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A comparison of fitness between horses with different exercise history AgEcon
Barker, Anna B.E.; Warren-Smith, A.K..
Anecdotal evidence suggests that a horse’s prior fitness level has an effect on the horse’s ability to return to that previous level of fitness. This trial aimed to test this assumption which would benefit horse trainers to create individual fitness programs for horses. Standardised exercise testing was used to compare the progress of two groups of horses during weeks three and seven of a 14-week training program. Group A had undergone a similar training program twelve months previously and Group B had not. Plasma lactate samples and heart rate monitoring were used to assess the levels of fitness of the horses. Analysis of variance showed that there was no significant difference in post-exercise plasma lactate concentration between the groups. The horses...
Tipo: Article Palavras-chave: Horse; Fitness training; Heart rate; Blood lactate; Farm Management.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Alterations in muscular enzymes of horses competing long-distance endurance rides under tropical climate Arq. Bras. Med. Vet. Zootec.
Teixeira-Neto,A.R.; Ferraz,G. C.; Moscardini,A. R. C.; Balsamão,G. M.; Souza,J. C. F.; Queiroz-Neto,A..
This study tried to monitor the alterations of muscle enzymes activity - creatinokinase (CK), lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), and aspartate aminotransferase (AST) - in a group of horses that participated of 70 and 100km distance rides in five competitions of an annual endurance championship under tropical climate. Pre ride levels (U/l) were 245.13±9.84 for CK, 496.61±14.76 for LDH, and 328.95±8.65 for AST. When compared to these levels, the results revealed a significant decrease in all enzymes activities in the first moment of the rides. Peak levels, significantly different, were reached, immediately after rides by CK (413.591±50.75); 24 hours post rides by LDH (628.61±33.30); and 48 hours after rides by AST (389.89±16.96). Monitoring of recovery period...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Horse; Endurance; Enzymes; Muscle.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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An update on equine laminitis Ciência Rural
Laskoski,Luciane Maria; Valadão,Carlos Augusto Araújo; Dittrich,Rosangela Locatelli; Deconto,Ivan; Faleiros,Rafael Resende.
ABSTRACT: Laminitis is a severe podal affection, which pathophysiology remains partially renowned. Ischemic, enzymatic, metabolic and inflammatory mechanisms are connected to the development of laminar lesions. However, few therapeutic measures are effective to prevent or control the severity of acute laminitis and its prodromal stage, which often determines serious complications such as rotation and/or sinking of the distal phalanx and even the loss of hoof. The purpose of this study is to compile the actual knowledge in respect to the pathophysiology and treatment of equine laminitis.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Horse; Pathophysiology; Treatment; Podal disease.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Anemia infecciosa equina: epizootiologia, prevencao e controle no Pantanal. Infoteca-e
SILVA, R. A. M. S.; ABREU, U. G. P. de; BARROS, A. T. M. de.
Os equideos sao ferramentas de trabalho essenciais a mais importante atividade economica do Pantanal - a pecuaria de corte, a qual e desenvolvida extensivamente na regiao. A Anemia Infecciosa Equina (AIE), conhecida mundialmente como Febre-do-pantano, e considerada uma das principais doencas que acometem equideos no Pantanal. Durante seis anos, entre 1990 e 1995, a Embrapa Pantanal conduziu pesquisas sobre a AIE na regiao, as quais envolveram 28 fazendas e 3.285 equinos. Estudos epizootiologicos permitiram a obtencao de um perfil de prevalencia da AIE em equinos, em relacao ao sexo, idade e manejo. Tambem, estudos sobre vetores (mutucas) incluiram o levantamento e sazonalidade de especies, definicao das epocas de maior risco de transmissao e aspectos da...
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: AIE; Anemia infecciosa equina; Controle; Horse; Disease; Control; Doença; Epidemiologia; Profilaxia; Eqüino; Equidae; Brazil; Equine infectious anemia; Epidemiology.
Ano: 2001 URL:
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Anti-leptospirose agglutinins in equine sera, from São Paulo, Goias, and Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil, 1996-2001 J. Venom. Anim. Toxins incl. Trop. Dis.
Langoni,H.; Da Silva,A.V.; Pezerico,S.B.; De Lima,V.Y..
Equine leptospirosis can present a non-symptomatic form, an acute clinical form, or even develop chronically, causing reproductive alterations, such as abortion and recurrent uveitis. Since the prevalence of leptospirosis in several countries and regions is widely reported, the objective of this study was to verify the prevailing equine leptospirosis in different regions of Brazil. Sera from 1402 blood samples from horses of different age, sex, breed, and purpose were examined. These samples came from southeastern and central west states of Brazil. The method utilized was the Microscopic Agglutination Test (MAT), with 12 different Leptospira serovars. From the sera tested, 754 (54%) were positive for one (385) or more (372) serovars. These results were...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Leptospira; Horse; Serology.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Bacterial culture and antibiotic sensitivity from the ocular conjunctiva of horses Ciência Rural
Ferreira,Ana Raquel de Araújo; Santana,Alana Fontenele; Almeida,Ana Carolina da Veiga Rodarte de; Sousa,Renan Fiel; Perecmanis,Simone; Galera,Paula Diniz.
