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A Geostatistical Definition of Hotspots for Fish Spatial Distributions ArchiMer
Petitgas, Pierre; Woillez, Mathieu; Doray, Mathieu; Rivoirard, Jacques.
Research surveys at sea are undertaken yearly to monitor the distribution and abundance of fish stocks. In the survey data, a small number of high fish concentration values are often encountered, which denote hotspots of interest. But statistically, they are responsible for important uncertainty in the estimation. Thus understanding their spatial predictability given their surroundings is expected to reduce such uncertainty. Indicator variograms and cross-variograms allow to understand the spatial relationship between values above a cutoff and the rest of the distribution under that cutoff. Using these tools, a “top” cutoff can be evidenced above which values are spatially uncorrelated with their lower surroundings. Spatially, the geometric set...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Hotspots; Indicators; Non-linear geostatistics; Multivariate geostatistics; Anchovy; Biscay.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Crustal and uppermost mantle structure variation beneath La Réunion hotspot track ArchiMer
Fontaine, Fabrice R.; Barruol, Guilhem; Tkalcic, Hrvoje; Woelbern, Ingo; Ruempker, Georg; Bodin, Thomas; Haugmard, Meric.
The Piton de la Fournaise basaltic volcano, on La Réunion Island in the western Indian Ocean, is one of the most active volcanoes in the world. This volcano is classically considered as the surface expression of an upwelling mantle plume and its activity is continuously monitored, providing detailed information on its superficial dynamics and on the edifice structure. Deeper crustal and upper mantle structure under La Réunion Island is surprisingly poorly constrained, motivating this study. We used receiver function techniques to determine a shear wave velocity profile through the crust and uppermost mantle beneath La Réunion, but also at other seismic stations located on the hotspot track, to investigate the plume and lithosphere interaction and its...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Surface waves and free oscillations; Oceanic hotspots and intraplate volcanism; Hotspots; Crustal structure; Indian Ocean.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Expanding the knowledge about the occurrence of anurans in the highest amphibian diversity area of Atlantic Forest: Parque Estadual da Serra do Mar, São Paulo, Brazil Biota Neotropica
Silva,Fernando Rodrigues da; Lyra,Mariana Lúcio; Haddad,Célio Fernando Baptista; Rossa-Feres,Denise de Cerqueira.
Abstract The vegetation cover in the Atlantic Forest has been converted to human use or degraded by human activities, which declined the vegetation to 16% of its original extent. Although several protected areas have been created in this Neotropical biome over the past decades, our knowledge of the amphibian species within these areas is still far from adequate. Here, we present lists of anuran species from three different areas of Parque Estadual da Serra do Mar: núcleos Curucutu, Santa Virgínia and São Sebastião. To survey anuran species, we visited six sampling units (two ponds, two streams and two trails inside forest fragments) in each locality. Samplings were accomplished from December 2014 to February 2015, December 2015 to February 2016 and...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Amphibians; Biodiversity; Conservation; Hotspots; Species list.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Predicting bycatch hotspots in tropical tuna purse seine fisheries at the basin scale ArchiMer
Mannocci, Laura; Forget, Fabien; Travassos Tolotti, Mariana; Bach, Pascal; Bez, Nicolas; Demarcq, Herve; Kaplan, David; Sabarros, Philippe; Simier, Monique; Capello, Manuela; Dagorn, Laurent.
Fisheries observer programs represent the most reliable way to collect data on fisheries bycatch. However, their limited coverage leads to important data gaps that preclude bycatch mitigation at the basin scale. Habitat models developed from available fisheries observer programs offer a potential solution to fill these data gaps. We focus on tropical tuna purse seine fisheries (TTPSF) that span across the tropics and extensively rely on floating objects (FOBs) for catching tuna schools, leading to the bycatch of other species associated with these objects. Bycatch under floating objects is dominated by five species, including the vulnerable silky shark Carcharhinus falciformis and four bony fishes (oceanic triggerfish Canthidermis maculata, rainbow runner...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Bycatch; Habitat modelling; Hotspots; Fisheries observer programs; Geographical extrapolation; Tropical oceans.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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Roadkilled mammals in the northern Amazon region and comparisons with roadways in other regions of Brazil Iheringia, Sér. Zool.
