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An example of GIS potentiality for coastal zone management: preselection of submerged oyster culture areas near Marennes-Oleron (France) 5
Durand, H.; Guillaumont, Brigitte; Loarer, Ronan; Loubersac, Lionel; Heral, Maurice; Prou, Jean.
The Charente Maritime coast, in central western France, is the most important area for oyster and mussel production in Europe. High density, in this restricted intertidal area, induces low growing rate and socio-economic difficulties. One of the possible solutions is to shift some oysters from intertidal area to submerged areas. Bathymetry, sedimentology, hydrodynamism, fisheries and administrative rules are some conditions which are considered to establish the better selection of potential zone. The successive steps of setting up the prototype of GIS are presented: digitized traditional data from charts, extracted data from grid models (hydrodynmaic model), merging of thematic covers, proposal of favorable areas. The results are discussed especially on...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: GIS; Modelisation; Bathymetry; Sedimentology; Hydrodynamism; Marennes Oleron.
Ano: 1994 URL:
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Contraintes du milieu sur les populations de Donax trunculus L. et Donax venustus Poli du littoral atlantique marocain 5
Guillou, Jacques; Bayed, A.
Populations of Donax trunculus and Donax venustus were sampled along the Moroccan Atlantic coast from Tanger to Tarfaya (Cape Juby) in 1986 and 1987. All the investigated beaches are surf-exposed and belong to the dissipative system. The geographical distribution of the dominant species D. trunculus appears to be obviously influenced by swell-related hydrodynamics. This phenomenon is controlled by the slope on the nearshore side of a critical 30 m depth, and can be expressed in terms of the distance from the coast of the corresponding isobath. A model of adult density distribution is based on this parameter. When the distance in question is less than 2 km, Donax are absent. The maximal densities observed are on the whole weak and suggest the limiting...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Donax trunculus; Donax venustus; Moroccan Atlantic coast; Geographical distribution; Hydrodynamism; DONAX-TRUNCULUS; DONAX-VENUSTUS; MOROCCAN ATLANTIC COAST; GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION; HYDRODYNAMISM.
Ano: 1991 URL:
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Évolution récente et sédimentation des plates-formes continentales de la Corse 5
Pluquet, Fabrice.
This work aimed at displaying and studying morphological and sedimentological features of Corsican seafloor from the coast to depths of -100m. It also aimed at a better knowledge of sediment dynamics under hydrodynamic conditions, and at a reconstitution of the late Quaternary shorelines evolution. Careful analysis of the bathymetry has revealed a very contrasted morphology between the different areas of Corsican shelves, as it has been displayed on an synthetic geomorphological map. In addition, an homogeneous and overall map of surficial sediments of the Corsican shelves seabed was established and two areas, the Balagne and Agriates' platforms to the North of Corsica, and the Bonifacio Straits to the South, were mapped into details. The various...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Fossil shoreline; Late Quaternary; Habitats mapping; Sidescan sonar; Hydrodynamism; Sédimentology; Morphology; Bathymetry; Continental shelves; Corsica; Geosciences; Paléo rivage; Quaternaire récent; Cartographie d'habitats; Sonar latéral; Hydrodynamisme; Sédimentologie; Morphologie; Bathymétrie; Plates formes continentales; Corse; Géosciences.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Réponse écophysiologique de l'huître creuse Crassostrea gigas à la variabilité spatio-temporelle des facteurs environnementaux. Etude par modélisation écologique 5
Grangere, Karine.
The spatial and temporal variability in biotic and abiotic environmental factors influence the ecophysiological response of bivalves (growth, reproduction and survival). In this study, the physiological status of cultivated oysters in the Baie des Veys ecosystem was studied using an ecosystem model which simulates ecophysiological processes of oysters (growth, maintenance and reproduction) and environmental processes which control oyster responses (river inputs, meteorology, hydrodynamic). In order to assess the spatial and temporal scales of variability in this ecosystem, two modelling approaches were developed. Temporal variability from the seasonal to the inter-annual scale was studied using a box model. Results showed that the variability in...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Baie desVeys; Terrestrial inputs; Physiological state; Hydrodynamism; Oyster mortality; Primary production; Ecological model; Crassostrea gigas; Baie des Veys; Apports terrigènes; État physiologique; Hydrodynamisme; Mortalités d'huîtres; Productivité primaire; Modèles écologiques; Crassostrea gigas.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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