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A drift study of vertical distribution and mortality of Engraulis anchoita eggs and larvae. OceanDocs
Sánchez, R.P.; de Ciechomski, J.D.; Lasta, C.A.; Guerrero, R.A..
Lagrangian changes in distribution and survival within an anchovy egg and larvae patch were studied by means of multiple opening/closing sampling following a free drifting buoy. The buoy was equipped with a radar reflector and flashing light, and it was connected to a current cross drogue floating at 15 m depth, which corresponded to the main egg and larvae concentration within the patch. The drifter was launched on the Buenos Aires continental shelf, off Necochea during the spring spawning peak of 1983. Three discrete depths (within, below and above the thermocline)were repeatedly sampled close to the drogue with a Motoda sampler. Egg and larval abundances in the vicinity of the drogue were monitored at 3/4 hour intervals for a period of three days. Each...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Fish larvae; Fish eggs; Vertical migrations; Feeding; Environmental effects; Ichthyoplankton surveys; Vertical distribution; Survival; Abundance; Drifting data buoys; Fishery surveys; Feeding; Fish larvae; Survival; Http://; Http://; Http://
Ano: 1999 URL:
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Abundancia y distribucion de huevos y larvas de la merluza argentina (Merluccius hubbsi Marini, 1933) en un area de desove intensivo en el litoral norpatagonico. OceanDocs
Bellizia, L.L.; Pan, J.; Venerus, L.A..
Argentine hake Merluccius hubbsi represents nowadays the main fishery resource of the Argentine Sea, in spite of the fact that the percentage of captures related to total fishery production has fallen down 30% in the last decade. The abundance and distribution of hake eggs and larvae in an intense spawning area in front of Isla Escondida (Chubut province), are analyzed. This phenomena was studied from a comparative-historical point of view allowing to apppreciate the evolution of a resource at present undergoing an overfishing pressure, capable of pushing it to collapse. Since 1973 maximum egg densities diminished and, if total egg production is considered a reliable index for recruitment prediction, no signs of overcoming stocks can be seen. On the other...
Tipo: Theses and Dissertations Palavras-chave: Fish larvae; Fish eggs; Abundance; Spawning; Spawning; Fish larvae; Http://; Http://
Ano: 2000 URL:
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Abundancia y distribución del ictioplancton, fito y zooplancton en el mar ecuatoriano en abril de 1995 OceanDocs
Luzuriaga de Cruz, M.; Elías, E.; Flores, M.E..
El presente trabajo trata de la distribución de la abundancia de huevos y larvas de peces en relación con la abundancia del zooplancton y fitoplancton colectado en 13 estaciones muestreadas a bordo del B/I TOHALLI durante el crucero pelágico-oceanográfico realizado en abril de 1995. Se analizó un total de 12820 huevos de peces. (10m²)¹ y 5145 larvas de peces (10m²)¹. La mayor abundancia de huevos y larvas de peces se localizó al este de las Islas Galápagos, en las estaciones 1P y 10, situadas en los extremos norte y sur del área de muestreo a la altura de la Isla San Cristóbal, con 5226 huevos (10m²)¹ y 1042 larvas (10m²)¹, respectivamente, mientras que la menor abundancia se localizó también al este de la Islas Galápagos, en las estaciones 7 y 5 con 109...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Abundance; Ichthyoplankton; Phytoplankton; Zooplankton; Cruises; Fish eggs; Fish larvae; Phytoplankton; Zooplankton; Fish larvae; Http://; Http://; Http://
Ano: 1998 URL:
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Análisis de la distribución y abundancia del ictioplancton en el Golfo San Matías en setiembre de 1993 OceanDocs
Rodríguez Gil, S.G.; Serafini, R.; Bordino, P..
