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A large oceanic puffer fish rare in tunisian waters 20
Nakamura, I.; Hattour, A.; Nguira, A..
On January and April, 2004, 4 large oceanic puffer fish (total length 45 to 73.5 cm with body weight 1.12 to 3.2 kg) was caught by the small trammel net, off Tunisian coasts (gulf of Tunis, Monastir and Salakta) and brought into INSTM for the identification. It is a fish belonging to the family of Tetraodontidae, Lagocephalus lagocephalus (Linnaeus). This paper is dealing with the description and some measurement and meristic characters of this specie, which is not a common animal, fished by the Tunisian professional fishermen.
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Lagocephalus lagocephalus; Geographical distribution; Fish location; Geographical distribution; Http://
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Acoustic surveys on the southern blue whiting (Micromesistius australis). 20
Madirolas, A..
Two joint Argentine-British acoustic surveys specifically targeted on the southern blue whiting (Micromesistius australis) were carried out during September 1994 and 1995. The surveys confirmed the existence of a spawning concentration area located south from San Carlos Strait, in waters south of Malvinas Islands, ASW. The obtained point estimates of blue whiting abundance were 84801 t for the 1994 survey and 140953 t for the 1995 survey. The surveys also provided information on the school structure and behavior as well as some clues about the complex migration pattern of the species.
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Fishery surveys; Echo surveys; Biomass; Geographical distribution; Target strength; Biomass; Geographical distribution; Http://; Http://
Ano: 1999 URL:
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Adiciones a las cloroficeas marinas del Caribe colombiano, I. 20
Bula-Meyer, G..
Once especies de algas verdes no citadas antes para el Caribe colombiano, se adicionan a la lista de las ya conocidas. Estas son: &iphonocladus fropicus (CROUAN) J. AGARDH, Anadyomene saldanbae JOL.Y et OLIVEIRA FILHO, Caulerpa webbiana(?) MONTAGNE, Bryobesia sp., Haltmeda goreaitii TAYLOR, H. copiosa GOREAU et GKAHAM, Avrainvillea nigricans DECAISNE, F. falva HOWE, A. ellioltii A. et E. S. GEPP, Vdotea cyathíjormh DECAISNE, Rbipiliopsis stri (EARLE et YOUNG) FARGHALY et DENIZOT y Polyphysa myriospora (JOLY et CORDEIRG-MARINO) BULA, comb. nov. Esta última y A. saldanhac son reportadas por primera vez para el Caribe. El hallazgo de R. atri en Colombia, constituye un tercer registro considerando que Rbipiliopsis reticulata (VAN DEN HOEK) FARG. et DEN.,...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Algae; Chlorophylls; Geographical distribution; Geographical distribution; Algae; Chlorophylls; Http://; Http://; Http://
Ano: 1982 URL:
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Algunas características de la estructura y del comportamiento migratorio de los cardúmenes de caballa (Scomber japonicus marplatensis)en la plataforma bonaerense (Mar Argentino); período 1965-1984 20
Cousseau, M.B.; Angelescu, V.A.; Perrotta, R.G..
Three periods were distinguished during the analyzed years: the first one (1965-1975)may be defined as "normal fishing seasons" occurring from October to March, with catches between 8,000 and 14,000 tons.
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Size distribution; Reproduction; Sexual maturity; Feeding; Landing statistics; Migrations; Geographical distribution; Feeding; Geographical distribution; Reproduction; Sexual maturity; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://
Ano: 1987 URL:
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Aporte al conocimiento del zooplancton de agua dulce y estuarina del río Guayas. Guayaquil - Ecuador 20
Luzuriaga de Cruz, M..
El presente trabajo corresponde al análisis de zooplancton colectado en cinco estaciones localizadas en el río Guayas. La primera estación estuvo situada 10 km. río arriba de la confluencia del río Babahoyo con el río Daule, en un pozo acuífero. Las otras estaciones se situaron en cuatro sitios consecutivos a lo largo del río Guayas. En este trabajo se han identificado 10 especies: Brachionus plicatilis (O. F. Muller) (Rotifera), Alona cambouei Guerne and Richard, 1893; Moina micrura Kurz, 1874 (Cladocera); Acartia tonsa Dana, 1848; Oithona dissimilis Linberg, 1940; Oithona neotropica Herbs, 1967; Oithona oligohalina Fonseca o Bjornberg, 1976; Mesocyclops longisetus (Thiebaud, 1914) y Pseudodiaptomus longispinosus Chad, 1989 (Copepoda). Las especies...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Zooplankton; Fresh water; Geographical distribution; Rivers; Estuaries; Brackish water; Zooplankton; Geographical distribution; Rivers; Estuaries; Brackish water; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://
Ano: 1998 URL:
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Áreas de distribución y abundancia de los recursos demersales en la plataforma continental del Golfo de Guayaquil 20
Revelo, W..
