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10 dicas para montar hortas de base ecológica. Infoteca-e
Plantar espécies intercaladas. Usar plantas companheiras. Fazer rotaçao de culturas. Controlar formigas e lesmas. Manejar a vegetação espontânea. Usar plantas repelentes. Usar resíduos orgânicos. Observar as minhocas. Ter cuidado nas aplicações. Adaptar idéias.
Tipo: Folders Palavras-chave: Horticultura; Ecologia vegetal; Horticulture; Agroecology.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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A Closed-Type Irrigation System Performaces in the Plant House CIGR Journal
Dewi, Vita Ayu Kusuma; Setiawan, Budi Indra; Minasny, Budiman; Wasodo, Roh Santoso Budi; Liyantono, Liyantono.
Water application in the plant house is usually done by surface irrigation and manual micro-irrigation. Because of the conventional irrigation system’s inefficiency, water-saving irrigation has been developed. Smart or automated irrigation usually uses a microcontroller to maintain irrigation timing and soil moisture conditions. This automation is highly efficient in water application and can increase plant productivity. However, this system is costly and the irrigation components are not always available for smallholder farmers. Here we develop an automatic irrigation technology based on the capillarity principle that dramatically reduces the cost. This irrigation technology does not use any microcontroller device and the components can be easily...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: High productivity; Horticulture; Irrigation; Plant house; Water use efficiency.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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A Comparison of Technical Efficiency in Alabama’s Nursery and Greenhouse Sector from 2003 to 2008 AgEcon
Reynolds-Allie, Kenesha; Fields, Deacue; Hartarska, Valentina M..
Replaced with revised version of paper 02/10/10
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Technical Efficiency; Green industry; Horticulture; Agribusiness; Crop Production/Industries; Farm Management; Marketing; Production Economics.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Agrár-innovációs központok a kertészetben AgEcon
Kovacs, Terez.
A bemutatásra kerülő három településen a mezőgazdaság piacgazdaságra való áttérése eltérő alapokról indult, ezért különböző, de ugyanakkor eredményes agrár-innovációs utat járt be. Soltvadkertre leginkább az jellemző, hogy az eredményeket egyéni stratégiák mentén érték el, főleg azért, mert ők a vállalkozásaikat nem a rendszerváltáskor, hanem már korábban elkezdték. Mind Kisvejke, mind Mórahalom esetében egy-két külső személy kezdeményezte a fejlesztést, és amikor a bizalom és az együttműködés beindult, akkor erősödtek meg a helyi kezdeményezések. Nagyon fontos, hogy az a kívülálló, aki fejleszteni szándékozik, az ne csak hozzáértő, hanem önzetlen, a helyiek számára rokonszenves és megbízható személy legyen. Az aprófalu Kisvejkén, a tanyás térségű...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Agrárfoglalkoztatottság; Gazdaságfejlesztés; Kertészet; Összefogás; TÉSZ; Agricultural employment; Development of the economy; Horticulture; Cooperation; POs; Agribusiness; Institutional and Behavioral Economics.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Cunha,Fernando F. da; Souza,Ivan P. de; Campos,Washington de O.; Andrade Júnior,Valter C. de; Magalhães,Thiago A..
ABSTRACT In radish production, the choice of proper genotypes and irrigation regime is of great importance to achieve success. In light of this, the current study aimed to evaluate the agronomic performance of a few radish genotypes under different irrigation strategies. The plants were grown in the city of Unaí - MG, in Brazil, under field conditions, and during two cycles, one of 40 days (from February 28 to April 8, 2015) and other of 51 days (from May 9 to June 28, 2015). The experimental design was a randomized block design in a split-plot arrangement with four replications. The treatments consisted of four irrigation strategies (50, 75, 100, and 125% of crop evapotranspiration - ETc) applied by a dripping irrigation system, while subplots consisted...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Horticulture; Irrigation management; Raphanus sativus.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Are Horticultural Exports a Replicable Success Story? Evidence from Kenya and Côte d'Ivoire AgEcon
Minot, Nicholas; Ngigi, Margaret.
