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Anatomical and histological study of the liver and pancreas of two closely related mountain newts Neurergus microspilotus and N. kaiseri (Amphibia: Caudata: Salamandridae) 103
Vaissi,Somaye; Parto,Paria; Sharifi,Mozafar.
ABSTRACT Anatomical and histological examinations were conducted on the digestive glands of two closely related mountain newts, Neurergus microspilotus (Nesterov, 1916) and Neurergus kaiseri Schmidt, 1952. In N. microspilotus and N. kaiseri the major digestive glands comprise a very large liver and a small pancreas. In both species the liver has two distinct lobes, right and left. Histologically, the parenchyma of the liver of both species is contained within a thin capsule of fibroconnective tissue. Glycogen deposits and fat storage often dissolve during the routine histological process and produce considerable histological variability. Sinusoids are lined with endothelial cells forming a very thin epithelial sheet, with discontinuous basement membrane....
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Digestive glands; Light microscopy; Hematoxylin-Eosin; Periodic acid-Schiff (PAS).
Ano: 2017 URL:
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