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Australian Summer Monsoon variability in the past 14,000 years revealed by IODP Expedition 356 sediments 5
Ishiwa, Takeshige; Yokoyama, Yusuke; Reuning, Lars; Mchugh, Cecilia M.; De Vleeschouwer, David; Gallagher, Stephen J..
The International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) Expedition 356 Site U1461 cored a Miocene to Holocene sedimentary sequence in the upper bathyal carbonate offshore northwestern Australia (NWA). The siliciclastic component of these strata is primarily derived from the Australian continent. Radiocarbon dating on macrofossils and planktonic foraminifera shows that the upper 14 m section at Site U1461 preserves Holocene sediments, recording regional climate variability. K/Ca ratios determined by X-ray fluorescence elemental analyses and %K determined by shipboard natural gamma ray analysis are interpreted as indicators of riverine run-off from the Australian continent. We document the consequences of the variability of the Australian Summer Monsoon (ASM) on...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: International Ocean Discovery Program Expedition 356; Australian Summer Monsoon; Radiocarbon dating; Holocene climate variability; Northwestern Australia.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Holocene climate variability in the western Mediterranean region from a deepwater sediment record 5
Frigola, J.; Moreno, A.; Cacho, I.; Canals, M.; Sierro, F. J.; Flores, J. A.; Grimalt, J. O.; Hodell, D. A.; Curtis, J. H..
The detailed analysis of the International Marine Past Global Changes Study core MD99-2343 recovered from a sediment drift at 2391 m water depth north of the island of Minorca illustrates the effects of climate variability on thermohaline circulation in the western Mediterranean during the last 12 kyr. Geochemical ratios associated with terrigenous input resulted in the identification of four phases representing different climatic and deepwater overturning conditions in the Western Mediterranean Basin during the Holocene. Superimposed on the general trend, eight centennial- to millennial-scale abrupt events appear consistently in both grain size and geochemical records, which supports the occurrence of episodes of deepwater overturning reinforcement in the...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Holocene climate variability; Thermohaline circulation; Western Mediterranean Sea.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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