Tipo: Theses and Dissertations Palavras-chave: Ichthyoplankton surveys; Fish larvae; Fish eggs; Abundance; Fish larvae; Http://
Ano: 1994 URL:
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Análisis de la distribución y abundancia del ictioplancton y zooplancton acompañante en el Golfo San Matías en noviembre de 1992 OceanDocs
Mercado, L.; Pose, M.; Tesolin, G.; Villar, C..
Realizado en el INIDEP (Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Desarrrollo Pesquero- Mar del Plata, Argentina)
Tipo: Theses and Dissertations Palavras-chave: Ichthyoplankton; Zooplankton; Fish larvae; Abundance; Environmental conditions; Zooplankton; Fish larvae; Environmental conditions; Http://; Http://; Http://
Ano: 1993 URL:
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Análisis espacio-temporal del estado nutricional de larvas de anchoíta Engraulis anchoita. Relación con las características hidrográficas y la disponibilidad de alimento OceanDocs
Díaz, M.V..
Nutritional condition studies allow the assessment of physiological state of each larva and thus, the establishment of favourable nursery areas which provide better survival and growth. In the present work, morphometrical, histological and biochemical techniques were employed to assess nutritional condition of anchovy, Engraulis anchoita, larvae captured in the Argentine Sea. Its results were complemented with oceanographic data and information about zooplankton abundances, both prey and predators of anchovy larvae. Anchovy larvae abundance and distribution would be mainly determined by physico-chemical variables. Even though no significant differences were found in larval nutritional condition among the studied areas, larval condition was slightly better...
Tipo: Theses and Dissertations Palavras-chave: Fish larvae; Nutritional requirements; Morphometry; Histology; Hydrography; Nursery grounds; Fish larvae; Nutritional requirements; Hydrography; Nursery grounds; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Aspectos bioecológicos del ictioplancton en la estación fija "La Libertad" durante 1997 OceanDocs
Luzuriaga de Cruz, M.; Ortega, D.; Elías, E..
El presente trabajo se refiere a las variaciones observadas en el ictioplancton presente en la estación fija "La Libertad" desde febrero de 1997 hasta diciembre del mismo año. Los datos se relacionan con las observaciones ecológicas hechas en base a indicadores de masas de agua, formaníferos planctónicos, presentes en las mismas muestras.
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Ichthyoplankton; Fixed stations; Fish larvae; Fish eggs; Foraminifera; Community composition; Species diversity; Fish larvae; Species diversity; Http://; Http://
Ano: 1998 URL:
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Bioenergética del besugo Pagrus pagrus. OceanDocs
Aristizabal, E.O..
The utilization of the energy of food by red porgy (Pagrus pagrus Linnaeus, 1758) from the Argentine Sea (SW Atlantic) was studied. From the energetic point of view, it is proposed that the strategy of patitioning, utilization and storage of the energy of food, is an indicator of the organism response to the environmental conditions. The main objective was to know the proportion of the energy of food derived to the different components of the bioenergetics budget. In order to estimate the monthly energy investment in reproductive growth, chemical analysis of gonads from fishes caught by the fishery fleet and from laboratory studies were performed. Two indexes were used to calculate the energy investment in female ovaries: the proportion of net daily energy...
Tipo: Theses and Dissertations Palavras-chave: Fish culture; Bioenergetics; Eggs; Fish larvae; Food consumption; Energy budget; Metabolism; Oxygen consumption; Fish culture; Eggs; Food consumption; Metabolism; Fish larvae; Oxygen consumption; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://
Ano: 2003 URL:
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Condiciones del plancton en una estación fija: Puerto El Morro-Playas, Golfo de Guayaquil, 2000-2002 OceanDocs
Bonilla Coello, M.A.; Plúas, F.; Camposano, J..
En este estudio se examina la abundancia estructura poblacional y variación temporal del plancton, especialmente de copépodos en el Golfo de Guayaquil, a través de tres años de estudio, en condición no El Niño.
