Cheek, M.; Feika, A.; Lebbie, A.; Goyder, D.; Tchiengue, B.; Sene, O.; Tchouto, P.; Burgt, X. van der. |
Six new species of Inversodicraea (I. feika from Sierra Leone, I. liberia from Liberia, and I. ebo, I. eladii, I. tchoutoi, and I. xanderi from Cameroon) are described as new to science in the context of a synoptic revision of this African genus, now comprising 30 species, including I. cussetiana comb. nov., newly transferred from Macropodiella. Inversodicraea is now equal in number of species to Ledermanniella (as redefined), as the largest genus of the family in Africa. Terete or slightly dorsiventrally flattened leaf petioles (not sheathing and/or stipulate) are newly discovered to distinguish the genus from Ledermanniella, in addition to the presence of scale-leaves. Inversodicraea boumiensis, I. annithomae, and I. bosii are redelimited in this paper.... |
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor |
Palavras-chave: Conservation; Extinction risk; Hybridisation; Hydroelectric dam projects; Rheophytes; Stage-dependent heteromorphy. |
Ano: 2017 |
URL: http://www.repository.naturalis.nl/record/636690 |
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Martinez,Pablo A; Zurano,Juan P; Molina,Wagner F; Bidau,Claudio J. |
Phylogeographic studies are currently used to infer historical demographic processes such as gene fow, determination of effective population sizes, colonisation dynamics, and population botlenecks, as well as for the determination of species boundaries and the identification of possible conservation units. We present a review of the main contributions of this approach, and its applications and implications for canid conservation. Studies performed in canids have shown that the number of named subspecies is often larger than that of phylogeographic units. In recent times, the fragmentation of habitats has increased and one of the major concerns of conservation biologists is the occurrence of inbreeding. Large-sized canids have demonstrated to have enough... |
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article |
Palavras-chave: Canidae; Conservation units; Genetics; Hybridisation; Inbreeding. |
Ano: 2013 |
URL: http://www.scielo.org.ar/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0327-93832013000100005 |
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Piferrer, Francesc; Beaumont, Andy; Falguiere, Jean-claude; Flajshans, Martin; Haffray, Pierrick; Colombo, Lorenzo. |
Polyploids can be defined as organisms with one or more additional chromosome sets with respect to the number most frequently found in nature for a given species. Triploids, organisms with three sets of homologous chromosomes, are found spontaneously in both wild and cultured populations and can be easily induced in many commercially relevant species of fish and shellfish. The major consequence of triploidy is gonadal sterility, which is of advantage in the aquaculture of molluscs since it can result in superior growth. In fish, the induction of triploidy is mainly used to avoid problems associated with sexual maturation such as lower growth rates, increased incidence of diseases and deterioration of the organoleptic properties. Triploidy can also be used... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: GMO; Transgenic containment; Genetic containment; Reproductive containment; Hybridisation; Sterility; Fish; Shellfish; Fish farming; Aquaculture; Tetraploidy; Triploidy; Polyploidy. |
Ano: 2009 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/2009/publication-6648.pdf |
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