In the Dermersal Fishing period of the Cruise T94/11/05 D-O (15/11/94-23/11/94) an area of 12,520.9 km2 was covered, that is. The Ecuadorean Shelf between the 02°10'0”S - 80°0'0”W and 14 to 115 meters deep throughout th Ecuadorean Continental Shelf of the Guayaquil Gulf area. A total of 78 species was identified as follows: 74 of this 95%, two of crustaceans, one of molluscan and one of holothurid (Sea cucumber). The estimated total biomass of demersal fish was of 78, 384.9 t, from which the 52% was concentrated between the 02°48'9”S and 03°15'8”S. The most abundant species were: Gallineta (Prionotus stephanophrys)(48,776.0 t), Corvina (Cynoscion spp.) (11,241.7 t), Barriga juma (Larimus spp) (4,111.8 t), Cabezudo (Caulolatilus spp) (2,554.2 t) and Torno...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Geographical distribution; Demersal fisheries; Fishery resources; Geographical distribution; Demersal fisheries; Fishery resources; Http://; Http://; Http://
Ano: 1993 URL:
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Aspectos biológico-pesqueros de la merluza de cola del Atlántico Sudoccidental 20
Bezzi, S.I..
The distribution areas and population structure of the long-tailed hake are analized. Data come from fisheries research cruises carried out by RV Walther Herwig and Shinkai Maru in the Argentine Sea in 1978/79. Macruronus magellanicus is a typical cold waters species of the Southwest Atlantic and Southeast Pacific Oceans. Maximum concentrations were found in the southern Patagonian shelf, in coastal waters and in depths below 200 m. Spawning individuals were observed on the continental slope in the southern extreme of the Patagonian shelf (54°). The distribution area extend to 93,439 n mi² in spring and to 12,368 n mi² in summer.
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Geographical distribution; Size distribution; Sexual maturity; Length-weight relationships; Hake fisheries; Geographical distribution; Sexual maturity; Http://; Http://
Ano: 1984 URL:
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Aspectos biológico-pesqueros del abadejo (Genypterus blacodes) 20
Renzi, M.A..
The kingklip is one of the species that has been traditionally exploited in the Argentine Sea. Although captures were not very important, they have been increased in the last years. In this paper, the structure of the concentration areas of summer, spring and winter distribution and other biological aspects were analyzed, on the basis of the data collected during cruises carried out by R/V"Walther Herwig" and R/V"Shinkai Maru" in Argentine waters during 1978/79. The trophic spectrum of the kingklip comprises mainly food species of the Classes Pisces and Crustacea as well as other complementary groups like Mollusca, Brachiopoda and haliacea.
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Geographical distribution; Population structure; Size distribution; Feeding; Length-weight relationships; Food chains; Trophic relationships; Geographical distribution; Population structure; Feeding; Food chains; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://
Ano: 1986 URL:
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Aves de la parte baja del Río Sinú, Caribe colombiano; inventario y ampliaciones de distribución 20
Estela, F.A.; López-Victoria, M..
Knowledge of the geographical distribution of the birds in the Colombian Caribbean is still meager. Coastal wetlands are among the less studied environments in the area and one of the most important for their high bird richness. Since 1998, inventories and monitoring of the bird populations of the lower part of the Sinú river have been made. Until July 2005, 296 bird species have been recorded for the area, 41 of which are new for this part of the Caribbean; in addition, new wintering localities were noted for eight migratory species. Breeding records were obtained for 98 species. Three species are threatened at some level and six have a restricted geographic distribution. New records for the area are explained in terms of the limited previous knowledge of...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Wetlands; Geographical distribution; Migratory species; Identification keys; Wetlands; Geographical distribution; Http://; Http://
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Biología y distribución de la familia Aplysiidae (Babosas de mar), en la zona intermareal del Ecuador, desde el 2003 al 2005 20
Cruz, M.; Hill, D.; Cortez, P..
El propósito de este trabajo es contribuir a conocer que especies de vaquitas o babosas de mar tenemos en la costa del Ecuador, cual es su abundancia, distribución, densidad, hábitat e importancia que tienen estas especies, dar a conocer sus características taxonómicas, que permitan ser identificadas por otros investigadores para que puedan desarrollar otros trabajos de investigación.
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Marine molluscs; Abundance; Habitat; Coastal zone; Geographical distribution; Intertidal environment; Organism morphology; Geographical distribution; Intertidal environment; Http://; Http://
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Brachiopoda collected in the Western South Atlantic by R/V Shinkai Maru cruises (1978-1979) 20
Roux, A.; Bremec, C..