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Plankton; Phytoplankton; Abundance; Distribution; Zooplankton; Marine crustaceans; Fixed stations; Population structure; Diatoms; Fish eggs; Fish larvae; Population structure; Plankton; Phytoplankton; Distribution; Zooplankton; Diatoms; Fish larvae; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://
Ano: 2002 URL:
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Consideraciones sobre la alimentación de la caballa con especial enfasis en la depredación de huevos y larvas de peces OceanDocs
Pájaro, M..
Adult and juvenile fish inter and intraspecific predation may be an important source on these first development stages. In this work, adult and juvenile mackerel samples from two areas of Buenos Aires province, one south of Cape San Antonio and the other near Mar del Plata city were analyzed. An important anchovy postlarvae ingestion in both regions considered was observed. A high number of mackerel eggs in the stomach contents from adults was identified. This evidence of cannibalistic behaviour in the argentine mackerel is the first of its kind made in this species and allows to suggest that embryo mortality due to cannibalism might constitute and important percentage of the total embryonic mortality.
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Feeding; Cannibalism; Fish larvae; Fish eggs; Feeding; Cannibalism; Fish larvae; Http://; Http://; Http://
Ano: 1993 URL:
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Consumo de oxígeno, crecimiento y utilización del alimento durante el desarrollo larval del besugo Pagrus pagrus (Linné, 1758)(Pisces:Sparidae). OceanDocs
Aristizabal, E.O..
Knowledge of the life history of fish larvae is of practical importance to understand variations in the survival rate not only for cultivated fish but also for fishery biology studies. With the aim of recognizing critical changes during the first days of life of red porgy larvae, the oxygen consumption, growth, and food utilization were studied. After hatching, the larvae were transferred to two 400 L fiberglass tanks with microalgae (Nannochloropsis oculata)and enriched rotifers (Brachionus plicatilis)as initial food. During the incubation and larval rearing, water temperature was kept at 18.0 ± 0.5ºC and salinity ranged from 33.0 to 34.0 psu. Results indicate a decrease in larval growth between day 3 and 4 after hatching, when larvae opened their mouths,...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Fish culture; Marine fish; Fish larvae; Metabolism; Oxygen consumption; Fish culture; Metabolism; Fish larvae; Oxygen consumption; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Desarrollo larval de merluza (Merluccius hubbsi) considerando aspectos ecomorfologicos OceanDocs
Betti, P..
The ontogeny of the first stages of development of hake (Merluccius hubbsi)considering yolksac larvae, preflexion larvae, larvae in flexion, postflexion larvae, transformation larvae and posttransition juveniles, is described. Fish larvae and posttransition juveniles were collected in the north Patagonian area, between 42° and 46°S, from surroundings of the coast to the 100 m isobath (Argentine Sea, SW Atlantic). The larvae were collected between December and February, and the posttransition juveniles, in April and June since 1989 to 2004. The morphometrics variables and pigmentation were recorded in 127 larvae y 41 posttransition juveniles ranging in total length (TL)from 2.0 to 35.0 mm. Additionally, the openning of the mouth was calculated and...
Tipo: Theses and Dissertations Palavras-chave: Fish larvae; Juveniles; Ontogeny; Morphogenesis; Morphogenesis; Fish larvae; Juveniles; Ontogeny; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Detección de un área de cría de la merluza de cola (Macruronus magellanicus)en el Mar Argentino. OceanDocs
Machinandiarena, L.; Ehrlich, M.D..
This is the first report of a longtail hake (Macruronus magellanicus)nursery ground. The results of more than ten research cruises conducted since 1990 in the southern patagonian shelf are presented in this study. The nursery ground (52°S to 55°30'S)was detected by the presence of larvae between 5.60 to 12.80 mm of standard length in November and December in that area, with depth ranging from 90 to 160 m.
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Fish larvae; Nursery grounds; Ichthyoplankton surveys; Fish larvae; Nursery grounds; Http://; Http://
Ano: 1999 URL:
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Diagnóstico del plancton en el estuario de San Lorenzo en agosto 2006 (Esmeraldas-Ecuador) OceanDocs
Torres, G.; Andrade, C..
