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Caudal vena cava thrombosis in a dairy cow (Bos taurus) in Argentina 65
Schild,Carlos; Armendano,Joaquín Ignacio; Liboreiro,Matías; Bresky,Florencia; Morrell,Eleonora; Odriozola,Ernesto; Cantón,Germán.
ABSTRACT: Caudal vena cava thrombosis (CVCT) is an acute disease secondary to ruminal lactic acidosis and rumenitis with fatal outcome in cattle fed with a high-grain diet. The aim of this paper is to describe CVCT in an adult Holstein cow from a herd in Balcarce, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Clinical signs included dyspnea, weakness, recumbence, and hemoptysis, followed by death in 3.5 days. Important necropsy findings included multiple hepatic abscesses, a septic thrombus (4.0cm x 2.0cm) in the vena cava adjacent to the liver, and a 15cm hematoma in the right lung. Histological lesions observed in the pulmonary parenchyma included suppurative pneumonia with embolic bacterial colonies and severe interstitial fibroplasia. Dissociation and degeneration of...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Cattle; Holstein; Thrombosis; Vena cava; Hemoptysis.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Felmer D.,Ricardo; Butendieck B.,Norberto; Butendieck B.,Bárbara; Villegas M.,Juana.
La deficiencia en la capacidad de unión de leucocitos bovinos a los antígenos, más conocida como BLAD, es una enfermedad hereditaria que resulta letal para el ganado de la raza Holstein. Su principal característica es ser una enfermedad autosómica recesiva que puede ser transmitida a la descendencia. El objetivo del trabajo fue estandarizar la metodología para realizar un diagnóstico de la enfermedad mediante técnicas moleculares y lograr una primera aproximación sobre la frecuencia génica del alelo mutado en algunas poblaciones de toros de la IX y X Región. En base a la amplificación del ADN mediante reacción en cadena de polimerasa (PCR) y posterior digestión con enzimas de restricción Taq I y Hae III, fue posible visualizar, mediante electroforesis en...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Deficiencia de adhesión leucocitaria bovina; BLAD; PCR; RFLP; Holstein; Enfermedad.
Ano: 2001 URL:
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Effect of Liver Abscess and Complications on Carcass Grade of Holstein Steers 19
日高, 智; 岩谷, 渡; 松長, 延吉; 左, 久; HIDAKA, Satoshi; IWAYA, Wataru; MATSUNAGA, Nobuyoshi; HIDARI, Hisashi.
ホルスタイン種去勢牛の肥育では,濃厚飼料を多給した集約的な飼養が行われているために,肝膿瘍や合併症に罹患した牛が多い. しかし,その発生状況や疾病が格付成績に及ぽす影響についてはよく知られていない.そこで本試験では, 肝膿瘍と合併症の発生状況を調査し,これらの疾病が枝肉重量,枝肉格付成績に及ぼす影響を,さらに疾病が与える経済的損失を検討した. 1993年4月から1994年3月までの1年間に十勝管内A町から出荷され,十勝畜産公社で解体された16,226頭のホルスタイン種去勢肥育牛の屠畜検査成績,枝肉格付成績を用いた.また,疾病牛の枝肉重量の減少と肝臓の廃棄損失から疾病による経済的損失額を試算した.供試牛のうちなんらかの疾病を持つ牛は,9,288頭で全供試牛の57%を占め,肝膿蕩擢患牛は32%で,その発生は5,6月および11-2月に多かった.肝膿瘍罹患牛のうち56%がlつ以上の合併症を併発しており,合併症では横隔膜炎,胃炎およひ小腸炎が多くみられた.正常牛と比べ肝膿瘍罹患牛では,合併症の数が増加するほど枝肉重量が減少した.枝肉格付成績では,正常牛と比較して,肝膿瘍と合併症が2つ以下の牛ではほぼ同様であった.しかし,合併症が3つ以上の牛では, B-3の割合が減少し, B-2,...
Palavras-chave: ホルスタイン種; 去勢牛; 肝膿瘍; 合併症; 枝肉格付; Holstein; Steer; Liver Abscess; Complications; Carcass Grade.
Ano: 1997 URL:
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Effect of organic sources of minerals on fat-corrected milk yield of dairy cows in confinement 96
Del Valle,Tiago Antonio; Jesus,Elmeson Ferreira de; Paiva,Pablo Gomes de; Bettero,Vitor Pereira; Zanferari,Filipe; Acedo,Tiago Sabella; Tamassia,Luis Fernando Monteiro; Rennó,Francisco Palma.
