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Effects of Pfaffia glomerata (Spreng) pedersen aqueous extract on healing acetic acid-induced ulcers 52
Freitas,Cristina Setim; Baggio,Cristiane Hatsuko; Araújo,Samanta Luiza; Marques,Maria Consuelo Andrade.
The present study was carried out to evaluate the acute toxicity and the effect of the aqueous extract of the roots from Pfaffia glomerata (Spreng) Pedersen (Amaranthaceae) (AEP) on the prevention of acetic acid-induced ulcer and on the healing process of previously induced ulcers. The acute toxicity was evaluated in Swiss mice after oral administration of a single dose and the chronic gastric ulcer was induced with local application of acetic acid. The results showed that the LD50 of the extract was 684.6 for the intraperitoneal administration and higher than 10 the oral route. The administration of the AEP did not prevent ulcers formation. However, the AEP increased of the healing process of previously induced ulcers. The results...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Pfaffia glomerata; Crude extract; Healing ulcers; Gastric mucosa.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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