Kenyan horticultural exports are often cited as a success story in African agriculture. Fruit and vegetable exports from Côte d’Ivoire have received less attention, but the export value is similar to that of Kenya. This paper focuses on three questions. First, do the horticultural sectors of Kenya and Côte d’Ivoire constitute valid success stories? Second, what factors have contributed to the success (or lack thereof)? And third, to what degree can the success be replicated in other African countries? The paper finds that Kenyan horticultural exports are indeed a success story: horticulture has become the third largest earner of foreign exchange, more than half the exports are produced by smallholders, and smallholders gain from producing for the export...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Horticulture; Exports; Kenya; Côte d’Ivoire; Crop Production/Industries; International Relations/Trade.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Fischer, Christian.
SUMMARY Kosovo had been a net exporter – at least of some – fruit and vegetables in the former Federal Republic of Yugoslavia before the civil war. Current reconstruction efforts therefore focus on restoring the past horticultural potential of the now independent province. This paper analyses the competitiveness of the Kosovar fruit and vegetable sector. By calculating average net trade flows during 1996-2000 for more than 20 individual fruit and vegetables and seven ag-gregates, demand potentials for the Balkan regional market are identified for potatoes, lettuce, garlic, dried beans and pears. In addition, average export unit values are calculated as price proxies in order to assess export price competitiveness in the region. While demand potentials for...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Kosovo; Balkans; Horticulture; Market analysis; Export potential; Agriculture in international trade; Agricultural and natural resource economies; Aggregate supply and demand analysis; Prices; Kosovo; Balkan; Marktanalyse; Nachfragepotential; Internationaler Agrar-handel; Agrar- und Ressourcenökonomie; Analysen des aggregierten Ange-bots und der aggegrierten Nachfrage; Preise; Crop Production/Industries; Marketing; D40; F14; O52; Q00; Q11; Q17.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Fischer, Christian.
Kosovo had been a net exporter – at least of some – fruit and vegetables in the former Federal Republic of Yugoslavia before the civil war. Current reconstruction efforts therefore focus on restoring the past horticultural potential of the now independent province. This paper analyses the competitiveness of the Kosovar fruit and vegetable sector. By calculating average net trade flows during 1996-2000 for more than 20 individual fruit and vegetables and seven aggregates, demand potentials for the Balkan regional market are identified for potatoes, lettuce, garlic, dried beans and pears. In addition, average export unit values are calculated as price proxies in order to assess export price competitiveness in the region. While demand potentials for locally...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Kosovo; Balkans; Horticulture; Market analysis; Export potential; Agriculture in international trade; Agricultural and natural resource economies; Aggregate supply and demand analysis; Prices; Marktanalyse; Nachfragepotential; Internationaler Agrar-handel; Agrar- und Ressourcenökonomie; Analysen des aggregierten Ange-bots und der aggegrierten Nachfrage; Preise.; Agribusiness; Demand and Price Analysis; Farm Management; Marketing; Productivity Analysis; D 40; F 14; O 52; Q 00; Q 11; Q 17.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Assessment of Kenya's Domestic Horticultural Production and Marketing Systems and Lessons for the Future AgEcon
Tschirley, David L.; Ayieko, Miltone W..
After reviewing trends in the production and marketing of fresh produce for the domestic market in Kenya since 1997, this paper presents detailed information on the structure of the flow of this produce from rural areas to wholesale markets in Nairobi and from those wholesale markets to assorted retail markets. Market shares are estimated by product for geographic areas supplying Nairobi, and for each important wholesale and retail market in the city. It is found that horticultural production for the domestic market is keeping up with rural population growth but not with the much faster urban population growth. The urban wholesaling and retailing system has decentralized dramatically and with little planning over the past two decades in response to lack of...
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Africa; Horticulture; Market; Production; Crop Production/Industries; Q13.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Baby leaf lettuce production in trays with reused and solarized substrate Horticultura Brasileira
Moraes,Lívia AS; Calori,Alex H; Factor,Thiago L; Patrício,Flávia RA; Ghini,Raquel; Abreu,Monica F; Purquerio,Luis FV.
