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Effective thermal conductivity of the hair coat of Holstein cows in a tropical environment 96
Maia,Alex Sandro Campos; Silva,Roberto Gomes da; Souza Junior,João Batista Freire de; Silva,Rosiane Batista da; Domingos,Hérica Girlane Tertulino.
The objective of the present study was to assess the effective thermal conductivity of the hair coat (k ef, mW.m-1.K-1) of Holstein cows in a tropical environment, as related to conduction and radiation in the absence of free convection. The average k ef was 49.72 mW.m-1.K-1, about twice the conductivity of the air (26 mW.m-1.K-1) and much less than that of the hair fibres (260 mW.m-1.K-1). The low k ef values were attributed mainly to the small cross area of individual hairs, ρef/ρf (17.2% and 21.3% for black and white hairs, respectively). White coats were denser, with longer hairs and significantly higher k ef (53.15 mW.m-1.K-1) than that of the black hairs (49.25 mW.m-1.K-1). The heritability coefficient of the effective thermal conductivity was...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Hair coat; Holstein cows; Thermal conductivity.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Estimation of genetic parameters for test-day milk yield in Holstein cows using a random regression model 74
Cobuci,Jaime Araujo; Euclydes,Ricardo Frederico; Lopes,Paulo Sávio; Costa,Claudio Napolis; Torres,Robledo de Almeida; Pereira,Carmen Silva.
Test-day milk yield records of 11,023 first-parity Holstein cows were used to estimate genetic parameters for milk yield during different lactation periods. (Co)variance components were estimated using two random regression models, RRM1 and RRM2, and the restricted maximum likelihood method, compared by the likelihood ratio test. Additive genetic variances determined by RRM1 and additive genetic and permanent environmental variances estimated by RRM2 were described, using the Wilmink function. Residual variance was constant throughout lactation for the two models. The heritability estimates obtained by RRM1 (0.34 to 0.56) were higher than those obtained by RRM2 (0.15 to 0.31). Due to the high heritability estimates for milk yield throughout lactation and...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Random regression models; REML method; Genetic parameters; Test-day milk yield; Holstein cows.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Evaporative cooling and cutaneous surface temperature of Holstein cows in tropical conditions 96
Silva,Roberto Gomes da; Maia,Alex Sandro Campos.
The effects of skin temperature (T S) on the rate of heat loss by cutaneous evaporation (E S) in Holstein cows chronically exposed to sun, considering hair coat colour were studied. Sixteen purebred cows were measured for E S and T S at 01:00 p.m. after 6 hours of exposure to sun, on three body regions (flank, neck and gluteus) and considering dark and white spots separately. Sweating rate (S) and E S were measured by means of a ventilated capsule. Black skin areas presented mean S (138.9 ± 8.5 gm-2 h-1), E S (93.3 ± 5.7 Wm-2), and T S (33.1 ± 0.2°C) higher than those in the white areas (109.5 ± 9.7 gm-2h-1), 73.6 ± 6.5 Wm-2 and 32.6 ± 0.2°C, respectively). There is an exponential relationship among cutaneous temperature and cutaneous evaporation, which...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Cutaneous evaporation; Cutaneous temperature; Holstein cows.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Latent heat loss of Holstein cows in a tropical environment: a prediction model 96
Maia,Alex Sandro Campos; Silva,Roberto Gomes da; Loureiro,Cintia Maria Battiston.
Nine lactating Holstein cows with average 526 ± 5 kg of BW, five predominantly black and four predominantly white, bred in a tropical region and managed in open pasture were observed to measure cutaneous and respiratory evaporation rates under different environmental conditions. Cows were separated in three weight class: 1 (<450 kg), 2 (450-500 kg) and 3 (>500 kg). Latent heat loss from cutaneous surface was measured using a ventilated capsule; evaporation in the respiratory system was measured using a facial mask. The results showed that heaviest cows (2 and 3 classes) presented the least evaporation rates. When air temperature increased from 10 to 36ºC the relative humidity decreased from 90 to 30%. In these conditions the heat loss by respiratory...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Evaporation rate; Holstein cows; Tropical environment.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Prediction of Genetic Trend for Herd Life of Holstein Cows in Japan 19
萩谷, 功一; 安宅, 倭; 白井, 達夫; 鈴木, 三義; 河原, 孝吉.
