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Trace Element Determinations in Fe-Mn Oxides by High Resolution ICP-MS after Tm Addition 5
Charles, Claire; Barrat, Jean-alix; Pelleter, Ewan.
In order to propose an optimal analytical procedure specific to ferromanganese (Fe-Mn) oxides, we investigated different modes of data acquisition using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). The results of trace element and Rare Earth Element (REE) determination in eight Fe-Mn nodules and crusts (FeMn-1, GSMC-1, GSMC-2, GSMC-3, GSPN-2, GSPN-3, NOD-A-1 and NOD-P-1) are presented here. The analytical procedure involves chemical dissolution of the Fe-Mn oxides and addition of a thulium (Tm) spike. The correction of measured values from potential isobaric interferences was investigated using both corrections based on mono-elemental solutions, and data acquisition in the high-resolution mode. The obtained results show that the high-resolution...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: ICP-MS; Fe-Mn oxides; Trace elements; Rare earth elements; High-resolution; Tm spike.
Ano: 2021 URL:
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Two-dimensional ammonium distribution in sediment pore waters using a new colorimetric diffusive equilibration in thin-film technique 5
Metzger, Edouard; Barbe, Anthony; Cesbron, Florian; Thibault De Chanvalon, Aubin; Jauffrais, Thierry; Jézéquel, Didier; Mouret, Aurélia.
This study presents a new gel based technique to describe the pore water ammonium distribution through the sediment-water interface in two dimensions at a millimeter scale. The technique is an adaptation of the classical colorimetric method based on the Berthelot's reaction. After the thin film of the gel probe was equilibrated by diffusion either in standard solutions or in pore waters, a colorimetric reagent gel was set on the gel probe, allowing development of the characteristic green color. A flatbed scanner and subsequent densitometry image analysis allowed to determine the concentration distribution of ammonium. The gel probe was tested in the laboratory for two media, deionized water and seawater, within the range 0–3000 μM in NH4+. Detection limit...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Biogeochemistry; High-resolution; Porewater; DET; Densitometry.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Widespread active seepage activity on the Nile Deep Sea Fan (offshore Egypt) revealed by high-definition geophysical imagery 5
Dupre, Stephanie; Woodside, John; Klaucke, Ingo; Mascle, Jean; Foucher, Jean-paul.
Fluid escape structures on the Nile Deep Sea Fan were investigated during the MEDIFLUX MIMES expedition in 2004. Mud volcanoes, pockmarks and authigenic carbonate structures were surveyed for the first time with a high-resolution deep-towed 75 kHz sidescan sonar and a 2-8 kHz Chirp sediment echosounder. In combination with existing multibeam bathymetry and detailed seafloor in situ geological observations, these new data allowed detailed seep analyses. About 60 gas flares were detected acoustically in the water column from the sidescan sonar raw data at water depths from 770 to 1700 m. These gas flares coincide at the seabed with 1) the centres of the mud volcanoes where mud is also extruded, 2) the borders of the mud volcanoes where the emitted gases...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Nile Deep Sea Fan; Seepage; Backscatter; Sidescan sonar; High-resolution; Gas chimneys; Mud volcanoes; Authigenic carbonates.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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