ABSTRACT Concerning the baby leaf production in trays, substrate can be reused for a certain number of times depending on its chemical and physical characteristics, but populations of pathogens such as Pythium aphanidermatum and Rhizoctonia solani that can cause damping off of lettuce, can build up during the reuse of this substrate. Solar treatment in a solar collector can be an alternative for the disinfestation of these substrates. Thus, the objective of this research was to study the reuse of coconut fiber substrate and its solar treatment in solar collector on baby leaf lettuce production. The experimental design was randomized blocks, in a factorial scheme 4 (first-use substrate, reused once, reused twice and reused three times) x 2 (with and without...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Lactuca sativa; Coconut fiber; Solar treatment device; Horticulture; Sustainability.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Balanço de nutrientes em cultivos de hortaliças sob manejo orgânico. Infoteca-e
SALGADO, J. A. de; ALMEIDA, D. L. de; GUERRA, J. M.; RIBEIRO, R. D. de; SUDO, A..
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Balanço de nutriente; Fazendinha agroecológica; SIPA; Agricultura Orgânica; Hortaliça; Horticulture; Nutrient balance; Nutrition physiology.
Ano: 1998 URL:
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Alvisi, Franco; Bagnara, Gian Luca.
The EU policy in horticulture has switched its aim from price support to integration of farmers' income. Regulation 2200/96 established the new European Market Regulation (CMO) in horticulture. On this base the producers' organizations (PO) are no longer a political institution but a real economic organization with the objectives of planning and concentrating the production. At the same time, the UE has promulgated another plan (Decision n.2796 of 10/10/96 applying the objectives of the Reg. 2081/93), which is specific for Italian regions in "Objective 1" namely with low average income. This issue establishes the commercial macro organizations with the target of concentrating the supply of the producers' organizations in order to achieve countervailing...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Horticulture; European Union; Market; Policy; Agricultural and Food Policy; Q13.
Ano: 1998 URL:
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Clustering of groups of regular customers in horticultural retail stores in Austria AgEcon
Gabriel, Andreas; Menrad, Klaus.
Paper prepared for presentation at the First Symposium on Horticulture in Europe (SHE), 17th to 20th February 2008 at Vienna/Austria held under the aegis of ALVA, APH, BNL-SHS, DGG, GSHS, IOH, INRA, NJF, PSHS, SECH, SOI and the International Society for Horticultural Science
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Consumer Behaviour; Horticulture; Austria; Consumer/Household Economics; Marketing.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Como evitar perdas de água na irrigação de fruteiras. Infoteca-e
Tipo: Artigo na mídia Palavras-chave: Fruit; Irrigacao; Recurso hidrico; Agua; Fruta; Fruticultura; Conservacao da agua; Irrigation; Water; Water resources; Irrigation water; Water management; Horticulture; Water conservation.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Comparison of customer satisfaction in different types of distribution channels of horticultural products in Austria and Bavaria AgEcon
Kittemann, Florian; Gottl, Markus; Gabriel, Andreas; Menrad, Klaus.
Paper prepared for presentation at the First Symposium on Horticulture in Europe (SHE), 17th to 20th February 2008 at Vienna/Austria held under the aegis of ALVA, APH, BNL-SHS, DGG, GSHS, IOH, INRA, NJF, PSHS, SECH, SOI and the International Society for Horticultural Science
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Consumer Behaviour; Horticulture; Austria; Germany; Consumer/Household Economics; Marketing.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Desenhos de agroecossistemas multifuncionais para o cultivo de olerícolas. Infoteca-e
O documento apresenta descrição de práticas agrícolas, tecnologias de baixo custo e estratégias para a construção de agroecossistemas saudáveis e sustentáveis, nos seguintes temas: 1) Seleção de espécies de adubos verdes adaptadas às condições edafoclimáticas do Semiárido; 2) Densidade de semeadura; 3) Manejo das plantas de cobertura. 4) Semeadura e plantio direto de meloeiro (Cucumis melo L.); 5) Produtividade; 6) Benefícios correlatos, impactos ambientais e econômicos.
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Desenhos de agroecossistemas; Coquetel vegetal; Adubo Verde; Adubo Orgânico; Planta de Cobertura; Olericultura; Horticulture; Tropical and subtropical horticulture; Agroecosystems.