This study evaluated the effects of organic and inorganic sources of minerals in diets for mid-lactation dairy cows on milk yield and composition, intake and total apparent digestibility of dry matter and nutrients, blood parameters, microbial protein synthesis, and energy and protein balances. Twenty Holstein cows averaging 146.83±67.34 days in milk and weighing 625.30±80.37 kg were used. The experimental design was a crossover. Diets were composed of corn silage (50%), ground grain corn, and soybean meal, differing with regard to the sources of trace minerals, plus an organic and inorganic mix. The organic mineral source increased milk fat and fat-corrected milk yield without changing milk yield, intake, or total apparent digestibility. Blood parameters,...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Holstein; Milk fat; Mineral nutrition; Organic mineral.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Estimation of Heritability for Somatic Cell Score of Holstein Cows in Hokkaido 19
三浦, 伸也; 鈴木, 三義.
Palavras-chave: Somatic cell score; Heritability; Random regression; Threshold model; Holstein.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Genetic analysis of productive and reproductive traits in multiple-breed dairy cattle populations 86
Ribeiro,Virgínia Mara Pereira; Merlo,Fernanda Albuquerque; Gouveia,Gabriela Canabrava; Winkelstroter,Larissa Kretli; Abreu,Luíza Rodrigues Alves; Silva,Marcos Vinícius Gualberto Barbosa da; Panetto,João Cláudio do Carmo; Paiva,Leandro de Carvalho; Cembranelli,Marcello de Aguiar Rodrigues; Toral,Fabio Luiz Buranelo.
Abstract: The objective of this work was to determine whether the random regression model using linear splines (RRMLS) is suitable to estimate the genetic parameters for productive and reproductive traits of a multiple-breed dairy cattle population, as well as to investigate the effect of the genetic group of the progeny on the genetic merit of the sire. The multiple-trait model (MTM) and the RRMLS with one knot fitted for every genetic group were used to obtain the genetic parameters. Records of 1/2 Holstein + 1/2 Gyr (1/2HG), 5/8 Holstein + 3/8 Gyr (5/8HG), and 3/4 Holstein + 1/4 Gyr (3/4HG) crossbreed dams were considered. The RRMLS showed better fitting. The additive and residual variances estimated by the MTM and the RRMLS were similar. Heritability...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Gyr; Heritability; Heterosis; Holstein; Selection.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Genetic Correlations of Milk Production and Type Traits with Somatic Cell Score from Holstein Cows in Hokkaido 19
三浦, 伸也; 鈴木, 三義.
Palavras-chave: Somatic cell score; Genetic correlation; Type trait; Milk production; Holstein.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Genetic relationships of age at first calving, and reproductive traits of cows and yield traits for Holsteins in Hokkaido 19
阿部, 隼人; 増田, 豊; 鈴木, 三義; MASUDA, Yutaka; SUZUKI, Mitsuyoshi.
Palavras-chave: Age at first calving; Genetic correlation; Holstein; Reproductive traits of cows; Yield traits.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Genotype×environment interaction in feeding systems and sire countries for Holsteins 19
馬場, 俊見; 清水, 知佳; 橋本, 優子; 増田, 豊; 鈴木, 三義; MASUDA, Yutaka; SUZUKI, Mitsuyoshi.
Palavras-chave: Feeding system; Genotype by environment interaction; Holstein; Sire country.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Holstein white coat color and performance: phenotypic, genetic and environmental correlations 54
Becerril,Carlos M.; Wilcox,Charles J.; Guerrero,Victor M..
Correlations of measures of percentages of white coat color, five measures of production and two measures of reproduction were obtained from 4293 first lactation Holsteins from eight Florida dairy farms. Percentages of white coat color were analyzed as recorded and transformed by an extension of Box-Cox procedures. Statistical analyses were by derivative-free restricted maximum likelihood (DFREML) with an animal model. Phenotypic and genetic correlations of white percentage (not transformed) were with milk yield, 0.047 and 0.097; fat yield, 0.002 and 0.004; fat percentage, -0.047 and -0.090; protein yield, 0.024 and 0.048; protein percentage, -0.070 and -0.116; days open, -0.012 and -0.065; and calving interval, -0.007 and -0.029. Changes in magnitude of...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Holstein; Phenotypic; Genetic; Environmental.
Ano: 1996 URL:
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Milk production of crossbred Holstein × Zebu cows in the northeastern region of Paraná State 96
Perotto,Daniel; Kroetz,Inácio Afonso; Rocha,José Lázaro da.
The objective of this work was to evaluate milk production of a Holstein × Zebu herd managed on a semiintensive system at Estação Experimental Joaquim Távora, IAPAR, in the northeastern region of Paraná - Brazil. Two hundred and seventeen records on milk production per lactation period (MY), milk production up to 305 days of lactation (MY305) and length of lactation period (LL) of 82 crossbred cows varying in breed composition were analyzed according to a linear statistical model that included the fixed effects of breed composition, season and year at onset of lactation, order of parturition and place of birth, in addition to the experimental error. Cows born in Joaquim Távora had longer lactation periods and produced more milk than cows born in Ibiporã....
