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Analisis de la captura incidental asociada a la pesqueria de vieira patagónica Zygochlamys patagonica 20
Bremec, C.; Lasta, M.L.; Lucifora, L.O.; Valero, J..
The faunistic composition of invertebrate by-catch associated with the Patagonian scallop Zygochlamys patagonica fishery before its development were studied. Analyzed material was sampled from catches performed in different beds with the F/V Erin Bruce during 1995, all of them in undisturbed areas, in the Argentine continental shelf. Macrofaunal species were identified, weighted and percentages of presence estimated. By-catch invertebrate species were determined for every bed, mainly invertebrates without present commercial value. This baseline information is considered a useful tool to detect structural changes in the benthic communities in relation to the conservation of possible substrates of recruitment of this resource and to estimate the evolution of...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Scallop fisheries; Benthos; Fishing grounds; Benthos; Fishing grounds; Http://; Http://
Ano: 1998 URL:
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Áreas potenciales de descarte de merluza para la actividad de la flota comercial argentina 20
Dato, C.V.; Villarino, M.F.; Cañete, G.R..
To improve the quality of the resource assessment it is necessary to estimate discards and quantify them applying an adequate methodology. The purpose of this work is to detect areas where the activity of the commercial fleet coincides with zones of high concentration of juveniles because they are potential discard areas. To establish possible seasonal and/or interannual variations, length distribution data derived from hake research surveys carried out on board of INIDEP vessels during the 1986-1993 period were analyzed. Samples were grouped per statistical rectangle on the basis of catch weighted average and mean, variance, skewness and kurtosis were calculated. The resulting parameters were subjected to a cluster analysis using the Euclidean distance...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Gadoid fisheries; Commercial fishing; Fishing grounds; Juveniles; Fishing effort; Seasonal variations; Fishing grounds; Juveniles; Fishing effort; Http://; Http://; Http://
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Aspectos de la pesca de la polaca (Micromesistius australis) por parte de la flota argentina en el período 1989 - 1995 20
Wöhler, O.C.; Marí, N.R..
Basic aspects concerning southern blue whiting (Micromesistius australis) fishing by the Argentine fleet in the period 1989-1995 are analized. Catch and effort statistics, fleet operation modalities and spatial and temporary characteristics of fishing activities are included. The basic information to perform this analysis was collected from the fishing statistics provided by the Subsecretaría de Agricultura, Ganadería y Pesca of Argentina and from reports of the Observers Program on board of the commercial fleet. It was in 1989, when the first ship for surimi production entered the fishery, that southern blue whiting catches carried out by the Argentine fleet became important. As of 1989 catches increased in a steady way to stabilize at near 100,000 annual...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Catch statistics; Fishing grounds; Catch/effort; Fishing grounds; Http://
Ano: 1999 URL:
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Aspectos económicos de la pesquería de caballa (Scomber japonicus) y muestreo de desembarque en el puerto de Mar del Plata. 20
Perrotta, R.G.; Tringali, L.S.; Izzo, A.; Boccanfuso, J.; López, F.; Macchi, G.J..
Movements pattern records of the Mar del Plata inshore fishing fleet during the 1997/98 and 1998/99 chub mackerel fishing seasons (October-January) allowed to observe that there is coincidence between the decrease of the 1983-1997 catches with respect to years previous to the 1975/76 "critical season" and a reduction of the inshore fleet fishing grounds which modifies accessibility of the fleet to the chub mackerel schools. Biostatistical and gonadal development results obtained in the Mar del Plata area (i.e., presence of adults during almost the whole fishing season which overlaps with the spawning season) do not differ significantly from those obtained during previous fishing seasons. As recommended in previous papers, chub mackerel fishing operations...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Catch statistics; Biological sampling; Fishing grounds; Population structure; Costs; Population structure; Fishing grounds; Costs; Http://; Http://; Http://
Ano: 2000 URL:
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Cogestion des pêcheries: le rôle clé des comités locaux de pêcheurs (CLP) 20
Au cours de ces cinq derniéres années, les commuanautés locales de pêche artisanale s'organisent activement pour participer à l'amélioration de la gestion durable des ressources en déclin. C'est dans ce cadre que sont apparus les Comités Locaux de Pêche Artisanale (CLPAs). Avec l'avénement du Programme Girmac, sont apparus les Comités Locaux des Pêcheurs (CLP) dont le rôle est incontournable dans le processus de cogestion des ressources halieutiques. Comment et pourquoi ?
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Fishing grounds; Artisanal fishing; Resource management; Fishing grounds; Resource management; Http://; Http://
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Consideraciones sobre la explotación del mejillón (Mytilus platensis)en la costa bonaerense. Resultados de la campaña de prospección del "Banco Faro Querandí" (junio 1981) 20
Lasta, M.L.; Parma, A.M.; Pascual, M.S.; Zampatti, E.A..