Ano: 2021 URL:
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Andrade, Maria Elza De; Costa, Genivalda Cordeiro Da; Maia, Ana Cristina Nogueira.
O Rio Grande do Norte tem sido apontado desde a década de 1990 em vários estudos como um dos principais produtores e exportadores brasileiros de frutas frescas, no entanto, existe uma carência de estudos capazes de responder a questionamentos como: qual o desempenho competitivo do Rio Grande do Norte em relação ao restante do Brasil no mercado de fruticultura? O Estado apresenta vantagem comparativa na exportação de produtos oriundos da fruticultura irrigada? Os produtos que mais exportaram são efetivamente aqueles que temos maiores vantagens comparativas reveladas e são, ao mesmo tempo, produtos com mais elevados índices de contribuição ao saldo comercial. Visando responder a esses questionamentos, este estudo buscou analisar a competitividade das...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Competitividade; Exportações; Fruticultura; Vantagem Comparativa; Market-share; Competitiveness; Exports; Horticulture; Comparative advantage; Crop Production/Industries; International Relations/Trade.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Effect of plant canopy shape and flowers on plant count accuracy using remote sensing imagery CIGR Journal
Leiva, Josue Nahun; Robbins, J.; Saraswat, D.; She, Y.; Ehsani, R..
Separate experiments were conducted to evaluate the effect of plant canopy shape and presence of flowers on counting accuracy of container-grown plants.  Images were taken at 12 m above the ground.  Two species of juniper (Juniperus chinensis L. ‘Sea Green’ and Juniperus horizontalis Moench ‘Plumosa Compacta’) were selected to evaluate plant shape and Coral Drift ® rose (Rosa sp. ‘Meidrifora’) was used to evaluate the presence of flowers on plant count.  Counting algorithms were trained using Feature Analyst (FA).  Total counting error, false positives and unidentified plants were reported. There was no difference between all variables measured when an algorithm trained with an image displaying regular or irregular plant canopy shape was applied to images...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Agirculture; Horticulture; Remote sensing nursery plants; Vegetation; Inventory; Feature analyst.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Food Drying/ Production Plant AgEcon
Kasozi, Maria; Mwegombi, William.
Tropical Horticulture Enterprises (T.H.E) is a Ugandan initiative that works to add value to fruits, bananas and vegetables. The main out put of this initiative are processed dried fruits, fresh fruits, banana flour and fresh vegetables. T.H.E taps the 22% of banana and fruit loss at farm gate due to failure to access markets timely, besides poor handling knowledge and poor storage facilities in rural agricultural producing areas in the country. The initiative boasts of linkage with farmers and it has a bottom up network through which farmers have benefited in various trainings. The main objective of this initiative is to improve farmer’s incomes through providing an alternative avenue and market access to foods produced and ferried to markets without any...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Farmer; Horticulture; Markets; Uganda; Agricultural and Food Policy; Consumer/Household Economics; Food Security and Poverty; Marketing.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Gherkin cultivation in saline medium using seeds treated with a biostimulant Agronomy
Souza Neta, Maria Lilia de; Oliveira, Francisco de Assis de; Torres, Salvador Barros; Souza, Antonia Adailha Torres; Silva, Dennis Darkyan Almeida da; Santos, Sandy Thomaz dos.
 The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of a biostimulant on gherkin seeds, cultivar Liso de Calcutá, under conditions of salt stress. A split-plot experimental design with five replications was used; the main plot was represented by two levels of irrigation water salinity (0.5 and 3.5 dS m-1), and the subplot was composed of five biostimulant doses applied as a seed treatment (0, 5, 10, 15, and 20 mL kg-1). The following variables were evaluated: the number of leaves; number of branches; length of the largest branch; leaf, stem, fruit and total dry matter; number of fruits; average fruit weight; and fruit production. The values of all analyzed variables decreased with an increase in irrigation water salinity regardless of the biostimulant...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Cucumis anguria; Horticulture; Salt stress; Bioregulator.; Produção e Tecnologia de Sementes.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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