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Lin, Chung-Tung Jordan; Milon, J. Walter.
This book was originally published by Westview Press, Boulder CO, 1995.
Tipo: Book Chapter Palavras-chave: Health risk; Shellfish; Contingent valuation; Willingness to pay; Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety.
Ano: 1995 URL:
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van Ravenswaay, Eileen O.; Wohl, Jennifer.
This book was originally published by Westview Press, Boulder CO, 1995.
Tipo: Book Chapter Palavras-chave: Pesticide residues; Apples; Health risk; Contingent valuation; Willingness to pay; Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety.
Ano: 1995 URL:
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Designing contingent valuation scenarios for environmental health: The case of childhood asthma AgEcon
Brandt, Sylvia J.; Lavin, Felipe Vasquez; Hanemann, W. Michael.
Valuation of morbidity associated with childhood asthma is significant both to policy and to non-market valuation methodologies. Our results show that household perceptions and beliefs, such as belief in one’s ability to predict and control asthma attacks, and relative perceptions of the overall burden asthma places on a family, have a larger impact on valuation than traditional measures of asthma severity. More generally, our approach can be applied to other chronic illnesses as well, such as diabetes or chronic pain.
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Environmental health; Children; Health risk; Environmental Economics and Policy; Health Economics and Policy.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Factors Affecting the Macronutrient Intake of U.S. Adults AgEcon
Variyam, Jayachandran N..
The purpose of this study is to better characterize factors associated with the likelihood of macronutrient excess or inadequacy among U.S adults by modeling parts of the conditional distribution of dietary intakes other than the conditional mean. The risk of dietary inadequacy or excess faced by an individual tends to increase as his or her intake moves from the mean of a nutrient intake distribution toward its tails. Therefore, marginal effects of explanatory variables estimated at the conditional mean using ordinary least squares may be of limited value in characterizing these distributions. Quantile regression is effective in this situation since it can estimate conditional functions at any part of the distribution. Quantile regressions based on data...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Diet quality; Health risk; Heteroskedasticity; Nutrition; Quantile regression; Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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Health Risk Analysis of Heating Fuel Choice: Case Study in Kentucky AgEcon
Liu, Zheng.
Replaced with revised version of paper 02/03/09.
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Combustion-generated pollutants; Indoor air pollution; Heating fuel choice; Health risk; Environmental Economics and Policy; Health Economics and Policy.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Health Risk of Heating Fuel Choice: A Simultaneity Causality Analysis AgEcon
Liu, Zheng; Pagoulatos, Angelos; Hu, Wuyang.
Combustion-generated pollutants, principally those from solid-fuels including biomass and coal when cooking and heating, bring out a significant public health hazard in both developed and developing countries. Most of the existing studies addressing this issue focus on developing countries, and on exposure when cooking rather than heating. By using Kentucky rural data, this research explores the health risk associated with heating fuel choice. Given the simultaneity between heating fuel choice and prevalence of asthma and allergy, we obtain the instrumental variable (IV) estimate for Logit models through the Generalized Method of Moments (GMM). After correcting for simultaneity bias, we do not find strong evidence supporting the causal relationship between...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Combustion-generated pollutants; Indoor air pollution; Heating fuel choice; Health risk; GMM-IV Estimation; Environmental Economics and Policy; Health Economics and Policy; Q53; I18.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Influence of tyres characteristics and travelling speed on ride vibrations of a modern medium powered tractor Part II, Evaluation of the Health Risk CIGR Journal
Servadio, Pieranna; Belfiore, Nicola Pio.
In this paper, according to ISO 2631/1, 1997, the influence of the mechanical vibrations on human health is evaluated and assessed with four methods: the health guidance caution zones (HGCZ), the estimated vibration dose value (eVDV), the fourth power vibration dose value (VDV), a combination of various methods presented in literature.  The normative refers to the HGCZ, which involves the average RMS vibration emission level and its exposure time during a given working day.  Values of crest factor for the operator seat showed that Z-axis was the more solicited, even if all the crest factor values are below 9.  Results of mechanical vibration in respect of comfort and health, according with the method of the HGCZ, showed that only case B, at higher forward...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Agricultural Engineering; Tractors; Vibrations; Ergonimics whole body vibration; Tractor; Comfort; Health risk; Tyres.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Innováció a javából: a dohányzásról leszoktató cigaretta AgEcon
Hajdune Borsos, Adrienn.
A füstmentes társadalom megvalósításáról szól az írás. Alapja pályázati forrásból kidolgozott új gyártmány, melynek használatával feloldható a dohányzás szenvedélye, a leszokás kellemetlen fiziológiai kínjai nélkül. Az eredmény: tudatos egészségvédelem, jelentős gazdasági előnnyel! Az alapgondolat Szőke Éva professzor asszonytól származik, miszerint a lobélia addicionálja a nikotin hatását. Ebből indult ki az az innováció, ami az alapanyag-termelésen keresztül eljutott a „0” széria előállításáig, majd a szabványos degusztáció igazolta a kísérlet hipotézisét. A „kísérleti készítményt” a gyógynövénykészítmények közé indokolt sorolni, esetleg ANTINIKOTEX találó néven. Elterjesztése érdekében „közegészségügyi” besorolása ajánlható – társadalmi jelentősége...
Tipo: Article Palavras-chave: Dohány; Szenvedély; Egészségkockázat; Lobélia; Gazdaságos életvitel; Tobacco; Abuse; Health risk; Lobelia; Economical lifestyle; Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety; Marketing.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Oil and Water Don't Mix: Risk on Tap in Western Siberia AgEcon
Wernstedt, Kris.
In common with other areas throughout the Russian Federation, western Siberia faces formidable environmental pollution, a problem that in part is the legacy of the highly centralized Soviet era when meeting production quotas was the raison d'être for many managers of economic enterprises. In this region, over the last thirty years the near singular focus on short term oil production has led to severe contamination of the area's surface and groundwater supplies, threatening both human and ecological health. At the same time, revenues from continued oil extraction may provide the means to address some of the environmental problems. In light of the struggling economy and potential political instability, however, it is particularly critical that authorities...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Transitional economies; Drinking water; Oil contamination; Health risk; Prioritization; Least cost planning; Russia; Siberia; Environmental Economics and Policy; I18; Q28.
Ano: 1996 URL:
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