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Anatomical and Clinical Considerations of the Pectoralis Tertius Muscle in Man 77
del Sol,Mariano; Vásquez,Bélgica.
The anatomical variation of the major pectoral muscles is infrequent, namely the agenesis of the pectoralis major muscle due to the morpho-functional alterations it causes. On the other hand, he presence of -supernumerary - pectoral muscles is not common and its physiological, clinical or surgical importance will depend on the stage of its development. The important aspect is that these muscles, while crossing the anterior wall of the axila and inserting in the humerus, may confuse or difficult surgical access to the content of the axillary fossa. Pectoralis tertius muscles were found in two dissected cadavers at the Topographic Anatomy of the Faculty of Medicine of the Universidad de La Frontera, Chile. These muscles were bilateral and independent of the...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Pectoral tertius muscle; Human anatomy; Muscular variation.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Anatomical Dissection: A Positive Experiencen for Venezuelan First Year Medical Students 77
Romero Reverón,Rafael.
An anonymous survey was handed out to 616 first year medical students of the José María Vargas School of Medicine of the Central University of Venezuela during the six academic years from 2002 and 2008, so that they answer it voluntarily after a cadaver dissection session, after the first unit of the practice syllabus of Gross Anatomy I had completed. The results of these surveys delivered to first year medical students report a positive response to their initial experience with a cadaver in the anatomical dissection room. In fact, the students described this initial experience as positive in a 52.22 %, while 34,25 % referred to it as very positive, 7.14 % as stressing and only a 1.13 % rated it as traumatic. In the case of only 13.63 % of these students...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Anatomical dissection; Initial experience in the anatomical dissection room; Human anatomy; Cadaver.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Constructivist Pedagogic Method Used in the Teaching of Human Anatomy 77
Mota,Mariana Flavia; Mata,Fabiana Ribeiro da; Aversi-Ferreira,Tales Alexandre.
This study aimed to demonstrate that the learning in the discipline of human anatomy is more significant with the use of a constructivist pedagogic methodology in relation to traditional teaching, enabling students to the effective construction of knowledge. Practical lessons in human anatomy were given for students from first semesters of the Physical Education course, Federal University of Goiás, using a constructivist methodology for the teaching of the Digestive System. The students were divided into 5 groups containing 7 students each. Each group used the class guide prepared by teachers, containing the structures to be studied, in addition to textbook and Anatomy Atlas. The data were analyzed using the Graph pad prism software (version 5.00) and...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Human anatomy; Teaching-learning; Anatomy teaching; Constructivist bases.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Quality and Language of Learning Objects Used in the Teaching of Human Anatomy 77
da Silva,Karina de Carvalho; Santana,Otacílio Antunes; de Moraes,Sílvia Regina Arruda.
The traditional method of teaching Human Anatomy is based on the use of cadavers, text books and the use of images from an atlas. Learning anatomy by means of a cadaver contributes to the understanding of the shape, location and relationship of various organs and structures of the human body. However, the use of cadaverous material presents difficulties in terms of acquisition, conservation, quality and quantity. Thus, to improve the teaching of anatomy other learning objects such as anatomical models, videos and software, have been used. Each of these objects has its qualities as facilitators of knowledge, a fact represented by the impact that they have on the learning of anatomy translated into an improvement in student grades. However, such learning...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Human anatomy; Learning objects; Anatomy teaching; Anatomical models; Softwares.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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