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Health Disparities in Rural Georgia: A Case Study of Liberty, Long, and McIntosh Counties 31
Amponsah, William A.; Fuller, Whitney; Gibbison, Godfrey.
Health disparities can be defined as differences in the health status among distinct segments of the population including differences that occur by gender, race or ethnicity, education, income, disability, or living in various geographic localities. When populations are disproportionately unhealthy, they are likely to be unable to maintain steady employment, and are more likely to rely on government assistance and support from others. We conduct a case study of three rural counties; Liberty, Long, and McIntosh to explore what factors explain the incidence of health disparities manifested in high blood pressure and heart disease. We test the hypotheses that older individuals are more likely to experience illness at a higher rate than the rest of the...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Health disparities; High blood pressure; Heart disease; Rural community; Logistic model; Community/Rural/Urban Development; Health Economics and Policy; I100; I120; I180.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Health Status and Health Care Access of Farm and Rural Populations 31
Jones, Carol Adaire; Parker, Timothy S.; Ahearn, Mary Clare; Mishra, Ashok K.; Variyam, Jayachandran N..
Rural residents have higher rates of age-adjusted mortality, disability, and chronic disease than their urban counterparts, though mortality and disability rates vary more by region than by metro status. Contributing negatively to the health status of rural residents are their lower socioeconomic status, higher incidence of both smoking and obesity, and lower levels of physical activity. Contributing negatively to the health status of farmers are the high risks from workplace hazards, which also affect other members of farm families who live on the premises and often share in the work; contributing positively are farmers’ higher socioeconomic status, lower incidence of smoking, and more active lifestyle. Both farm and rural populations experience lower...
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Health Economics and Policy; Agriculture safety and health; Electronic health records; Farmer health; Health; Health care access; Health care affordability; Health care quality; Health disparities; Health IT; Health status; Mortality; Rural health; Telehealth; Uninsured.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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