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Atelier de Kayar 20
Dioh, B.; Ndiaye, O.; Sané, K.; Diouf, P.S..
ATELIER DE FORMATION SUR L'APPLICATION DES LOIS ET REGLEMENTS AU CONTEXTE DE LA PECHERIE MARITIME DE KAYAR Introduction Dans le programme de conservation des écosystèmes marins et côtiers de I'Akique de I'Ouest du World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), Kayar a été retenu comme site où des activités de terrain doivent être menées. Dans le but de former et de sensibiliser les acteurs chargés de I'application des lois et règlements relatifs à la pêche et ceux à qui cette réglementation s'applique, une séance de vulgarisation des lois et règlements régissant la pêche au Sénégal a été organisée le 26 juillet 2002 à Kayar. Aprés la cérémonie d'ouverture, Messieurs Ousmane NDIAYE, Chef de la division pêche artisanale à la Direction de l'océanographie et des pêches...
Tipo: Proceedings Paper Palavras-chave: Fish consumption; Fish counters; Fish culture; Law of the sea; Licences; Fish culture; Licences; Http://; Http://
Ano: 2002 URL:
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Bioenergética del besugo Pagrus pagrus. 20
Aristizabal, E.O..
The utilization of the energy of food by red porgy (Pagrus pagrus Linnaeus, 1758) from the Argentine Sea (SW Atlantic) was studied. From the energetic point of view, it is proposed that the strategy of patitioning, utilization and storage of the energy of food, is an indicator of the organism response to the environmental conditions. The main objective was to know the proportion of the energy of food derived to the different components of the bioenergetics budget. In order to estimate the monthly energy investment in reproductive growth, chemical analysis of gonads from fishes caught by the fishery fleet and from laboratory studies were performed. Two indexes were used to calculate the energy investment in female ovaries: the proportion of net daily energy...
Tipo: Theses and Dissertations Palavras-chave: Fish culture; Bioenergetics; Eggs; Fish larvae; Food consumption; Energy budget; Metabolism; Oxygen consumption; Fish culture; Eggs; Food consumption; Metabolism; Fish larvae; Oxygen consumption; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://
Ano: 2003 URL:
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Broodstock management and induced spawning of flounder Paralichthys orbignyanus (Valenciennes, 1839)under a closed recirculated system 20
Bambill, G.A.; Oka, M.; Radonic, M.; López, A.V.; Müller, M.I.; Boccanfuso, J.; Bianca, F..
The present study was conducted to determine the parameters regulating spawning performance of P. orbignyanus wild broodstock. The adaptation to captivity was successfully achieved with minimal stress levels. In three consecutive spawning seasons, the annual photothermal manipulation was not effective for the maturation and natural spawning of females although males were running. Females were HCG injected, releasing non fertilized eggs. Artificial fertilization was carried out after stripping the fish with a total production of 18,000 fertilized eggs in 2001 (egg diameter=800±10 µm), 55,300 in 2002 (egg diameter= 850±12 µm)and 1,635,000 fertilized eggs in 2003 (egg diameter 818.4 ±30.08 µm, oil drop 98.1 ±2.96 µm). For the study of the ovulationtime,...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Fish culture; Marine fish; Brood stocks; Eggs; Induced breeding; Fish culture; Eggs; Http://; Http://
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Consumo de oxígeno, crecimiento y utilización del alimento durante el desarrollo larval del besugo Pagrus pagrus (Linné, 1758)(Pisces:Sparidae). 20
Aristizabal, E.O..