Brachipods dredged during the cruises Shinkai Maru IV, V, X and XI (1978 - 1979)on the Western South Atlantic in the Argentine Continental Shelf in 36 sampling stations are here reported. Terebratella dorsata (Gmelin), Magellania venosa (Solander)y Liothyrella uva (Broderip)have been recorded in a depth range of 55 to 189 meters in a area which extends from 36°32'S to 54°30'S and from 55°30'W to 68°42'W. Brachiopod localities and brief ecological and geographical distribution aspects are mentioned.
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Benthos; Geographical distribution; Benthos; Geographical distribution; Http://; Http://
Ano: 1996 URL:
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Calamares de importancia comercial en Argentina. Biología, distribución, pesquerías y muestreo biológico 20
Brunetti, N.E.; Ivanovic, M.L.; Sakai, M..
An overview of the available information on the commercially important squid species distributed in the Argentine Sea and adjacent zones is given. It includes the most representative characteristics to identify the species and general information on their biology, distribution and fisheries. A biological sampling designis presented, with particular emphasis on the identification of sexual maturity stages. The world market of the squid resources has considerably risen in the last decades and one of the most important fishery zones is placed in the Southwest Atlantic region (Area 41, FAO), where squid represent 25. of the total landings. Illex argentinus, sustains the second fishery in volume, with landings reaching 612.000 tonnes in 1999. Other species,...
Tipo: Book Palavras-chave: Squid fisheries; Geographical distribution; Animal morphology; Sexual maturity; Biological sampling; Commercial fishing; Landing statistics; Geographical distribution; Animal morphology; Sexual maturity; Http://; Http://; Http://
Ano: 1999 URL:
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Calamares omastréfidos (Cephalopoda, Ommastrephidae). 20
Brunetti, N.E.; Ivanovic, M.L.; Elena, B..
An update of the knowledge on the three most important ommastrephid species that inhabit the SW Atlantic: Illex argentinus, Martialia hyadesi and Ommastrephes bartramii, is presented. Up to the moment, only I.argentinus was intensively studied. Its distribution, population structure, reproduction, growth and paralarval development are analyzed, togheter with other aspects of its biology, such as feeding, predators and parasites. Also its utilization for human consmption is considered. Regarding M.hyadesi and O.bartrami, information on their distribution and biology is presented.
Tipo: Book Section Palavras-chave: Animal morphology; Geographical distribution; Reproduction; Fecundity; Growth; Feeding; Predators; Parasites; Population structure; Geographical distribution; Growth; Feeding; Predators; Population structure; Animal morphology; Reproduction; Fecundity; Parasites; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://
Ano: 1998 URL:
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Caracoles marinos de interés pesquero. Moluscos gasterópodos volútidos. 20
Lasta, M.L.; Roux, A.; Bremec, C..
The main morphologic characteristics, the ecology and fishing interest of the volutid gastropod species of the Argentine Sea are described. The species considered are Adelomelon brasiliana, Adelomelon ancilla, Adelomelon beckii, Odontocymbiola magellanica and Zidona dufresnei.
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Marine molluscs; Organism morphology; Geographical distribution; Gastropod fisheries; Landing statistics; Geographical distribution; Http://
Ano: 2000 URL:
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Caractérisation hivernale de la lagune de Bizerte 20
Bejaoui, B.; Ben Charada, R.; Moussa, M.; Ben Hamadou, R.; Harzallah, A.; Chapelle, A..
Ce travail porte sur la caractérisation hivernale de la lagune de Bizerte en se basant sur une campagne de mesures effectuée en janvier 2004. Cette campagne a porté sur 17 stations réparties sur toute la lagune ainsi qu’une station marine de référence. Chaque échantillon a fait l’objet de mesures in-situ (Température, Salinité, Conductivité, Transparence, Acidité et Oxygène dissous) et des analyses au laboratoire (NO3, NO2, NT, PO4, Chlorophylle-a, Phéopigment et MES). Cette étude a montré que la distribution spatiale des paramètres est fortement liée aux apports fluviaux. Contrairement au phosphore minéral, la teneur en azote total montre une variation spatiale importante. L’analyse de la distribution spatiale des nutriments d’une part et de la...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Geographical distribution; Hydrobiology; Nitrogen; Nutrients (mineral); Phosphorus; Phytoplankton; Geographical distribution; Nitrogen; Phosphorus; Phytoplankton; Hydrobiology; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Clave de identificación de las rayas del litoral marítimo de Argentina y Uruguay (Chondrichthyes, Familia Rajidae). 20
Cousseau, M.B.; Figueroa, D.E.; Diaz de Astarloa, J.M..
