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A General formatting system for geo-referenced data. vol. 3: Standard subsets of GF3 OceanDocs
Tipo: Book Palavras-chave: Oceanography; Geophysical data; Sea level; Sea level measurement; Wave analysis; Wave data; Wave height; Wave measurement; Sea surface; Drifting data buoys; Bathymetric data; Bathymetry; Mean sea level; Sea level; Http://
Ano: 1996 URL:
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Análisis del comportamiento de la salinidad (intrusión salina) en el sistema Río Guayas Canal de Jambelí como parte del cambio climático OceanDocs
Arreaga Vargas, P..
El presente trabajo permite conocer el comportamiento de la cuña salina en el sistema Río Guayas - Canal de Jambelí, conociendo que el Río Guayas abastece de agua a Guayaquil, puerto principal del país, y a muchas otras poblaciones.
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Water quality; Sea level; Climatic changes; Salt-wedge estuaries; Salt wedges; Salinity gradients; Irrigation water; River water; Rivers; Water quality; Irrigation water; Rivers; Sea level; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://
Ano: 2000 URL:
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Caracterización del régimen de mareas y corrientes a lo largo del canal Moraleda (43° 54' S - 45° 17' S) OceanDocs
Fierro, J.; Bravo, M.; Castillo, M..
Sea level and currents in “Boca del Guafo” and Moraleda channel are studied using statististical and Fourier (harmonic) analyses. The data were collected using oceanographic instruments that covered a wide geographical area, from the northern most point of Moraleda channel to Darwin channel. The results of the harmonic analysis indicated that the area has a semidiurnal tide with a 12-minute phase shift between the ports of Melinka and Lagunas. This result shows that the tidal wave does not only propagate along the Moraleda channel, but at the same time enters the region through several transversal channels that connect the Pacific Ocean with the Moraleda channel. Along the main channel (Moraleda) no reverse current was recorded, which is an unusual...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Tides; Ocean currents; Channels; Current velocity; Sea level; Tides; Ocean currents; Sea level; Http://; Http://; Http://
Ano: 2000 URL:
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IGOSS Plan and Implementation Programme, 1996-2003 OceanDocs
Tipo: Book Palavras-chave: Oceanography; Sea level; Wave data; Data acquisition; Data converters; Data transmission; Buoys; Data collections; Data processing; Sea level; Data acquisition; Data processing; Http://; Http://; Http://
Ano: 1996 URL:
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Ondas atrapadas a la costa en el sector NW de Cuba. OceanDocs
Ramírez Stout, O.; Hernández González, M..
Series cronológicas de nivel del mar obtenidas durante el año 2004 en tres estaciones mareaográficas ubicadas en la costa noroccidental de Cuba muestran en las frecuencias bajas, ω < 0.2 ciclos por día (cpd), una propagación hacia el E con velocidad de fase de una onda baroclínica de Kelvin (2-3 m/s). La coherencia entre las localidades alcanza sus valores máximos en la banda de los 0.1-0.2 cpd. Estos resultados permiten verificar la existencia de ondas atrapadas a la costa en la zona de estudio.
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Sea level; Sea level; Http://
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Propagación de la onda de marea en canales adyacentes a Campos de Hielo Sur OceanDocs
Fierro, J.; Castillo, M.; Valenzuela, C..
During the research cruise Cimar-Fiordo 2, carried out in late 1996, sea level was recorded in three stations located in channels, Messier (Puerto Edén), Wide (Punta Beresford) and Concepción (Caleta Patria). The measurements were of short term, starting in October 20th and finishing in December 13th, 1996. The sea level in those stations, was analyzed in the time and frequency dominion, and some tide non harmonic values were calculated. Results showed that tides evident influence in sea level signal, with a clear mixt semidiurnal behavior, and a daily inequality between high and low waters. The highest tide range was observed in puerto Edén, showing the effect of the local orography configuration while the wave propagates into the channel, and...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Tides; Harmonic analysis; Spectral analysis; Sea level; Cruises; Sea level changes; Monitoring systems; Tidal dynamics; Tidal waves; Ice fields; Tides; Spectral analysis; Sea level; Http://; Http://; Http://
Ano: 2003 URL:
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Respuesta del Nivel del Mar al Forzamiento Atmosférico en las Costasdel Golfo de México. OceanDocs
Ramírez Stout, O.; Candela Pérez, J..