The fishing of the mussel (Mytilus edulis platensis)off the Buenos Aires coast was alternatively carried out over two main grounds: "Faro Querandí" and "Quequén". The fluctuations of fishing periods on these grounds must have been determined by economic considerations. An abandoned bed may be considere, for practical purposes, depleted.The understanding of the dynamics of this spatially distributed stock could enable us to link more closely the biological cycles with those of the fishing activity. Rotative fishing is suggested as a managment strategy for this fishery.
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Mussel fisheries; Stock assessment; Fishing grounds; Stock assessment; Fishing grounds; Http://; Http://
Ano: 1986 URL:
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Crustáceos Decápodos y Estomatópodos asociados a la pesquería del langostino patagónico Pleoticus muelleri (Bate, 1888) en el golfo San Jorge, Argentina 20
Roux, A.; Piñero, R..
The analysis of the data obtained in five research cruises carried out during the year 2000 allowed to describe the composition, structure and distribution of decapod and stomatopod crustaceans of the benthic communities of the San Jorge Gulf associated to Patagonian red shrimp fishing grounds. Results show that decapod and stomatopod crustaceans account for 71% of the total crustacean species registered in the benthic community. Munida subrugosa is the species that presents the highest values of relative abundance, frequency of occurrence and relative importance index. The feeding habits of Libidoclaea granaria, Lithodes santolla and Peltarion spinosulum and food availability in the San Jorge Gulf fishing grounds explain the high frequency of occurrence...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Fishing grounds; Marine crustaceans; Ecological associations; Abundance; Shrimp fisheries; Fishing grounds; Ecological associations; Http://; Http://
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Diversidad, densidad y biomasa de la macrofauna componente de los fondos de pesca 'camaron-langostino', frente a Mar del Plata, Argentina (1998-1999) 20
Scelzo, M.A.; Martínez Arca, J.; Lucero, N.M..
The seasonal variation of diversity, density and biomass of the main species of the bentho-demersal fauna present in the 'prawn-shrimp' fishing grounds in the coastal sector between Cabo Corrientes and Torreon del Monje, Mar del Plata (38 degree S-57 degree W), Argentina, was studied. The quali-quantitative information obtained allowed to know the fluctuations of the bentho-demersal components of the community. The study included the annual cycle between April 1998-April 1999. Monthly samples at different depths (4-10 m) and distance from the coast (500 and 1,000 m) were obtained in two stations using a bottom net. Sampling in each station lasted 15 minutes and covered 2,400 m super(2). Number of specimens and weight for each species were recorded....
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Zoobenthos; Fishing grounds; Biomass; Abundance; Littoral zone; Species diversity; By catch; Biomass; Zoobenthos; Fishing grounds; Species diversity; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://
Ano: 2002 URL:
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El proceso de pesca en la explotación de la vieira patagónica (Zygochlamys patagonica) y las respuestas espacio-temporales de las poblaciones 20
Bogazzi, E..
Several attributes of populations of sedentary organisms differentiate benthic fisheries from those approached by the classic theory, inspired by fin-fisheries. The assessment and management of sedentary resources require the application of non-conventional methodological tools. Understanding the fishing process, in particular, is central to the analysis and management of those fisheries. The purpose of this thesis was to investigate the fishing process and its impact on stocks of the Patagonian scallop (Zygochlamys patagonica) fishery. Data and information utilized included: (i) historical data from commercial vessels and experimental fishing; (ii) positional, catch and effort data, and additional information corresponding to fleet activity between 1995...
Tipo: Theses and Dissertations Palavras-chave: Scallop fisheries; Stock assessment; Fishing vessels; Catch/effort; Fishing effort; Fishing grounds; Oceanic fronts; Stock assessment; Fishing vessels; Fishing effort; Fishing grounds; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Estudio de algunos aspectos del ciclo vital de la merluza de cola Macruronus magellanicus, Lonnberg, 1907. 20
Giussi, A.R..
Long tailed hake Macruronus magellanicus, is a demersal fish,distributed in the SW Atlantic Ocean, in Malvinas Current waters,from 36° and 55°S, mainly between 50m and 200m depth. The species is also distributed in Chilenian waters in the Pacific Ocean, being caught in the Magellan Strait and the Beagle Channel. Age determination was estimated with the sagittae otoliths, in which only one ring is formed during the year. Growth parameters were calculated directly and with back calculated methodology, no differences were observed between the results. Differences in growth sexes were evident from 3 years old. The oldest age observed was 13. Different distributional areas of adults through out the year could suggest a migratory movement in northern waters of...
