Olivier; Faury, Nicole; Turpin, Vincent; Hamon, R.; Robert, Jean-michel; Hussenot, Jerome; Brossard, Nicolas. |
Cette étude constitue une des trois actions engagées dans le cadre du Contrat de Plan IFREMER - Poitou-Charentes (1994-1998) sous l"intitulé Valorisation des Claires Ostréicoles. Les deux actions complémentaires concernent la compréhension et l'amélioration du verdissement des claires sous la direction du Pr. J.M. Robert de l'Université de Nantes/lSOMER et la production de masse de microalgues afin de stimuler la croissance de mollusques filtreurs sous la direction de Dr. J. Hussenot du CREMA L'Houmeau. Ce programme répond directement à la demande des professionnels afin d'optimiser les conditions d'élevage de l'huître creuse C. gigas en période d'affinage qui à l'heure actuelle, ne permettent pas le contrôle de la qualité finale du produit. L'objectif... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Claires ostréicoles; Affinage; Capacité trophique; Paramètres; Marais expérimental; Culture diatomée; Huître creuse; Crassostrea gigas; Haslea ostrearia. |
Ano: 1994 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00044/15541/12918.pdf |
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