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Breeding biology of the Stonechat in southeastern Hokkaido, Japan OAK
FUJIMAKI, Yuzo; TAKAMATA, Masako; SATO, Fumi; 藤巻, 裕蔵; 鷹股, 昌子; 佐藤, 文.
Palavras-chave: Stonechat; Saxicola torquata; Breeding; Hokkaido.
Ano: 1994 URL:
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Distribution and abundance of the red-cheeked myna Sturnus philippensis and the grey starling S. cineraceus in central and southeastern Hokkaido OAK
藤巻, 裕蔵.
Palavras-chave: コムクドリ; ムクドリ; 北海道; 分布; 生息環境; Abundance; Grey starling; Distribution; Hokkaido; Red-cheeked myna.
Ano: 1998 URL:
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Distribution and abundance of the Siberian rubythrot Luscinia calliope and the Siberian blue robin L. cyane in central and southeastern Hokkaido OAK
藤巻, 裕蔵.
Palavras-chave: ノゴマ; コルリ; 北海道; 分布; 生息環境; Abundance; Distribution; Hokkaido; Siberian blue robin; Siberian rubythrot.
Ano: 1999 URL:
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Effectiveness of Deer whistle for Hokkaido sika deer Cervus nippon yesoensis for prevention of deer-vehicle crash OAK
鹿野, たか嶺; 柳川, 久; 野呂, 美紗子; 原, 文宏; 神馬, 強志; YANAGAWA, Hisashi.
We studied the effectiveness of electronic deer whistles in scaring away sika deer that are likely to run onto roads, resulting in accidents. These whistles have been used in the U.S.A. and other countries. In this study, two types of deer whistles were tested: one that has a continuous tone with a fixed frequency (Whistle A) and the other that has an intermittent tone with a modulated frequency (Whistle B). To assess the effectiveness of the whistles in alerting deer, the deer's reactions to the whistles were observed by blowing the whistle from a fixed place that is visible to the deer when they appear by the roadside. For the control sample, deer's behavior when no whistle was blown was observed. When no whistle was blown, 51% of the deer were on alert...
Palavras-chave: Deer whistle; Hokkaido; Sika deer; Road-kill.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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First Case of Echinococcus multilocularis Infection in a Zoo-Housed Flying Squirrel (Pteromys volans orii) OAK
OIKAWA, Eri; SHIMURA, Ryoji; NISHIMURA, Maki; FURUOKA, Hidefumi; 古岡, 秀文.
A 33 month-old male flying squirrel kept in a zoo developed progressive dyspnea and died. Macroscopically, the liver and lung were enlarged with numerous nodular vesicles. Histologically, these organs were replaced by numerous collapsed vesicles demarcated by fibrous tissues. The cysts lined by a cellular, germinal layer contained numerous brood capsules with abundant production of well-developed protoscolices. Protoscolices were about 80–100 μm in diameter, and had hooks being visible as refractive structures. This zoo locates in the east of Hokkaido where is an endemic area of Echinococcus multilocularis infection. From epidemiology and pathological findings, this animal was diagnosed as E.multilocularis infection. This report describes the pathology of...
Palavras-chave: Echinococcus multilocularis; Flying squirrel; Hokkaido; New host record; Pathology.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Seasonal and spatial distributions in relation to reproduction of blowflies (Diptera, Calliphoridae) in Hokkaido, Japan OAK
IWASA, Mitsuhiro; MATSUSHIMA, Kana; INOUE, Ayako; 岩佐, 光啓.
Seasonal and spatial distributions of blowflies in relation to reproduction were investigated by baited traps in eight sites from lowland to high mountainous areas in Hokkaido, Japan. A total of 6,571 blowflies consisting of seven species in three genera was collected. The most predominant species was Calliphora vomitoria (Linnaeus) (5,946 flies, 90.5%), followed by C. nigribarbis Vollenhoven (537 flies, 8.2%). The remaining five species (Triceratopyga calliphoroides Rohdendorf, C. vicina Robineau-Desvoidy, C. loewi Enderlein, C. subalpina (Ringdahl), and Aldrichina grahami (Aldrich) were few in numbers. Calliphora vomitoria had the highest peak in autumn (October) in lowland to upland areas (70 m, 400 m, and 500 m), and it was also abundant from July to...
