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Microbial additives in the composting process 64
Ribeiro,Noelly de Queiroz; Souza,Thiago Pereira; Costa,Lívia Martinez Abreu Soares; Castro,Cibelli Paula de; Dias,Eustáquio Souza.
ABSTRACT Composting is the process of natural degradation of organic matter carried out by environmental microorganisms whose metabolic activities cause the mineralization and partial humification of substances in the pile. This compost can be beneficially applied to the soil as organic fertilizer in horticulture and agriculture. The number of studies involving microbial inoculants has been growing, and they aim to improve processes such as composting. However, the behavior of these inoculants and other microorganisms during the composting process have not yet been described. In this context, this work aimed to investigate the effects of using a microbial inoculum that can improve the composting process and to follow the bacterial population dynamics...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: High Resolution Melt (HRM); Bacteria; Microbial ecology..
Ano: 2017 URL:
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