ABSTRACT: The aim of this study was to identify the conjunctival bacterial flora of healthy horses in Brasilia (Distrito Federal, Brazil), and to evaluate the antimicrobial susceptibility of the isolated strains. We examined 200 eyes of 100 healthy adult horses without any eye problems, belonging to the 1st Regiment of the Cavalry Guard (RCG) of the Brazilian Army in Brasilia. Samples were collected from the inferior conjunctival fornix of both eyes. Drug sensitivity test was performed with the antibiotics gentamicin (10µg), tobramycin (10µg), chloramphenicol (30µg) and ciprofloxacin (5µg). Of the 200 samples collected, 131 (65.5%) were considered positive for bacterial growth. A total of 208 bacterial strains belonging to 19 genera were isolated, where...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Eye; Horse; Bacterial flora; Antibiogram.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Biometric evaluation of Criollo horses participating in the Freio de Ouro competition, Brazil R. Bras. Zootec.
Pimentel,Anelise Maria Hammes; Souza,João Ricardo Malheiros de; Boligon,Arione Augusti; Moreira,Heden Luiz Marques; Pimentel,Cláudio Alves; Martins,Charles Ferreira.
ABSTRACT The objective of this study was to quantify linear and angular morphological measurements of male and female horses participating in the Freio de Ouro competition. This study represents the first scientific evaluation of the biometrics of the Criollo breed, providing essential information for the evaluation of the development of the breed and supporting objective selection. We examined linear and angular measurements of 634 Criollo horses participating in the Freio de Ouro competition in 2011 and 2012, including height, chest circumference, cannon bone circumference, body length, metatarsus length, croup length, chest width, head length, dorsal neck length, throat circumference, and angles of the croup, scapula, and hock. Statistical analysis...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Animal production; Breed; Equine; Horse; Morphometry.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Blood lactate threshold reflects glucose responses in horses submitted to incremental exercise test Arq. Bras. Med. Vet. Zootec.
Ferraz,G.C.; D’Angelis,F.H.F.; Teixeira-Neto,A.R.; Freitas,E.V.V.; Lacerda-Neto,J.C.; Queiroz-Neto,A..
Determinou-se, em eqüinos, o efeito do treinamento sobre as concentrações sangüíneas de lactato e plasmáticas de glicose durante exercício de intensidade progressiva em esteira rolante. Demonstrou-se que o treinamento aeróbico causou diminuição da concentração máxima de lactato e que o limiar de lactato corresponde ao ponto de inflexão da curva de glicose plasmática, confirmando esse parâmetro como indicador da capacidade aeróbica de cavalos.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Horse; Aerobic training; Lactate; Glucose; Performance.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Carbohydrate metabolism and metabolic disorders in horses R. Bras. Zootec.
Hoffman,Rhonda M..
Horses evolved consuming primarily fermentable forage carbohydrates, but forage diets have been traditionally supplemented with grain meals rich in starch and sugar in order to provide additional calories, protein and micronutrients. Starch and sugar are important for performance horses, but the consumption starch-rich meals may cause equine digestive and metabolic disorders. The critical capacity for preileal starch digestibility appears to be 0.35 to 0.4% but may be as little, depending on the source of starch. Small intestinal absorption of simple sugars is limited by the activity and expression of two classes of glucose carrier proteins, which are affected by chronic intake of hydrolyzable carbohydrate but may be sluggish to respond to abrupt changes...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Carbohydrate metabolism; Glucose; Horse; Insulin resistance.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Cardiovascular assessment in horses sedated with xylazine or amitraz Arq. Bras. Med. Vet. Zootec.
Linardi,R.L.; Canola,J.C.; Valadão,C.A.A..