Knowledge of the life history of fish larvae is of practical importance to understand variations in the survival rate not only for cultivated fish but also for fishery biology studies. With the aim of recognizing critical changes during the first days of life of red porgy larvae, the oxygen consumption, growth, and food utilization were studied. After hatching, the larvae were transferred to two 400 L fiberglass tanks with microalgae (Nannochloropsis oculata)and enriched rotifers (Brachionus plicatilis)as initial food. During the incubation and larval rearing, water temperature was kept at 18.0 ± 0.5ºC and salinity ranged from 33.0 to 34.0 psu. Results indicate a decrease in larval growth between day 3 and 4 after hatching, when larvae opened their mouths,...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Fish culture; Marine fish; Fish larvae; Metabolism; Oxygen consumption; Fish culture; Metabolism; Fish larvae; Oxygen consumption; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Creación de un banco de progenitores de Róbalo Centropomus undecimalis, Bloch. Evaluación de alimentos artificiales 20
Reyes, R.; Ramos, D.; Fraga, I.; Galindo, J.; Ortega, N..
Feeding is one of the most critical aspects in fish broodstock establishment. The goal of this work is to evaluate the behavior of Centropomus undecimalis juvenile with two-compounded diet. Snook with initial average weight of 371.5 ± 77.8 g were kept during 10 month in 6 fibber glass tanks of 5 m3 capacity with 15 individual each. Two semimoist diet including fishmeal and fresh food were tested. The diet supplied were composed of minced meat fish machuelo (Ophistonema oglinum) and patao (Gerres spp) and small shrimp (so-called trilla) in the first five month and shrimp head and squid the rest of the time. At the beginning of this experience, growing was very slow with 15.33 g/month and food conversion of 6.5 mean while average weight of 26.6 g/month and...
Tipo: Proceedings Paper Palavras-chave: Fish culture; Brood stocks; Feeding experiments; Balanced diets; Fish culture; Http://
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Crecimiento y rendimiento en carne del Lenguado Paralichthys orbignyanus (Valenciennes, 1839) cultivado en Argentina 20
Müller, M.I.; Radonic, M.; López, A.V.; Bambill, G.A..
The results of the final on-growing (500 g to 1 kg)of flounder Paralichthys orbignyanus under closed recirculated water systems and controlled conditions are presented. 22.5 percent of fish reached 1 kg alter 2.1 months of starting the on-growing trial. Sex ratio was 20.6 percent females and 79.4 percent males. Average length for females and males was 38.53 ± 4.58 cm TL and 32.52 ± 5.25 cm TL, respectively. Average body weight for females and males was 710.58 ± 262.95 g and 427.59 ± 203.01 g, respectively. Statistically significant differences were found for average length for sex (p0.01)and for average body weight for sex (0.01 0.05). Flesh yield was 43.1percent fillets without skin and 57percent fillets with skin. Flesh of cultivated flounder had a...
Tipo: Proceedings Paper Palavras-chave: Fish culture; Marine fish; Growth rate; Feeding; Fish culture; Feeding; Growth rate; Http://; Http://; Http://
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Cultivable fish seeds in Nigeria coastal waters: A research survey( second phase: 1986 -1989. 20
Ezenwa, B.I.; Alegbeleye, W.O.; Anyanwu, P.E..
The first phase of the project (1978 –19850 on fish seed abundance in Nigerian coastal waters was completed and published in 1985 proceedings of Fisheries Society of Nigeria (FISON). The second phase (1986 –1989) explored further, breeding grounds, nursery and schooling areas and traditional fishing gears used by local fishermen in the collection of seeds. An assessment is made of the destructive effects of industrial pollutants, oil installations, erosion, modern coastal developments, and tides in the distribution and abundance of seeds within the estuaries, creeks lagoons coastal rivers and their tributaries. Analysis of data collected showed a drastic reduction of an estimated 100 million fish seeds, Ezenwa et al (1985) to 51.7 million at the end of...
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Fish culture; Seed production; Fish culture; Seed production; Http://; Http://
Ano: 1990 URL:
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Cultivo de tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) a pequeña escala ¿alternativa alimentaria para familias rurales y periurbanas de México? 20
Vega-Villasante, F.; Cortés-Lara, M.del C.; Zúñiga-Medina, L.M.; Jaime-Ceballos, B.; Galindo-López, J.; Basto-Rosales, M.E.R.; Nolasco-Soria, H..