Tipo: Theses and Dissertations Palavras-chave: Life cycle; Growth; Otoliths; Age determination; Reproduction; Population dynamics; Mortality; Population structure; Fishery surveys; Fishing grounds; Geographical distribution; Back calculation; Growth; Otoliths; Age determination; Population structure; Geographical distribution; Life cycle; Reproduction; Population dynamics; Mortality; Fishing grounds; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://
Ano: 1996 URL:
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Estudios bionómicos del bentos de la plataforma bonaerense y su relación con el resto de la plataforma continental argentina. 20
Roux, A..
The macrobenthic assemblages of the Buenos Aires Province(Argentina) continental shelf were studied from samples collected by the R/V Capitán Cánepa and R/V Capitán Oca Balda along a transect from38 m to 218 m depth. Three faunistic areas were determined,corresponding to the coastal, central and external shelf, inhabited by species originated from the Argentine and/or Magellanic Zoogeographical Provinces. These results confirm the presence of different ecological areas in the Argentine continental shelf. Mussel (Mytilus edulis platensis) beds, red porgy (Sparus pagrus) fishing ground and the Argentine-Uruguayan Common Fishing Zone (CFZ) demersal fishing grounds at the continental shelf of Buenos Aires Province were also analyzed to increase the knowledge...
Tipo: Theses and Dissertations Palavras-chave: Zoobenthos; Fishery surveys; Exclusive economic zone; Ecological associations; Dominant species; Stomach content; Fishing grounds; Dominant species; Zoobenthos; Ecological associations; Fishing grounds; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://
Ano: 1996 URL:
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Etat des lieux de l'expérience asiatique 20
Bakhayokho, M..
Dans le cadre du Programme Girmac, une mission sénégalaise a silloné du 1er au 30 septembre 2005 trois pays de l'Asie du Sud-Est (Japon, Thaïlande et Philippines) pour s'imprégner de leurs expériences en matière de co-gestion des pêcheires artisanales. Il ressort au total que chaque pays a sa vision et sa pratique de la co-gestion des pêcheries, celle-ci étant un processus dynamique qui doit être adapté à la culture des communuatés qui se proposent de l'adopter
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Fishing grounds; Artisanal fishing; Fishing effort; Fishery protection; Fishing grounds; Fishing effort; Http://; Http://
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Evaluación pesquera del bacalao austral (Salilota australis) del Atlántico Sudoccidental 20
Wöhler, O.C.; Cassia, M.C.; Hansen, J.E..
Information about the austral cod Salilota australis caught in the Patagonian shelf including the area around Malvinas Islands (SW Atlantic)as well as some data from annual research surveys carried out as of 1992 to 1998 were analyzed. On this basis, the fishery was studied and the abundance of the stock inhabiting the area under Argentine control was estimated. To calculate the optimum yield as a function of both age-at-first catch and fishing mortality, the Yield-per-Recruit model was used. Some biological reference points were also identified and an exploitation strategy based on low risk of collapse recommended. Austral cod landings, although small, showed an increasing trend as of 1990 that reached a maximum of 14,900 tons in 1998. Most of the catches...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Stock assessment; Landing statistics; Fishing mortality; Fishing grounds; Risks; Demersal fisheries; Biomass; Stock assessment; Demersal fisheries; Biomass; Fishing grounds; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://
Ano: 2001 URL:
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La zona común de pesca argentino-uruguaya y el problema de la cuota de captura de merluza (Merluccius hubbsi) 20
Bezzi, S.I.; Aubone, A.; Irusta, G..
The Argentine-Uruguayan Common Fishing Zone and the problem of the hake catch quota allocation. The aim of this paper is to present the problem of the catch quota in the shared zone and the proposals related to the maximum catch from 1976 to 1998. The state of the population which inhabits the Common Fishing Zone and north of 41°S is diagnosed, concluding that the total biomass has declined in this period and the spawning stock biomass is under the allowable biological catches. In addition, the catch per unit effort (CPUE)of the commercial fleet has a declining tendency and the total effort is duplicated. Biological population characteristics are presented: reproduction, feeding, nursery grounds and closed areas to protect juveniles. Proportional...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Catch/effort; Biomass; Quota regulations; Depleted stocks; Fishing grounds; Shared stocks; Biomass; Fishing grounds; Http://; Http://
Ano: 1999 URL:
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Le Girmac: un dispositif cohérent pour l'émergence d'initatives locales de cogestion des pêcheries artisanales 20
Diagne, M..