The paper has two parts. The first part comprises and illustrated identification key of the 22 species of the Rajidae Family that authors recognize in the study area. The second part includes a design of the dorsal face, a brief description and a chart distribution given for each species. Given the fact that, with a few exceptions, all species are named skates ('rayas'), common names are suggested by the authors.
Tipo: Book Palavras-chave: Identification keys; Taxonomy; Geographical distribution; Taxonomy; Geographical distribution; Http://; Http://
Ano: 2000 URL:
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Composición del fitoplancton frente a la costa ecuatoriana durante septiembre de 1995 20
Prado, M..
During the period 6th - 13th of september 1995, the National Fisheries Institute carried out an oceanographic cruise in the Gulf of Guayaquil area and at the northern ecuadorian coast from 3~'10'S and 00~' latitude to 80~'- 82~'W longitude. During the survey, 22 planktological stations were carried out. Vertical towings in the water colum of 50 m depth were also made, using a net of 55~km. A total of 109 species were identified. High concentrations of diatoms and dinoflagellates were observed along the sampling area. The most common species were Proboscia alata, Rhizosolenia styliformis, Ornithocercus steinu and Ceratium tripos. It was also determined a high fertilitty area (1,3 x 106 cel.m-3). Yet, this indicates the presence of an equatorial undercurrent...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Phytoplankton; Geographical distribution; Composition; Phytoplankton; Geographical distribution; Http://; Http://
Ano: 1996 URL:
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Composición y variación estacional del fitoplancton, zooplancton y microbentos en el estuario interior del Golfo de Guayaquil, durante el año 2003 20
Gualancañay, E.; Tapia, M.E.; Naranjo, Ch..
El presente trabajo comprende el estudio de la distribution cualitativa y cuantitativa del fitoplancton en el Golfo de Guayaquil, durante dos épocas: Húmeda y seca. El propósito del presente trabajo con respecto al zooplankton está orientado a conocer los cambios en la composición, abundancia y diversidad del zooplancton y en particular el Phyllum Chaetognatha con el objetivo de relacionar la distribución de las especies de Quetognatos con los parámetros físicos. En lo relacionado al estudio del microbentos, se pretende estudiar la composición específica y la abundancia relativa de las especies de la microflora béntica y de la microfauna bentónica y su relación con factores ambientales.
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Community composition; Seasonal variations; Phytoplankton; Diatoms; Biomass; Zooplankton; Microorganisms; Benthos; Geographical distribution; Estuaries; Phytoplankton; Biomass; Zooplankton; Benthos; Geographical distribution; Estuaries; Diatoms; Microorganisms; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Contribución al conocimiento del género Bolivina D'Orbigny 1839, (Foraminífero) en el Golfo de Guayquil 20
Gualancañay, E..
Se analizaron 29 muestras de fondo en el presente estudio, entre las profundidades de 13 y 1958 m, colectadas durante el crucero R/V "Eastward", en octubre de 1976, (Tabla 1). Se identificaron un total de 11 especies del género Bolivina: B. acutula Bandy; B. alata (Seguenza); B. globulosa Cushman; B. interjuncta, f. typica Cushman; B. pacifica Cushman & McCulloch; B. plicata D'Orbigny; B. pseudoplicata Heron-Allen & Earland; B. pseudobeyrichi Cushman, f. bradyi Asano; B. subadvena serrata Natland; B. cf. spissa Cushman y B. tongi Cushman.
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Foraminifera; Geographical distribution; Zooplankton; Geographical distribution; Zooplankton; Http://; Http://
Ano: 1983 URL:
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Coral reefs of Gorgona Island, Colombia, with special reference to corallivores and their influence on community structure and reef development 20
Glynn, P.W.; Prahl, H. von; Guhl, F..
Este estudio presenta un breve resumen de la estructura y distribución de los arrecifes coralinos de la Isla de Gorgona. Se investigaron los organismos coralivoros, comparándolos con los de otras localidades del Pacifico Americano; de esta forma se establece un criterio, para conocer las diferencias regionales y las interacciones bióticas sobre las diferentes comunidades coralinas. La Isla de Gorgona se localiza hacia el excremo sur de la provincia de Panamá panamá Bight), distante unos 30 km de la franja costera aluvial, lo que la aleja considerablemente del efecto directo de afloramientos y derrames de agua dulce, provenientes de los ríos costeros. El equinodermo asteroideo, Acanthaster, que es uno de los coralivoros que mas estragos causa en las...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Coral reefs; Geographical distribution; Population structure; Coral reefs; Geographical distribution; Population structure; Http://; Http://; Http://
Ano: 1982 URL:
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