There is a global trend towards intensification of aquaculture-based systems, however a large portion of world production from aquaculture is still in small-scale "rural type" and extensive systems. The term “rural aquaculture” has been used to distinguish, from other production systems, the culture of aquatic organisms by families through extensive or semiintensive systems, for home consumption or partial marketing. Studies conducted in various regions of Mexico suggested that rural aquaculture of tilapia could be an alternative activity, able to dampen the demand and reduce pressure on natural resources. This paper analyzes the culture of tilapia considering the minimum management, with low fish density and low water exchange with the intention to...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Small scale aquaculture; Fish culture; Fish culture; Http://
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Desarrollo de un banco de reproductores de Róbalo (Centropomus undecimalis, Bloch 1792): I. Manejo del alimento 20
Fraga, I.; Reyes, R.; Ortega, N.; Regueira, E.; Font, R.; Bravo, A..
In order to establish the management methods in snook Centropomus undecimalis (Bloch, 1792) broodstock (initial average weight 960 g), during 18 month three phases were developed. Fishes were marked, measured, weighed and distributed in 5 m3 fiber glass tanks (stock density 1.3 kg/m3). In the first phase (3 month), different feeding schedules were applied: 1. feeding in alternate days; 2. feeding every day excluding weekends; 3. feeding twice a day. Before maturation phase and during three month, enriched semi humid food was supplied. Finally, during 12 month, artificial feed was supplied. The appetite dynamics in fishes was influenced by the feeding schedule applied. When food was offered in alternate days, higher consumption was observed. Females showed...
Tipo: Proceedings Paper Palavras-chave: Fish culture; Feeding; Brood stocks; Fish culture; Feeding; Http://; Http://
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Desove en cautiverio y calidad de los huevos y larvas del besugo, Pagrus pagrus (L.) 20
Aristizabal, E.O..
Spontaneous spawning of red porgy was achieved in captivity by using photoperiod and temperature control systems along the year. During a four-month reproduction period females released in average about 0.2 times their own body weight in oocytes with an energy content of 5.71 J mg-1 wet weight. A total of 28.8 x 106 eggs and approximately 200 g of viable eggs (wet weight) per female kg were obtained. The eggs and larvae quality in terms of hatching and larval survival rates experienced a significant variation during the spawning season ranging between 0%-92% and 0.3%-33.2% respectively. Comments in reference to the probable causes of these variations and the need of carrying on with this line of research are presented.
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Fish culture; Marine aquaculture; Spawning seasons; Fish culture; Http://
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Efectos de temperatura y salinidad sobre el crecimiento de juveniles de besugo Pagrus pagrus (Linné,1758)(Actinopterygii; Perciformes) en sistemas de recirculación cerrada 20
Suárez, J..
The growth and survival of juvenile red porgy, Pagrus pagrus, reared in captivity (mean body weigth 81.0 not equal to 37.24g), exposed to two different temperatures (18 degree and 22 degree C)and three salinities (21, 27 and 33 psu)during a 30 day period, were studied. Final survival rate was 100. in all treatments. The highest growth rate was reached at 18 degree C/33 psu with a value of 1.07 /day. There was an inverse trend in the growth rate between the two temperatures. Food consumption increased with the increase of salinity and temperature. The highest food consumption rate was 1.17. (18 degree C/33 psu). The relationships between protein efficiency ration (PER)and salinity were positive at 18 degree C and negative at 22 degree C. The highest values...
Tipo: Theses and Dissertations Palavras-chave: Environmental effects; Fish culture; Food consumption; Growth; Juveniles; Recirculating systems; Survival; Marine aquaculture; Fish culture; Food consumption; Growth; Juveniles; Survival; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Etude technico-économique comparative de la pêche à la palangre améliorée utilisant le vire-ligne et de la pêche à la palangre traditionnelle 20
Bakhayokho, M.; Kébé, M..