The subinertial response of sea level to meteorological forcing in the Gulf of Mexico is examined using observations of sea level, atmospheric pressure and surface wind covering the period 1985-1986. Spectral analysis and multiple regression in the frequency domain methods are employed for data processing. The analysis shows that the atmospheric pressure is the principal forcing agent. The response of sea level to atmospheric pressure is found to be non isostatic and dependent on frequency and geographical location; the response is overisostatic in the north zone and underisostatic in the south zone of the Gulf, approaching isostasy only at stations located in the Cuban coast. The importance of local and remote wind in sea level variability are determined;...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Sea level; Sea level changes; Sea level; Http://
Ano: 2003 URL:
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Some Considerations on the Variability of Sea Level Synoptic Component in the Gulf of Batabanó. OceanDocs
Hernández González, M.; Díaz Llanes, G..
Abstract: An analysis of sea level synoptic variations in the Gulf of Batabanó is carried out starting from data of direct measurements. Spectral analysis is applied. It is corroborated with new elements the prevalence of meteorological variations in part of the southwestern shelf, and the spectral structure of this shelf is characterized. The influence of meteorological factors is evaluated. It is demonstrated the influence exerted by the southern component of the wind on this variations. There are signs of the possible influence of ENSO on sea level monthly variability at La Coloma; and there is a great similarity between this variability and that of Siboney.
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Sea level; Storm surges; Spectral analysis; Sea level; Spectral analysis; Http://; Http://
Ano: 2003 URL:
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The Global Oceanographic Data Archaeology and Rescue Project (GODAR): Sea Level Data Proposal OceanDocs
Woodworth, Philip; Rickards, Lesley.
At its meeting in May 1999, the IOC Group of Experts on the Global Sea Level Observing System (GE-GLOSS) discussed the need for data archaeology of historic sea level records in order to possibly extend existing time series and/or gain access to observations which are not in digital form. Following on from this, a member of the GE-GLOSS attended the GODAR Review Conference in Silver Spring, Maryland in July 1999, and suggested that sea-level data also be included in the GODAR project. The GODAR sea level proposal is this. In many countries there are considerable amounts of historical sea level data in paper form such as charts or tabulations. These need to be computerised (a) as a backup for data security, and (b) so that they can be subject to modern...
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Oceanographic data; Archaeology; Sea level; Sea level; Data; Http://; Http://
Ano: 2000 URL:
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Un análisis de la estructura termal de la estación costera "La Libertad" y su relación con los eventos ENOS OceanDocs
Zambrano, E..
El Instituto Oceanográfico de la Armada (INOCAR) mantiene desde 1990 hasta la fecha una estación costera a 10 millas náuticas frente a las costas del puerto de La Libertad (Península de Santa Elena), en la que se efectúa un muestreo de toda la columna de agua desde la superficie hasta los 100 m de profundidad, cada 20 días. Del análisis preliminar se ha podido observar que la distribución de las isotermas responde a la presencia de los eventos ENOS; como se conoce durante un episodio ENOS la costa del Ecuador es visitada por ondas ecuatoriales, las cuales a su paso producen una elevación del medio del mar y una profundización de las isotermas. Por lo que se considera que esta distribución de las isotermas guarda relación con la ocurrencia de los eventos...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Isotherms; Equatorial waves; Sea level; El Nino phenomena; Water temperature; Oceanographic stations; Water temperature; Sea level; Http://; Http://
Ano: 1998 URL:
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Vulnérabilité de la Côte Togolaise a l'élevation du niveau marin : une analyse de prevision et d'impact OceanDocs
Blivi, A.B..
Une revue des sites côtiers où un recul actuel di rivage est observé sur les côtes sableuses enl Afrique de l'Ouest et du Centre montre que ce processus dynamique résulte en général de l'action humaine. II n'est pas lié à la transgression .... corrélative l'effet de serre. En Afrique de l'Ouest et du Centre, plusiers études ont porté sur les variations du niveau marin mettant en évidence d'ianciennes plages avec des ...-rock. L'analyse statistique des données marégraphiques disponibles, quoique relativement lirnitécs, des stations littorales d'Abidjan, de Takoradi et de Téma, de différentes durées, montre, a partir des données de Takoradi, des tendances variables. La hausse du niveau marin le long des côtes du golfe du Bénin pourrait atteindre 30cm en...
Tipo: Book Section Palavras-chave: Coastal zone; Collisions; Sea level; Sea level; Http://
Ano: 2001 URL:
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