Se realizó un monitoreo del plancton en el estuario de San Lorenzo en junio 2006. En los resultados se registró 128 especies del fitoplancton (método cuantitativo) y 50 especies (cualitativo). Las diatomeas más representativas fueron S. costatum, T. nitzschioides, P. longissima, L. danicus, Navicula sp., P. sulcata: T. nitzschioides. Thalassiosira sp. y flagelados (cuantitativo); S. costatum, Coscinodiscus sp., N. sigma y P. Sulcata (cualitativo). La presencia de Gymnodinium sp. P. maximun y M. rubrum podría asociarse con la formación de mareas rojas al interior del estuario. En los resultados del zooplancton registrarón 16 taxas constituidos mayoritariamente por Zoeas de Brachiura y Copépodos, distribudidos en toda el área de estudio principalmente en...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Plankton; Diatoms; Phytoplankton; Zooplankton; Biomass; Fish larvae; Eggs; Abundance; Estuaries; Species diversity; Zooplankton; Biomass; Eggs; Estuaries; Plankton; Phytoplankton; Fish larvae; Species diversity; Diatoms; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Distribución de huevos, larvas y prerreclutas de merluza (Merluccius hubbsi) en la Zona Común de Pesca Argentino-Uruguaya. Período 1999-2001 OceanDocs
Machinandiarena, L.; Brown, D.R.; Ehrlich, M.D.; Pájaro, M.; Dorado, J.; Teso, V..
Distribution and abundance of eggs, larvae and prerecruit stages of Merluccius hubbsi were evaluated to examine spawning, nursery and settlement areas in the Argentine-Uruguayan Common Fishing Zone during the 1999-2001 period. Larvae and prerecruit stages were more abundant at stations from 50 m to 100 m depth. The nursery area would extend from the 50 m isobath south of 37° S to the 200 m isobath northward where the shelf becomes narrower. In the whole sampling area small size prerecruits were caught; therefore, the whole zone should be considered as a potential settlement area.
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Fish larvae; Fish eggs; Larval settlement; Nursery grounds; Spawning grounds; Abundance; Fish larvae; Nursery grounds; Spawning grounds; Http://; Http://; Http://
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Efficiency of co-feeding red porgy (Pagrus pagrus L.)larvae with live and compound diet OceanDocs
Aristizabal, E.O.; Suárez, J..
The red porgy (Pagrus pagrus)is an important commercial and recreational species with very good prospect for aquaculture. Because significant mortalities, the mass production of this species is limited. This paper describes three weaning strategies to investigate their effects on the survival and growth of red porgy larvae reared in laboratory: A)traditional three-step weaning (rotifers - Artemia - diet)(control); B)one-step early weaning by co-feeding (rotifers - Artemia + diet), and C)one-step direct early weaning (rotifers - diet). Sigificative differences were recorded among treatments (P0.05). Best survival rate (45.6 ± 7.6 percent)and growth (7.4 ± 0.5 mm)were found in treatment B. Results indicate that co-feeding red porgy larvae with inert and live...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Fish larvae; Marine fish; Feeding; Feeding; Fish larvae; Http://; Http://
Ano: 2006 URL:
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El canibalismo como mecanismo regulador denso-dependiente de mortalidad natural en la anchoíta argentina Engraulis anchoita. Su relación con las estrategias reproductivas de la especie. OceanDocs
Pájaro, M..
Cannibalism is not an abnormal behaviour and it can be observed in a wide number of animals. In Pisces, cannibalism may be the result of endogenous intraspecific factors (nutritional state, size, age, state of development) or exogenous intraspecific factors (food, density, light). Nevertheless, external fertilization and the high fecundity of teleost fish tend to increase egg cannibalism, in particular among filter feeding fishes such as anchovies. In the present work, two important Argentine anchovy Engraulis anchoita stocks were studied. The first is to the north of 41°S, and spawns during spring on the coastal and shelf waters of Buenos Aires Province,Argentina, and Uruguay. The second one inhabits the Patagonian region, from 41°S to 47°S. It spawns...
