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Facteurs de contrôle sur le fonctionnement du système turbiditique du Rhône depuis le Dernier Maximum Glaciaire 5
Lombo Tombo, Swesslath.
Turbidite systems are accumulations of fluvial sediment on the continental margins. They are mainly made of « turbidites » deposited after the flow of turbidity currents inside submarine canyons and channels. Their structure and composition are controlled by global and regional environmental changes such as sea level and climate. The two fundamental parameters that govern their functioning are the production of sediment in the river watersheds and the capability and reactivity of the transfer to the turbidite system. In this work we show that for the last 24,000 years the functioning of the Rhone turbidite system has shown rapid changes under the control of sea level and sediment production fluctuations. Our results are based on a millennial time-scale...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Hyperpycnite; Turbidites; Système turbiditique du Rhône; Facteurs de contrôle; Niveau marin; Climat; Morphologie; Golfe du Lion; Méditerranée occidentale; Hyperpycnites; Turbidites; Rhone turbidite system; Control factors; Sea level; Climate; Morphology; Gulf of Lions; Western Mediterranean.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Linking Danube River Activity to Alpine Ice-Sheet Fluctuations during the Last Glacial (ca. 33-17 ka BP): insights into the continental signature of Heinrich Stadials 5
Martinez-lamas, Ruth; Toucanne, Samuel; Debret, Maxime; Riboulot, Vincent; Deloffre, Julien; Boissier, Audrey; Cheron, Sandrine; Pitel, Mathilde; Bayon, Germain; Giosan, Liviu; Soulet, Guillaume.
Offshore archives retrieved from marine/lacustrine environments receiving sediment from large river systems are valuable Quaternary continental records. In the present study, we reconstruct the Danube River activity at the end of the last glacial period based on sedimentological, mineralogical and geochemical analyses performed on long-piston cores from the north-west Black Sea margin. Our data suggest that the Danube River produced hyperpycnal floods throughout the ca. 33-17 ka period. Four main periods of enhanced Danube flood frequency, each of 1.5-3 kyr duration, are recorded at ca. 32.5 30.5 ka (equivalent to the first part of Heinrich Stadial HS 3), at ca. 29-27.5 ka (equivalent to Greenland Stadial 4), at ca. 25.3-23.8 ka (equivalent to HS 2) and at...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Danube river; Floods; Hyperpycnites; Alpine ice sheet; Heinrich stadials; Seasonality; Black sea.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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