Dans le cadre des études de faisabilité visant à l'introduction de la palangre améliorée et du vire -ligne dans la pêche artisanale sénégalaise. Des essais ont été menés au CRODT les résultats ont montrés que la techniques était adaptable au Sénégal et la palangre est largement utilisée au Sénégal
Tipo: Book Palavras-chave: Fee fishing; Females; Fish culture; Fishery biologists; Fishery boundaries; Fish diseases; Fish culture; Females; Fish diseases; Http://; Http://; Http://
Ano: 1992 URL:
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Growth of Argentine silverside (Odontesthes bonariensis) stocked at low densities in two oligohaline shallow lakes (Buenos Aires province, Argentina) 20
Espinach Ros, A.; Dománico, A..
Argentine silversides (Odontesthes bonariensis) stocked as fry (45 days old) at low densities in two oligohaline Pampasic shallow lakes (Buenos Aires province, Argentina) grew to legal harvest size (250 mm, total length) in one year, and averaged 403 mm in length and 500 g in weight after 25 months.
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Fish culture; Growth; Growth; Shallow water; Oligotrophic lakes; Fish culture; Growth; Growth; Http://; Http://; Http://
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Importancia de los lípidos en la reproducción y ontogenia del pez blanco de Pátzcuaro (Chirostoma estor estor) 20
Aparicio, B..
Para producir larvas de peces con buenos rendimientos, se deben conocer los requerimientos nutricionales de la especie, particularmente en los primeros estadios larvarios. Además, se sabe que la nutrición de los reproductores influye directamente en la calidad de las larvas debido, principalmente, a la cantidad y calidad de lípidos que son transferidos desde la gónada hacia los huevos. El objetivo de este trabajo fue analizar la composición de lípidos en huevos, embriones y larvas de pez blanco de Pátzcuaro (Chirostoma estor estor) con el fin de establecer las bases de los requerimientos nutricionales de lípidos durante el desarrollo larvario del pez blanco. También se determinaron los ácidos grasos en tejidos de reproductores (cerebro, gónada, hígado,...
Tipo: Theses and Dissertations Palavras-chave: 1079; Lipids; Reproduction; Fish culture; Fish eggs; Embryos; Fish culture; Lipids; Reproduction; Http://; Http://; Http://
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Maduración y desove del pargo amarillo Lutjanus argentiventris (Peters, 1869) en condiciones controladas de temperatura y fotoperíodo 20
Martínez, R.A..
El cultivo de peces marinos ha atraído considerable atención en la última década, experimentando un gran auge en años recientes. Esto se debe principalmente al desarrollo y optimización de la tecnología de cultivo en jaulas, como también al mejoramiento de las técnicas de producción de juveniles, lo que ha incrementado el número de especies para las cuales existen cultivos de orientación comercial. En las circunstancias actuales, para que el cultivo de peces sea rentable es necesario controlar todas las fases del ciclo vital de la especie. En el presente trabajo se abordó esta problemática a través de estudios enfocados a la maduración gonadal y desove a través de tratamientos de temperatura y fotoperíodo denominados no invasivos. En el primer experimento...
Tipo: Theses and Dissertations Palavras-chave: 959; Temperature; Lipids; Photoperiods; Marine fish; Fish culture; Fish culture; Temperature; Lipids; Http://; Http://; Http://
Ano: 2003 URL:
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Morphological development of the mouth and improvement in feeding ability in the early larval stages of red porgy, Pagrus pagrus (L.) 20
Aristizabal, E.O..
The appearance, ossification and growth of cartilaginous structures of the mouth in early larval stages of laboratory reared red porgy Pagrus pagrus, were examined. At the time of mouth opening, red porgy larvae are equipped with the fundamental components of the oral cavity to allow the sucking motion for acquiring food. During the initial feeding stage, from day 5 after hatching (AH) to day 7 AH, the hyoid and lower branchial archs were completed, and the head length and other structural elements, like the ceratohyal-epihyal cartilage, increased rapidly. These events intensified sucking mechanisms by increasing the amount of ingested rotifers. After day 13 AH, the presence of the bony premaxilla and angular, the ossification of the Meckels cartilage and...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Marine aquaculture; Fish culture; Fish larvae; Osteology; Fish culture; Fish larvae; Http://; Http://
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Performance of Clarias gariepinus in a polyculture with Oreochromis niloticus. 20
Oladosu, G.A.; Ayinla, O.A.; Onuoha, G.C.; Needom, J.G..