Tipo: Theses and Dissertations Palavras-chave: Feeding behaviour; Cannibalism; Natural mortality; Fish larvae; Fish eggs; Spawning seasons; Stocks; Food preferences; Reproduction; Stocks; Food preferences; Feeding behaviour; Cannibalism; Fish larvae; Reproduction; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://
Ano: 1998 URL:
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Estrategia reproductiva de la saraca, Brazilian menhaden, Brevoortia aurea (Pisces: Clupeidae), en el estuario del Río de la Plata OceanDocs
Acha, E.M..
The Brazilian menhaden, Brevoortia aurea, is the only species of genus Brevoortia in South American Atlantic waters, being abundant in the Rio de la Plata estuary. The temporal and spatial reproductive pattern of this menhaden was analyzed in relation to the major hydrographic features of the region, and the reproductive biology was studied by using histological analysis of ovaries. B.aurea is a multiple spawner with indeterminate annual fecundity. Daily spawning activity was mostly in the afternoon (15:00 - 16:00),based on the incidence of females with both hydrated oocytes and postovulatory follicles. Spawning frequency, determined using the percentage of females with postovulatory follicles, was about 12. during November. At this frequency, each...
Tipo: Theses and Dissertations Palavras-chave: Reproduction; Fecundity; Ovaries; Fish larvae; Eggs; Life history; Brackishwater fish; Spawning grounds; Spawning seasons; Estuaries; Estuaries; Ovaries; Eggs; Life history; Spawning grounds; Reproduction; Fecundity; Fish larvae; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://
Ano: 1999 URL:
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Estudio de huevos y larvas de peces en el mar ecuatoriano durante septiembre-diciembre de 1990 OceanDocs
Villamar, F.; Ortega, D..
Durante los cruceros oceanográficos realizados en septiembre, noviembre y diciembre de 1990, las especies de peces de interés comercial encontrados fueron: Sardinops sagax, Etrumeus teres, Opisthonema s.p, Scomber japonicus y Engraulis ringens; en concentraciones no mayores a 100 ejemplares/10 m2, localizados en la zona Sur del perfil costanero ecuatoriano. Entre otros huevos (H) y larvas (L) de peces, se encontraron los pertenecientes al género Leuroglossum, de la familia Bathylagidae y también ejemplares pertenecientes a la familia Myctophydae. En general, la cantidad máxima total de huevos de peces fue mayor de 10000 H/10 m2 en la longitud 82°00'W, tanto a la altura de Cabo Pasado como al sur de la Punta de Santa Elena. La cantidad máxima de larvas de...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Larval development; Fish larvae; Commercial species; Fish eggs; Fish larvae; Http://
Ano: 1991 URL:
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Estudio sobre el crecimiento en peso y factor de condición en larvas de anchoíta, Engraulis anchoita Hubbs & Marini. Variaciones regionales, estacionales y anuales OceanDocs
de Ciechomski, J.D.; Sánchez, R.P.; Alespeiti, G.; Regidor, H..
The equation log W=a+bL (where W=dry weight in ug, and L=total length in mm)was used to describe the growth in weight of larval anchovy collected in two areas of the Argentine sea, sampled in different months and several years. Regression lines were compared by covariance analysis applied to two size groups, namely larvae less and over 10 mm total length, as an evident break in the slopes indicated the existence of a chenge of rythm in the trajectory of larval growth in length. Significant differences between the slopes of the growth lines were observed within the smaller size group. No regional or yearly differences could be established fo larvae larger than 10 mm.
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Length-weight relationships; Fish larvae; Condition factor; Fish larvae; Http://
Ano: 1986 URL:
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