Palavras-chave: Holstein cows; Herd life; Genetic trend.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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ホルスタイン集団における生涯産乳形質および初産形質に関する遺伝率と遺伝相関の推定 19
萩谷, 功一; 鈴木, 三義; 河原, 孝吉; PEREIRA, Juan Antonio C.; Domon, Yukio; Tsuruta, Shogo; MISZTAL, Ignacy; Hagiya, Kouichi; Suzuki, Mitsuyoshi; Kawahara, Takayoshi; 土門, 幸男; 鶴田, 彰吾.
生涯産乳形質に関する遺伝的パラメータの推定および初産形質, 体形形質と長命性との間の遺伝的関連についてEM-REML法を用いた多形質アニマルモデルを使用して分析した. データは, 社団法人北海道酪農検定検査協会に集積された産乳能力検定記録のうち, 1975年から1999年にわたる58,352頭の生涯記録, および社団法人日本ホルスタイン登録協会に集積された体型審査記録および132,096頭からなるそれらの血統記録を使用した. 生涯形質は, 初産分娩後48ヵ月および84ヵ月までの在群期間および生産期間, それらの期間内に生産した総乳量, 総乳脂量, 総無脂固形分量および総乳タンパク質量とした. 初産記録は, 乳量, 乳脂量, 無脂固形分量および乳タンパク質量, および17の体型形質の記録を含む. 生涯産乳形質に関する遺伝率は, 初産分娩後48ヵ月および84ヵ月のいずれの形質においても0.15から0.16の範囲で推定された. 初産および84ヵ月における産乳形質間の遺伝相関係数は, 0.53 (乳量および無脂固形分量) から0.61 (乳脂量) と推定された. 前乳房の付着および乳房の深さは, 初産乳量との間に負の遺伝相関係数 (-0.03および-0.21) が推定されたにもかかわらず, 初産分娩後84ヵ月までの総乳量との間に比較的高い遺伝相関係数 (0.22および0.20) が推定された. Heritabilities for lifetime production and first lactation traits and genetic correlations among these traits were estimated using an animal model. Data consisted...
Palavras-chave: Holstein cows; Lifetime production; Genetic parameters.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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ホルスタイン雌牛の検定日記録から乳期生産量を予測する3種の方法の比較 19
萩谷, 功一; 安宅, 倭; 河原, 孝吉; 後藤, 裕作; 鈴木, 三義; 白井, 達夫; 渥美, 正; Hagiya, Kouichi; Atagi, Yamato; Kawahara, Takayoshi; Gotho, Yusaku; Suzuki, Mitsuyoshi; Shirai, Tastuo; Astumi, Tadashi.
ホルスタイン種における月1回の検定記録から乳期全体の記録を予測する方法について比較検討した.データは,1990年から2002年までに独立行政法人家畜改良センターの4つの牧場で飼養されたホルスタイン種における771個体からの232,337の初産次の乳量における検定日記録である.乳期あたりの乳量は,分直後から分後305日までの乳量(以下,305日乳量)の合計とした.分析では,検定日間隔(Test Interval ; 以下,TI)法,最良予測(Best Prediction ; 以下,BP)法および多形質予測(Multiple Trait Prediction ; 以下,MTP)法からの推定値と真の305日乳量を比較検討した.MTP法における泌乳曲線の説明には,WoodまたはWilminkのモデルを採用した.TI法およびBP法を比較した場合,泌乳初期から中期の検定日記録に対してBP法が優れており,泌乳末期の検定日記録に対してTI法が適していた. MTP法は,Wilminkのモデルを採用した場合に,Woodのモデルを採用した場合よりも乳期全体において推定精度が高かった.Wilminkのモデルを採用したMTP法の推定精度は,泌乳初期から中期にかけてBP法と同程度であり,泌乳末期で他との比較において真の値にもっとも近似した.このことより,Wilminkのモデルを採用したMTP法は,乳期全体を通じて優れた推定法であることが示唆された. Three methods were compared to predict the whole record of the lactation from records of test days in Holstein cows. Data consisted of 232,337...
Palavras-chave: Holstein cows; Test interval method; Best prediction; Multiple trait prediction.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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