Cardiovascular effects due to intravenous (IV) xylazine (1.0mg/kg) or amitraz (0.1 or 0.4mg/kg) were evaluated in horses. Left ventricular function indexes, heart rate (HR), and cardiac output (CO) were measured by echocardiography. Second degree atrioventricular (AV) block was detected by electrocardiography. Invasive arterial blood pressure (AP) was also evaluated. All parameters were measured immediately before and during 60 minutes after drug injection. HR, CO, and second degree AV block were different between xylazine and amitraz-0.4mg/kg groups. Xylazine induced initial hypertension 10 minutes after injection, and hypotension was observed 30 minutes after amitraz-0.4mg/kg administration. Except for the second degree AV block which occurred only at...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Horse; Alpha-2 agonist; Xylazine; Amitraz; Echocardiography.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Cavalo lavradeiro em Roraima: aspectos historicos, ecologicos e de conservacao. Infoteca-e
Cavalo-evolucao, origem das racas e tipos. Os cavalos trazidos para o Brasil. Presenca do homem e pecuaria nos campos do Rio Branco. Lavrado-ecossistema onde a raca se formou. Sistema de criacao. Lavradeiro ou selvagem? Ameacas causadas pelo cruzamento com racas exoticas. Caracteristicas morfologicas. Qualidades do cavalo. Principais doencas e parasitas. Porque conservar a raca. Tentativas para a conservacao do lavradeiro.
Tipo: Livros Palavras-chave: Cavalo lavradeiro; Aspectos historicos; Horse; Wild horse; Historic aspects; Nature conservation; Cavalo; Conservação; Ecologia; Ecology.
Ano: 2000 URL:
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Cerebral equine hydatidosis in Southern Brazil Ciência Rural
Ruas,Jerônimo Lopes; Schild,Ana Lucia; Fernandes,Cristina Gevehr; Ferreira,João Luiz Montiel; Müller,Gertrud.
Equine cerebral hydatid disease is described in a 7-year-old, crossbred, female horse. Clinical signs were characterized by circling gait, pressing of head against fences or objects and motor incoordination. On gross examination of the brain the hemispheres were swollen, mainly the left one. On transversal sections, a 5cm X 7cm fluid-filled cyst was observed within the lateral ventricle of the left hemisphere. The cyst extended from the parietal to the occipital lobe, and compressed the third ventricle. There was also marked mid line deviation. Histologically, the brain lesion adjacent to the cyst, was characterized by a piogranulomatous process and vacuolization of neuropil. A diagnosis of equine hydatidosis caused by Echinococcus granulosus was made on...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Hydatid disease; Horse; Echinococcus granulosus.
Ano: 1997 URL:
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Characterization of gene polymorphisms related to immune system physiology in Mangalarga horses Arq. Bras. Med. Vet. Zootec.
Prioli,R.A.; Curi,R.A.; Chardulo,L.A.; Gomes,V.N.; Prioli,S.M.A.P.; Mota,M.D.S..
The objectives of this study were to standardize a PCR-RFLP genotyping method for the AY_731081:g.1900T>C SNP of the equine CD14 gene, and to characterize this SNP and two other polymorphisms (AY_005808: c.1530A>G of the TLR4 gene and AX_463789: g.133T>C of the Cε gene) in Mangalarga horses, in order to contribute to future studies investigating the association between DNA markers and traits related to immune system physiology in this breed. A total of 151 Mangalarga horses of both sexes and variable ages, representative of the population of São Paulo State, were used. PCR-RFLP was found to be adequate for genotyping of the AY_731081: g.1900T>C SNP of the equine CD14 gene. However, this polymorphism is probably not present in Mangalarga horses,...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Horse; CD14; ; SNP; TLR4.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Cholelithiasis with atrophy of the right lateral hepatic lobe in a horse Ciência Rural
Santos,Renato de Lima; Oliveira,Tatiane de Fátima Brandão de; Oliveira,Taismara Simas de; Galvão,João Felipe Brito; Paixão,Tatiane Alves da; Goloubeff,Barbara.
A 22 year-old horse developed cholelithiasis with marked atrophy of the right lateral hepatic lobe. The horse had a history of intermittent colic since three years of age, and one of the first episodes of colic was associated with icterus. The size of the right lateral hepatic lobe was extremely reduced. There was a large choledocholith in the common hepatic duct, and several hepatoliths and choleliths in the intra- and extra-hepatic billiary ducts. Microscopically, there was severe atrophy of the right lobe with diffuse proliferation of connective tissue and billiary ducts. The left lateral lobe had peri-portal fibrosis with proliferation of billiary ducts, and billiary stasis. Chemical analysis of the calculi detected amorphous and triple phosphate,...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Horse; Cholelithiasis; Biliary calculi; Biliary obstruction; Liver; Hepatic atrophy.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Chromosome analysis in cattle and horses Braz. J. Vet. Res. Anim. Sci.
AMARANTE,Mônica Regina Vendrame; TSURIBE,Patrícia Miyuki; JORGE,Wilham; ROCHA,Gilberto Pedroso da.
We analyzed the chromosomes of 117 cows of different breeds for the identification of centric fusion and the chromosomes of 100 young Andaluz and Brasileiro de Hipismo mares for the identification of 63,X lines, using the technique of X chromosome identification based on interstitial heterochromatin on the long arm.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/report Palavras-chave: Cattle; Horse; Chromosome.
