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Características estratigráficas y morfodinámicas de la franja litoral Caribe colombiana (Sector Barranquilla (Bocas de Ceniza) - Flecha de Galerazamba) 20
Molina-M., A.; Molina-M., C.; Giraldo-O., L.; Barrera-O., R..
The geologic (stratigraphic) and morphodynamic characteristics throughout 76 km of the coastal profile of the Colombian Caribbean, including those between Barranquilla (Bocas de Ceniza) and the spit of Galerazamba are described. The sections of the coast that have been affected by erosive events and those with sedimentary accretion are described. Some of them are associated to both natural and anthropic phenomena. Geologically, the coastal edge is defined by sedimentary rocks, weakly consolidated sediments and inconsolidated sediments, that include ages from the upper Paleocene to the Recent. From the point of view of the evaluation of the coast in terms of stability and instability, the high coasts are classified as: Critic zones (Punta Sabanilla,...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Stratigraphy; Coastal zone; Erosion; Sedimentation; Stratigraphy; Erosion; Sedimentation; Http://; Http://; Http://
Ano: 1999 URL:
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Geomorfología y procesos erosivos en la Costa Norte del Departamento de Córdoba, Caribe colombiano (Sector Paso Nuevo-Cristo Rey) 20
Rangel-Buitrago, N.G.; Posada-Posada, B.O..
As a contribution to the implementation of the National Environmental Polices for the Sustainable Development of Oceanic Spaces and Coastal and Insular Zones of Colombia, the physical characterization of the north littoral of Cordoba department (Paso Nuevo-Cristo Rey), was undertaken. The aim of doing it, was to determine which are the causes of the erosive processes that are present and to suggest solutions that help to reduce the vulnerability of the coastal populations of the area. In this area Tertiary sediments of fluvio-marine origin, are cropping fractured, weathered and slightly folded. The geomorphological characteristics show that the fluvio-marine terraces, which are limited by cliffs of up to 15 m of height, are the most represented unit and...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Geomorphology; Waves on beaches; Erosion; Coastal zone; Erosion; Geomorphology; Http://; Http://
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Introducción al problema de la erosión litoral en Urabá (Sector Arboletes-Turbo) Costa Caribe colombiana 20
Correa, I.D.; Vernette, G..
Shoreline retreat has been the net dominant historical trend along the 145 km-length littoral between Arboletes and Turbo (Southern Caribbean of Colombia). For the last four decades, there were identified in this littoral shoreline retreats of about 50-100m in several places (Uveros, Damaquiel, Zapata, Turbo) and a maximun of 1.6 km in the Punta Rey-Arboletes area, where land losses were of 4.5 k m2, at exceptional rates of 40m/year. The synthesis of the available information suggest that the general “susceptibility” to erosion between Arboletes and Turbo could be related primarily to relative sea level rise, associated to tectonic movements as well as to the effects of mud diapirism and hydroisostacy. In the more critical areas (Arboletes, Turbo), the...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Geomorphology; Erosion; Coastal engineering; Erosion; Geomorphology; Http://; Http://
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Sedimentation, transport und erosion an der Nordküste Kolumbiens zwischen Barranquilla und der Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta 20
Erffa, A. Frhr. von.
El Río Magdalena desemboca actualmente en el mar Caribe, por el extremo occidental de este territorio y ha formado varios deltas, estos se han originado en tres fases comprendidas en el cuaternario reciente. Los dos más antiguos quedaron destruidos por la erosión y solamente son detectados en la morfología submarina. El delta siguiente en antigüedad, alcanzó su mayor amplitud hace 2.400 años aproximadamente La etapa de destrucción de este delta se inició por aquellos tiempos, y aún continua en actividad. El delta más reciente se está formando al frente de la boca actual del Río Magdalena. Se describen los rasgos topográficos, sedimentológicos y la distribución de la fauna bentónica, en los sectores NE y E de la plataforma submarina de San Andrés. La...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Coastal lagoons; Estuaries; Geology; Sediments; Erosion; Coastal erosion; Sediment transport; Estuaries; Geology; Erosion; Coastal lagoons; Coastal erosion; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://
Ano: 1973 URL:
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