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Les problèmes d'eutrophisation littorale et leur modélisation ArchiMer
Menesguen, Alain.
Following lakes and rivers, a lot of estuaries (during the last twenty years) and shallow coastal zones (during the last decade) have been severely eutrophicated because of the too much increasing loads of nitrogen and phsophorus. In situ stutdy and numerical modelling of two french case studies bring some explanation to the facts that, in some sites, enrichment turns into green macroalgal proliferation whereas, in others, mass blooms of phytoplankton are induced. Whatever the case may be, the prominent role of the residence time of water in the enriched zone has been proven. In open coastal ecosystems, the difficulty in determining this residence time as well as the limiting factor (nitrogen, or phosphorus, or light) lowers considerably the reliability of...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Eutrophisation côtière; Elément limitant; Temps de résidence; Modèles hydrodynamiques; Modèles écologiques; Coastal eutrophication; Limiting factor; Residence time; Hydrodynamical models; Ecological models.
Ano: 1992 URL:
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L'utilisation de modèles écologiques dans la lutte contre l'eutrophisation des eaux côtières françaises ArchiMer
Menesguen, Alain.
Increasing anthropogenic nitrogen and phosphorus loadings in some coastal areas have induced during the last twenty years excessive production of algal material, either phytoplanktonic or macrophytic. This so-called eutrophication phenomenon alters the usual structure of ecosystem and can lead to massive kills caused by anoxia in some extreme cases, when almost all the dissolved oxygen in bottom waters has been consumed by organic matter decomposition. Just behind the semi-enclosed lagoons, the most sensible areas are the dilution plumes of main rivers. In the case of French coasts, mediterranean lagoons have been eutrophicated for a long time, whereas the coastal areas of the Bay of Biscay and English Channel have been partially preserved by the strong...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Ecological models; Hydrodynamical models; Residence time; Limiting factor; Phytoplankton blooms; Green tides; Coastal eutrophication; Modèles écologiques; Modèles hydrodynamiques; Temps de résidence; Elément limitant; Eau colorée; Marée verte; Eutrophisation côtière.
Ano: 1999 URL:
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