Ano: 2000 URL:
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Clinical use of laparoscopy in horses MV&Z
Silva, Luís Cláudio Lopes Correia da; Ferreira, Márcio Augusto; Baccarin, Raquel Yvonne Arantes; Fernandes, Wilson Roberto.
Although laparoscopic techniques have been known and used in horses since 1970, their clinical use has improved only during the last years. Laparoscopy is frequently indicated in cases of peritonitis, intestinal lesions, duodenojejunitis, adhesions, cryptorchidism, internal organ biopsy and diagnosis or abdominal abscesses and tumors. Adequate knowledge about the technique, laparoscopic anatomy and clinical applications wil1 allow laparoscopy to become a routine diagnostic method in equine medicine.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Equine; Horse; Endoscopy; Laparoscopy; Colic equino; Cavalo; Endoscopia; Laparoscopia; Síndrome cólica.
Ano: 2000 URL:
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Comparative polypeptide profiles of whole cell lysate antigens of Trypanosoma evansi isolated from three different hosts of eastern India OAK
Laha, R; Sasmal, N.K; Bandyopadhyay, S.
Trypanosoma evansi from buffalo, cattle and horse isolates were purified by Diethylaminoethyl cellulose column chromatography. The purified trypanosomes from each sources were used separately for preparation of whole cell lysate antigens. A comparative study on polypeptide pattern of whole cell lysate antigens of these three isolates of T. evansi was studied. It showed a total of 11 dominant polypeptide bands with relative molecular weight ranging from 95 to 13 kDa, when resolved in 10% sodium dodecyl sulphate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and stained with Coomassie brilliant blue. Except some minor differences between the relative molecular weight of isolates in a particular region, the polypeptide profiles of these three isolates did not resolve any...
Palavras-chave: Buffalo; Cattle; Horse; Polypeptide profiles; Trypanosoma evansi.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Comparison between two methods for estimating the digestibility of starch and other nutrients in high moisture sorghum grain silage in horses R. Bras. Zootec.
Gollcher,Augusta Martins Romaniello; Lima,José Augusto de Freitas; Fialho,Elias Tadeu; Rodriges,Paulo Borges; Lima,Renato Ribeiro de.
It was carried out two assays with the purpose of evaluating the mobile nylon bag technique and the method of total feces collection method in the estimative of the apparent digestibility of starch and other nutrients in high moisture sorghum grain silages in horses. Four adult horses of mixed origin at the age of 7 years and average body weight of 330 kg were used. In the first assay, the digestibility of the nutrients in the silage of high moisture sorghum grain with low level of tannin was evaluated by utilizing the total feces collection and the mobile nylon bag technique with silage samples ground in three particle sizes. In the second assay, the two methods were used for estimating the digestibility of the nutrients of the silage of high moisture...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Horse; Mobile nylon bag technique; Total feces collection.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Comparison of behavioral and clinical effects of intravenous amitraz or romifidine administration in horses Arq. Bras. Med. Vet. Zootec.
Mendes,M.C.; Reis,R.G.; Valadão,C.A.A.; Marques,J.A..
Clinical and behavioral effects of intravenous injection of romifidine (60mcg/kg) or amitraz (0.4mg/kg) were compared in six horses, over 120 min. Romifidine caused head ptosis (HP), reduced respiratory rate (RR) and ileo-cecal sphincter activity (IC) until 120 minutes; produced posture changes (PC) until 90 minutes, upper eyelid drop (ED) and sedation (SD) until 60 minutes, intestinal motion (IM) reduction and lower lip drop (LD) until 45 minutes. Amitraz reduced heart rate (HR), RR, IM and IC, and promoted HP, ED, LD, penis drop (PD) and sedation with posture changes until 120min. At 90min amitraz produced HP and ED more intensively than romifidine. The LD was similar between 45 and 60 minutes. Romifidine produced intense sedation at 10min while amitraz...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Horse; Amitraz; Romifidine; Sedation.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Consumo e digestibilidade aparente da materia seca e proteina bruta do capim elefante Pennisetum purpureum schum. por equinos (2002). Infoteca-e
SILVA, L. F. A. da; LEITE, M. G.; ARAUJO, K. V.; MOREIRA, M.; REZENDE, M. J. de S..
Tipo: Folders Palavras-chave: PAEQU100; Mineral nutrients; Feed grasses; Equine; Dry Matter; Horse; Cavalo; Capim Elefante; Digestibilidade; Gramínea Forrageira; Matéria Seca; Nutriente Mineral; Nutrição Animal; Valor Nutritivo; Eqüino; Animal nutrition; Digestibility; Nutritive value.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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