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Crossbreeding; Holstein; Zebu; Lactation length; Semi-intensive system.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Pericardial mesothelioma with severe congestive heart failure in a Holstein cow 19
Suzuki, Haruka; Watanabe, Ken-ichi; Horiuchi, Noriyuki; Kobayashi, Yoshiyasu; Inokuma, Hisashi.
A 58-month-old Holstein cow showed anorexia, edema of the lower jaw and dewlap, jugular venous engorgement, abdominal gas, and watery diarrhea. Heart sounds were faint on auscultation, and decreased rumen motility was noted in physical examination. Echocardiography findings included adhesion of fibrin-like structures to the pericardium, highly echogenic periaortic region, and pericardial effusion, which suggested traumatic pericarditis or tumor formation. Although atypical mesothelial cells were observed in bloody pericardial fluid, no diagnosis was made. At complete necropsy, milky mass formation was observed on the epicardium. Histopathological examination led to a diagnosis of primary malignant pericardial mesothelioma. © 2017, Hokkaido University. All...
Palavras-chave: Congestive heart failure; Holstein; Pericardial mesothelioma.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Phenotypic and genetic factors of twinning rate in Japanese Holsteins 19
馬場, 俊見; 金子, 瞳; 増田, 豊; 鈴木, 三義; MASUDA, Yutaka; SUZUKI, Mitsuyoshi.
Palavras-chave: Genetic parameter; Holstein; Phenotypic factor; Twinning rate.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Profitability measures of dairy cows 96
Ribeiro,Anamaria Cândido; McAllister,Alan Jackson; Queiroz,Sandra Aidar de.
This study was aimed at defining profitability measures designed for prediction of breeding values (EBV) in dairy cows. Performance and economic data recorded in herds enrolled in the DHIA (Dairy Herd Improvement Association) program in Kentucky, USA, were used to evaluate economic functions which included the following profitability measures: lifetime net income (LNI), efficiency (EF), milk income over feed costs (IOFC), net income per day of productive life (NIPL), net income at the end of the first lactation (NI1), and milk income over feed costs at the end of the first lactation (IOFC1). The estimated averages for LNI, EF, IOFC, NIPL, NI1 and IOFC1 were respectively US$ 532.13, 1.04, US$ 3038.19, US$ -0.16, US$ -69.34 and US$ 1293.77. The heritability...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Efficiency; Holstein; Lifetime income; Milk yield.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Relationships among Estimates of Additive Genetic Variance, Dominance Genetic Variance and Inbreeding Depression for Type Traits in Holstein Population of Japan 19
河原, 孝吉; 後藤, 裕作; 山口, 諭; 鈴木, 三義.
本分析では,ホルスタインの体型形質に関する相加的遺伝分散,優性遺伝分散および近交退化量の関連性を調査した.体型記録は,日本ホルスタイン登録協会北海道支局において1984年4月から2002年3月までの期間に体型審査を実施した244,078頭の雌牛から抽出された.使用した形質は,6の体型得点形質および16の線形式体型形質であった.分析には,母数効果として牛群・年次,泌乳ステージ,審査月齢および近交退化量,変量効果として個体,両親の組合せおよび残差が含まれた単記録モデル(SM),さらに変量として永続的環境効果を追加した反復記録モデル(RM)を使用した.各変量効果の分散成分は,Method Rを使用して推定した.全分散に対する相加的遺伝分散の比率(狭義の牛群内遺伝率)は,SMからの推定値において5.5%(蹄の角度)から45.2%(高さ),RMに関して5.6%(蹄の角度)から46.5%(高さ)の範囲であった.同様に優性遺伝分散の割合は,SMにおいて0.8%(蹄の角度)から7.0%(体積),RMにおいて0.4%(蹄の角度)から6.4%(体積)の範囲で推定された.SMから推定された近交退化量は,尻の角度,後肢側望,前乳房の付着,乳房の深さおよび乳頭の配置に関して正の値(0.000/%から0.012/%),それ以外の形質は−0.046/%(体積)から−0.001/%(後乳房の高さ)の範囲で負の値を示した.RMから推定された近交退化量は,後肢側望および後乳房の高さ以外,SMから推定された近交退化量と傾向が類似していた.相加的遺伝分散の比率と優性遺伝分散の比率との関係は有意(P<0.01)な正,近交退化量は優性遺伝標準偏差と有意(P<0.01)な負の関係が認められた.
Palavras-chave: Additive variance; Dominance variance; Holstein; Inbreeding depression; Type trait.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Relationships between objective evaluation values of carcass and eating quality traits for Tokachi Wakaushi® 19
山本, 紫乃; 伊藤, 信一; 坪坂, 修二; 脇坂, 巧; 岡田, 繁; 山口, 悠; 前田, さくら; 口田, 圭吾; KUCHIDA, Keigo.