Caires,Heloisa S.; Souza,Cleide R.; Lobato,Débora N. C.; Fernandes,Marília N. S.; Damasceno,Júnio S..
ABSTRACT Roadways and road traffic modify landscapes, posing a threat to the conservation of species in different biomes. The aim of the present study was to analyze roadkill records of wild mammals and to compare the results to findings from 37 other studies conducted in Brazil, to evaluate the richness and diversity of threatened species in different eco-regions of the country. This study was conducted between June 2007 and June 2008, along 60 km of the inter-state highway BR-364, which connects the municipalities of Ouro Preto d’Oeste and Presidente Médici in the state of Rondônia (northern Brazil). Two hundred twenty roadkills were recorded involving 13 species of mammals. Cingualata, Pilosa and Carnivora were the most represented orders. The most...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Environmental impact; Habitat fragmentation; Hotspots; Threatened wildlife.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Seismic evidence for plume-derived volcanism during formation of the continental margin in southern Davis Strait and northern Labrador Sea ArchiMer
Gerlings, Joanna; Funck, Thomas; Jackson, H. Ruth; Louden, Keith E.; Klingerhoefer, Frauke.
The crustal structure in the southern Davis Strait and the adjacent ocean-continent transition zone in NE Labrador Sea was determined along a 185-km-long refraction/wide-angle reflection seismic transect to study the impact of the Iceland mantle plume to this region. A P-wave velocity model was developed from forward and inverse modelling of dense airgun shots recorded by ocean bottom seismographs. A coincident industry multichannel reflection seismic profile was used to guide the modelling as reflectivity could be identified down to Moho. The model displays a marked lateral change of velocity structure. The sedimentary cover (velocities 1.8-3.9 km s(-1)) is up to 4 km thick in the north and thins to 1 km in the south. The segment of the line within...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Crustal structure; Hotspots; Continental margins: transform; Continental margins: divergent.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Small-scale crustal variability within an intraplate structure: the Crozet Bank (southern Indian Ocean) ArchiMer
Recq, M; Goslin, J; Charvis, P; Operto, S.
The Crozet Bank, the easternmost region of the Crozet Plateau (austral Indian Ocean), is capped by two groups of islands which form the Crozet Archipelago (Terres Australes and Antarctiques Francaises). A N-S-trending 2 km deep basin, the Indivat Basin, extends between the two groups of islands and bisects the Crozet Bank into two separate domains. The interpretation of the KeOBS8 seismic refraction profile shot during the KeOBS/MD66 cruise (January-February 1991) over the eastern Crozet Plateau was carried out by ray tracing and the computation of synthetic seismograms. This interpretation leads to a rather complex seismic structure and outlines a pronounced eastward crustal thinning from 16.5 to 10 km at the expense of layer 2. The thinning of the crust...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Aseismic ridge; Crozet Islands platform; Crustal structure; Gravity anomalies; Hotspots; Seismic refraction.
Ano: 1998 URL:
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The Implications of Global Priorities for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services Associated with Protected Areas Ecology and Society
Pyke, Christopher R.; National Center for Environmental Assessment, Office of Research and Development, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency;
Map-based prioritization systems have become ubiquitous tools for allocating resources for biological conservation. Although the scientific basis for these systems continues to be debated, they have become a significant factor in international conservation. A recent study found that published conservation priorities are associated with over one third of conservation spending by major international nongovernmental organizations totaling over $1.5 X 109 in 2002 alone. The growing influence of these systems on the allocation of resources for conservation underscores the need to understand their ecological and environmental implications. This paper addresses the role of global priorities in contributing to the future of land protection by considering three key...
Tipo: Peer-Reviewed Insight Palavras-chave: Hotspots; Land use; Priority areas; Protected areas; Systematic conservation planning reserve design..
Ano: 2007
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