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Application of PFC3D to simulate a planetary ball mill CIGR Journal
Chen, Ying; Guzman, Leno; Potter, Simon; Khan, Majibur.
Planetary ball mill is a versatile machine which has been used for grinding different types of materials for size reduction and lately for hemp decortication. PFC3D, software employing the discrete element method (DEM), was used to simulate the power and energy requirement of grinding hemp for fibre using a planetary ball mill. The simulation was facilitated through a series of hemp grinding tests using the planetary ball mill to examine the power draw of the mill. The test results identified that grinding speed had a significant effect on the power draw of the mill. The power draw data were used to calibrate the discrete element parameters for different grinding speeds. Using the calibrated parameters, one was able to predict the kinetic energy and...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Agricultural machinery; Bioprocessing PFC3D; Discrete element model (DEM); Hemp; Planetary ball mill; Power; Energy; Kinetic; Friction.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Dossie sobre o Canhamo-Cannabis sativa L. Infoteca-e
BELTRAO, N. E. de M..
Correspondencias enviadas e recebidas sobre o caso, envolvendo a que foi remetida ao Deputado Federal Fernando Gabeira.
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Maconha; Dossie; Cannabis sativa L; Cânhamo; Hemp.
Ano: 1996 URL:
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Kraenzel, David G.; Petry, Timothy A.; Nelson, Bill; Anderson, Marshall J.; Mathern, Dustin; Todd, Robert.
This report is in response to a national and state interest in the potential benefits of industrial hemp as an alternative crop. Industrial hemp has many uses which can be categorized into nine submarkets. North Dakota may have a comparative advantage in producing industrial hemp seed for oil because of the multi-oil processing facility in Carrington (AgGrow Oils) and the established infrastructure. Industrial hemp is currently legally produced in 22 countries with Canada being the closest and is recognized as a legal and legitimate crop in both the NAFTA and GATT agreements. The main obstacles for legalization of industrial hemp appear to be 1) law enforcement officials are concerned about the regulation, 2) no domestic facilities currently exist to...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Industrial hemp; Hemp; Alternative crops; Fiber; Hurds; Cannabis Sativa; Production Economics.
Ano: 1998 URL:
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Inter simple sequence repeats separate efficiently hemp from marijuana (Cannabis sativa L.) Electron. J. Biotechnol.
Hakki,Erdogan E; Kayis,Seyit A; Pinarkara,Emine; Sag,Ayla.
Cannabis sativa L. is a multiple-use plant that provides raw material for the production of seed oil, natural fiber for textiles, automotive and pulp industries. It has also been used in insulating boards, ropes, varnishes, animal feed, and as medicinal agents. Cannabis has potential to be used for phytoremediation: however, its cultivation is strictly controlled due to its psychoactive nature and usage in producing drugs such as marijuana, and hashish. In this study, psychoactive type Cannabis samples, which were seized from 23 different locations of Turkey, and nine hemp type Cannabis accessions, as well as an unknown accession were used. Our interest was to identify the genetic relatedness of the seized samples and to separate drug and hemp type plants....
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Cluster analysis; Hemp; ISSR; Marijuana; Principle coordinate analysis.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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