A study of the performance of Clarias gariepinus (African Mudfish) in a polyculture with Oreochromis niloticus (Tilapia), integrated with broiler chicken production was carried at the African Regional Aquaculture Centre, Nigeria. Three experimrntal treatments were utilized. Treatment I was a polyculture of C. gariepinus and O. niloticus integrated with broiler chicken production, with application of supplemental feed to fish. Treatment II was a repeat of treatment 1, except that no supplemental feed was applied to fish, while treatment III was a polyculture of the two fish species per se with application of supplemental feed to fish. Results showed that the final individual weight, individual weight gain and recovery rate were best for C. gariepinus,...
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Fish culture; Polyculture; Fish culture; Http://
Ano: 1990 URL:
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Piscicultura para productores 20
Carnevia, D.; Speranza, G..
Manual de piscicultura útil para toda persona física o jurídica, interesadas en desarrollar esta actividad en el país, contribuyendo de esta manera con la reactivación productiva no tradicional, mediante el cultivo de animales acuáticos en aguas interiores o en zonas costeras aptas para ello. Se presenta además una actualización del marco normativo vigente para el desarrolllo de la piscicultura en el Uruguay.
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Fish culture; Pond culture; Fish ponds; Agropisciculture; Aquaculture facilities; Freshwater aquaculture; Marine aquaculture; Fish culture; Fish ponds; Agropisciculture; Http://; Http://; Http://
Ano: 2003 URL:
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Plan Directeur de développement forestier: pêche et aquaculture continentales 20
Diadhiou, A.; Diouf, P. S.; Le Reste, L.; Bousso, T.; Kebe, M.; Gaye, A. B..
1. DIAGNOSTIC SUR L’ETAT D’EXPLOITATION, LA REGLEMENTATION ET L’AQUACULTURE. 2. RECOMMANDATIONS. 2.1. Etat d’exploitation des ressources 2.1 .l. Fleuve Sénégal 2.1.2. Sine Saloum 2.1.3. Haute Gambie 2.1.4. Casamance 2.15. Anambé 2.2. Equipement des pêcheurs 2.3. Infrastructures 2.4. Structures d’encadrement 2.5 Statistiques 2.6. Réglementation 2.7. Aquaculture 2.7.1. Pisciculture 2.7.2. Crevetticulture 2.7.3. Ostréiculture 2.8. Recherche 3. PROJETS
Tipo: Other Palavras-chave: Aquaculture; Maritime legislation; Legislation; Fishery statistics; Artisanal fishing; Fish culture; Fishery regulations; Oyster culture; Shrimp culture; Aquaculture; Fish culture; Legislation; Oyster culture; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://
Ano: 1992 URL:
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Polyculture trial of mullets (Mugil spp) tilapia sp.,hemichromis sp. and elops sp. 20
Anyanwu, P.E.; Awa, J.N..
Polyculture trial of selected cultivable fin fishes was conducted at the Institute’s experimental fish farm Ikoyi, Lagos from April 1983 to January 1984. The species, Mugil spp; Tilapia spp; Hemichromis fasciatus and Elops lacerta gave a total annual production range of 1219 kg to 1441 kg per hectare (extrapolated). Tilapia species had the highest growth potential constituting 80% of the total harvest. Supplementary diet used was food left over (waste) from selected big hotels in Lagos. Elops lacerta (predator) recorded the highest average body weight of 415.88g while the lowest weight 62.14g, was recorded for Mugil spp. Tilapia spp and Hemichromis fasciatus had average body weights of 72.5g and 6.7 0g respectively.
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Fish culture; Polyculture; Fish culture; Http://
Ano: 1988 URL:
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