Cet article qui cherche à démontrer la cohérence du dispositif de cogestion du Girmac est composé de deux (2) parties. Il montre d'abord que ce dispositif est cohérent parce qu'il a avant tout pour socle, une méthodologie conceptuelle clairement établie. Il montre ensuite sue l'autre facette de taille de ce dispositif est incarnée par la symbiose qui existe entre les différents acteurs impliqués; ce qui a valu à ces derniers, sur la bse d'une synergie des interventions et d'une complémentarité d'actions, de bien se déployer sur le terrains, pour permettre aux communautés de pêcheurs des quatre (4) sites pilotes du Programme (Ouakam, Ngaparou, Foundiougne, Bétenti), d'identifier leurs premières initiatives locales de cogestion et de présenter leurs premiers...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Fishing grounds; Fishing effort; Fishing grounds; Fishing effort; Http://; Http://
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Le processus de sélection des quatre sites pilotes initiaux de cogestion locale des pêcheries 20
Mbengue, Y.; Thiam, M..
Le processus de sélection des quatre (04) premiers sites pilotes de cogestion locale a été un des temps forts de la dernière ligne droite de la phase de préparation. Devenu critique car faisant partie à la fois des FCS (Facteurs Clés de Succès), la Banque mondiale a fini par en faire une condition de mise en vigueur c’est-à-dire, en termes crus, une conditionnalité au démarrage des activités. C’est ainsi que dans un contexte relativement difficile de clôture du PPF (Fonds de Préparation de Projet), l’UCP, sous la conduite du SAP GIRMaC (Spécialiste en Aménagement des Pêcheries), avec à ses côtés le GICOM (Gestionnaire de l’information et de la Communication), a accompagné, entre décembre 2004 et avril 2005, l’Administration des Pêches aux quatre coins des...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Position fixing; Artisanal fishing; Fishing grounds; Fishing grounds; Http://
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Les aires marines protégées : un outil de gestion des pêcheries 20
Diouf, P.S..
Au lendemain de l’adoption par le Conseil des ministres du jeudi 15 juillet 2004 du projet de loi sur les AMP, le responsable régional du Fonds mondial pour l’environnement (WWF) revient pour le bulletin DIISO sur les bienfaits des aires marines pro t é g é e s, n o t a m m e n t comme instrument de gestion des pêcheries
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Protected resources; Fishing grounds; Resource management; Fishing grounds; Resource management; Http://; Http://
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Les communautés de pêcheurs sénégalaises à l'épreuve de la cogestion locale de pêcheries artisanales 20
Diagne, M..
A l'heure où la pêche sénégalaise vit au rythme de la cogestion locale des pêcheries artisanales, cet article fait une analyse du concept de "communautés de pêcheurs" dns ce contexte précis, pour permettre aux uns et aux autres de procéder à sa lecture plus correcte, afin de jauger l'opportunité des communautés de pêcheurs sénégalaise de s'y lancer et 'évaluer leurs chances de succés dans cette nouvelle démarche
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Fishermen; Fishing grounds; Artisanal fishing; Sociological aspects; Socioeconomic aspects; Fishery management; Ecosystem management; Production management; Fishermen; Fishery management; Production management; Fishing grounds; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Partenariat stratégique pour la création d’un fonds d’investissement à l’appui des pêches durables en Afrique sub-saharienne 20
Dieng, A..
Le 2nd atelier consultatif sur le «Partenariat stratégique pour la création d’un fonds d’investissement en appui à la durabilité des pêcheries en Afrique sub-saharienne», initié conjointement par la Banque mondiale, la FAO et le WWF s’est tenu du 22 au 24 juin 2005 à Dar Es-Salaam (République Unie de Tanzanie).
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Financing; Artisanal fishing; Fishing grounds; Financing; Fishing grounds; Http://; Http://
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Pesquerías de bivalvos: mejillón, vieiras (tehuelche y patagónica) y otras especies 20
Ciocco, N.F.; Lasta, M.L.; Bremec, C..
Fisheries of the mussel Mytilus edulis platensis, the tehuelche scallop Aequipecten tehuelchus and Patagonian scallop Zygochlamys patagonica are described. Information about catches of purple clam Amiantis purpurata in San Matias Gulf, mussel Aulacomya ater ater and hard shell clam Ameghinomya antiqua in San José Gulf is also presented. Regarding mytilus fishery, it is observed that the main catches were situated in Faro Querandí and Quequén beds (Buenos Aires Province, Argentina), where high densities occured in an area between 35 and 60 m depths. Those beds were exploited until the production was no more commercially interesting. The tehuelche scallop is a very well known resource from the Argentine Sea and its fisheries from San Matías and San José...
Tipo: Book Section Palavras-chave: Mussel fisheries; Scallop fisheries; Clam fisheries; Fishery surveys; Catch/effort; Fishing grounds; Fishing grounds; Http://
Ano: 1998 URL:
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