Palavras-chave: Eating quality; Holstein; Image analysis; Yearling beef.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Retrospective study of clinical and laboratory findings of autosomal recessive cholesterol deficiency in Holstein calves in Japan 19
Inokuma, Hisashi; Horiuchi, Noriyuki; Watanabe, Ken-ichi; Kobayashi, Yoshiyasu.
This retrospective study was conducted to clarify the clinical findings of an autosomal recessive cholesterol deficiency disorder in Holstein calves. Thirty-three calves with poor growth by uncertain causes from 2007 to 2016 comprised the study population of calves that were homozygous (n = 12) and non-homozygous (n = 21) for the disease. No significant group-dependent differences were found in the proportion with diarrhea or fever. Fewer calves with ataxia and anorexia were found in homozygotes. All affected calves showed muscular atrophy. Median RBC, Hb, and Ht values in affected calves were significantly lower. Median total cholesterol (TC) in homozygotes was extremely low, at 6.5 mg/dl (range, 5.0-15.0). TC readings under 10 mg/dl were thought to be...
Palavras-chave: Autosomal recessive cholesterol deficiency; Holstein; Retrospective study.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Uveitis due to anaplasmosis in a newborn Holstein calf 45
Laus,J.L.; Ortiz,J.P.D.; Vicenti,F.A.M.; Brito,F.L.C.; Wehrle,L.M.; Castro Netto,A.; Lisbão,C.B.S..
Relata-se o caso de um bovino com, aproximadamente, seis horas de vida, apresentando histórico de febre, apatia, inapetência e desconforto ocular. No exame oftálmico rotineiro, encontraram-se valores do teste da lágrima de Schirmer aumentados, diminuição da pressão intra-ocular, hemorragia conjuntival, uveíte anterior, edema corneal e injeção ciliar em ambos os olhos. Coletou-se amostra de sangue para realização de esfregaço sangüíneo, hemograma e bioquímica sérica. No esfregaço visibilizaram-se corpúsculos de Anaplasma marginale em hemácias parasitadas. Quanto à bioquímica sérica, não foram observadas alterações. Os mesmos exames foram realizados na mãe do animal tendo como resultado a positividade para A. marginale. Para o controle da uveíte foi...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Bovine; Holstein; Uveitis; Anaplasmosis.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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ホルスタイン種乳牛の鼻腔内骨肉腫の1例 19
吉本, 薫; 駒形, 真; 千葉, 史織; 弘, 雅信; 松本, 高太郎; 古林, 与志安; 猪熊, 壽; YOSHIMOTO, Kaoru; KOMAGATA, Makoto; CHIBA, Shiori; HIRO, Masahiro; KOBAYASHI, Yoshiyasu; MATSUMOTO, Kotaro; INOKUMA, Hisashi.
5歳6カ月齢のホルスタイン種乳牛が鼻出血,眼球突出および黒色便を呈したため,地方病性牛白血病を疑った.し かし,生前の臨床検査では牛白血病の確定診断はできず,病理組織学的検査により鼻腔内骨肉腫と診断された.本症例では,明瞭な呼吸器症状や顔面の変形といった鼻腔内腫瘍を疑わせる所見が乏しく,生前診断が困難であった. Enzootic bovine leukosis was suspected in a Holstein cow aged 5-years and 6-months, as it displayed symptoms of epistaxis, proptosis, and melena. However, clinicopathological findings failed to confirm a diagnosis of bovine leukosis, and histopathological findings revealed a nasal osteosarcoma. As the case lacked typical findings of nasal tumor such as sneezing and facial deformity, a nasal tumor diagnosis would have been difficult.
Palavras-chave: ホルスタイン; 鼻腔内腫瘍; 骨肉腫; Holstein; Nasal tumor; Osteosarcoma.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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ホルスタイン種去勢牛における胸最長筋および僧帽筋の脂肪酸組成と筋炎の有無との関連性 19
浜崎, 陽子; 石井, 努; 中橋, 良信; 村澤, 七月; 高橋, 奈緒子; 撫, 年浩; 木村, 信熙; 日高, 智; 口田, 圭吾; Hamasaki, Yoko; Ishii, Tsutomu; Nakahashi, Yoshinobu; Murasawa, Nazuki; Takahashi, Naoko; Nade, Toshihiro; Kimura, Nobuhiro; Hidaka, Satoshi; Kuchida, Keigo.
Palavras-chave: 筋炎; 脂肪酸; 胸最長筋; 僧帽筋; ホルスタイン種; Myositis; Fatty acid composition; M.longissimus thoracis; M.trapezius; Holstein.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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