Palavras-chave: Blowflies; Distribution; Emergence; Hokkaido; Life history; Reproduction.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Song divergence in the Japanese Willow Tits OAK
THONEN, Willi; FUJIMAKI, Yuzo; テーネン, W; 藤巻, 裕蔵.
Palavras-chave: Willow Tit; Parus montanus; Song; Japan; Hokkaido; コガラ; 囀り; 日本; 北海道.
Ano: 1995 URL:
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北海道中部・南東部におけるカワラヒワとマヒワの生息状況 OAK
藤巻, 裕蔵; FUJIMAKI, Yuzo.
Palavras-chave: Carduelis; カワラヒワ; マヒワ; 北海道; 分布; Carduelis; Oriental Greenfinch; Siskin; Hokkaido; Distribution.
Ano: 1996 URL:
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北海道十勝地方の2つの小学校における鳥類のガラス衝突死 OAK
柳川, 久; 澁谷, 辰生; Yanagawa, Hisashi; Shibuya, Tatsuo.
1.北海道十勝管内の2か所の小学校で,建物の周辺環境(植生や人工建造物),鳥類相と衝突死する鳥類の個体数の関係を調べるため,1994年6月から12月まで調査を行なった.調査を行なった新得町立屈足小学校と佐幌小学校はガラスを多用した同型の体育館を有していた. 2.ラインセンサスの結果,屈足小学校では25種498個体,佐幌小学校では25種516個体の鳥類が観察された.屈足小学校では,スズメが最も多く(178個体. 2000. 35.7%),次いでコムクドリ(58個体. 2000. 11.6%),アオジ(53個体. 2000. 10.6%),ハクセキレイ(50個体. 2000. 10.0%)が多かった.佐幌小学校ではスズメ(152個体. 2000. 29.5%)が最も多く,次いでシメ(78個体. 2000. 15.1%)が多かった. 3.佐幌小学校では10種26個体のガラス衝突した鳥類が拾得されたが,屈足小学校では1個体のみであった.衝突死が最も多い鳥類はシメで11個体(40.7%)であった.死亡した鳥類はほとんど(85.2%)が幼鳥であった. 4.佐幌小学校の周辺では,巣立ちしたシメの幼鳥の群れが採食するのがしばしば観察された.また,佐幌小学校にはスズメ類やムクドリ類のための巣箱も架設されており,ホオジロ類が好むやぶ地も備わっていた. 5.両校間の衝突死個体数の差は,特にシメなどの建物周辺で繁殖,採餌する鳥類の個体数の違いに起因すると思われた.
Palavras-chave: ガラス衝突; 死因; 鳥類群集; Bird; Hokkaido; Mortality; Population; Window-collisions.
Ano: 2000 URL:
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北海道十勝地方の鳥類11. 帯広市帯広川下流部の水鳥類 OAK
内田, 旬子; 藤巻, 裕蔵; UCHIDA, Junko; FUJIMAKI, Yuzo.
Palavras-chave: Hokkaido; Obihiro River; Waterfowl.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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北海道東部における鳥類の死因 : IV. 十勝地方における交通事故 OAK
筒渕, 美幸; 権田, 久美子; 柳川, 久; TSUTSUBUCHI, Miyuki; GONDA, Kumiko; YANAGAWA, Hisashi.
Palavras-chave: 鳥類; 死因; 交通事故; 十勝地方; 北海道; Wild bird; Causes of mortality; Road mortality; Tokachi district; Hokkaido.
Ano: 1999 URL:
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北海道酪農コスト競争力 : 市場開放への対応方策視点から OAK
Nagaki, Masakazu; 永木, 正和.
Palavras-chave: Dairy Farming; Cost of Milk production; Hokkaido; Liberalization; Economy of scale.
Ano: 1992 URL:
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