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Spectral analysis of mean flow and turbulence forced by waves in a horizontally homogeneous zone of the Iroise sea A comparison with current times series measured by high-frequency radar 5
Simon, Guillaume; Dumas, Franck; Duhaut, Thomas.
The 1D version of the Model for Applications at Regional Scale is used to parameterize the effects of sea surface waves in 2D in a horizontally homogeneous offshore zone of the Iroise sea. Here we present the first simulation of the Iroise sea including sea surface waves forcing, and more generally, the first study of a boundary layer including the Hasselmann force with a tidal wave. We use a single equation turbulence closure based on a non-local diagnosis for energetic and dissipation length scales. The turbulent energy flux at the surface due to whitecaps and the Hasselmann force induced by Stokes drift are assessed using the whole sea surface waves spectrum given by the Wave Watch Third generation model. The ability of the parameterization to reproduce...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Ocean turbulence; Waves; Stokes drift; Iroise sea; MARS; High-frequency radar; OSCR.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Surface currents in the Alderney Race from high-frequency radar measurements and three-dimensional modelling 5
Lopez, G.; Bennis, Anne-claire; Barbin, Y.; Sentchev, A.; Benoit, L.; Marié, Louis.
Two weeks of high-frequency radar measurements collected at the Alderney Race are compared with the results of a three-dimensional fully coupled wave–current model. Spatial current measurements are rare in this site, otherwise well investigated through modelling. Thus, the radar measurements offer a unique opportunity to examine the spatial reliability of numerical results, and can help to improve our understanding of the complex currents in the area. Comparison of observed and modelled surface current velocities showed a good agreement between the methods, represented by root mean squared errors ranging from 14 to 40 cm s−1 and from 18 to 60 cm s−1 during neap and spring tides, respectively. Maximum errors were found in shallow regions with consistently...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: HF radar; Surface current; Alderney Race; MARS 3D; WW3; High-frequency radar.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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