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ACT Now or Later: The Economics of Malaria Resistance AgEcon
Laxminarayan, Ramanan.
In the past, malaria control efforts in sub-Saharan Africa have relied on a combination of vector control and effective treatment using chloroquine. With increasing resistance to chloroquine, attention has now turned to alternative treatment strategies to replace this failing drug. Although there are strong theoretical arguments in favor of switching to more expensive artemisinin-based combination treatments (ACTs), the validity of these arguments in the face of financial constraints has not been previously analyzed. In this paper, we use a Bioeconomic model of malaria transmission and evolution of drug resistance to examine questions of optimal treatment strategy and coverage when drug resistance places an additional constraint on choices available to the...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Malaria; Mathematical models; Drug resistance; Bioeconomics; Health Economics and Policy; I10; I19; C61.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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Applying Experimental Economics to Obesity in the Family Household AgEcon
Ehmke, Mariah D.; Warziniack, Travis; Schroeter, Christiane; Morgan, Kari.
The objective of this study is to identify experimental economic tools that can be employed to explain the role of economic behavior in overweight and obesity in the household. We identify three economic experiments that can be used to understand how parent-child economic relationships relate to obesity. Loss aversion experiments are discussed as a tool to understand challenges some individuals face in achieving a healthy diet. Finally, testbed experiments are introduced as a means to test and understand new policies and incentives for better health at the household level.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Carrot stick; Child obesity; Discount rate; Generosity; Loss aversion; Parent-child; Punishment; Trust; Agribusiness; Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety; Research Methods/ Statistical Methods; I19; Q18; D01; D63.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Canadian Consumer Attitudes and Purchasing Behaviour of Omega-3 Products AgEcon
Nilsson, Tomas K.H.; Chase, Darren; Emunu, John Paul; McCann-Hiltz, Diane; Peng, Yanning.
The development of innovative functional food products is a major trend in today's food industry. The growth of this industry is driven by increased consumer awareness of their own health deficiencies, increased understanding of the possible health benefits of functional foods, development in formulation technologies, a positive regulatory environment and changing consumer demographics and lifestyles. While there has been a proliferation of omega-3 products such as milk, eggs, yogurt, and margarine in the Canadian food market, very little is known about consumers of omega-3 products. In our study we use ACNielsen HomescanTM data combined with ACNielsen Panel TrackTM survey data to develop profiles of omega-3 consumers in Canada. The focus of the study is...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Omega-3 fatty acids; Nutritional labelling; Health benefits; Ordered probit model; Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety; C81; D12; I19; Q19.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Canadian Consumers' Preferences for Food Safety and Agricultural Environment Safety AgEcon
Veeman, Michele M.; Li, Yu.
This project applies statistical models to analyse the relative importance ratings for selected food risk issues given in January 2003 by a representative cross-Canada sample of consumers. Ratings for environmental risks that may be associated with agriculture are also assessed. Results of ordered probit econometric models that analyze the influence of respondent's socio-economic and demographic characteristics on food and environmental risk ratings indicate that these are influenced by gender, age, income, employment and location of residence. Males tended to choose lower risk ratings; residents of Quebec tended to give higher risk ratings to most of the queried food and environmental safety issues. The results suggest that measures of trust in...
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Food safety; Environmental risks; Risk perceptions; Quantitative assessment; Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety; C12; D12; I19; Q18.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Discussion: Animal Identification Systems in North America: Achievements and Future Challenges AgEcon
Knutson, Ronald D..
Although Canada has developed an effective animal identification system, and the provinces are progressing toward a system that has full traceback capabilities, the U.S. and Mexico have made little or no progress. Contemporary U.S. proposals for state initiatives will not work. In the meantime, the U.S. livestock industry will continue to lose markets for its products and has little to no basis for complaining about lost sales and the lack of open markets. Also indentified are relevant economic and political principles that both underlie animal identification systems and the failure to make positive steps forward toward establishing a North American animal identification system.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Animal identification (ID); Zoonoses; Livestock diseases; North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA); Agribusiness; Agricultural and Food Policy; Agricultural Finance; Crop Production/Industries; Farm Management; International Relations/Trade; Livestock Production/Industries; Marketing; Productivity Analysis; F13; H41; I19.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Food Prices and Blood Cholesterol AgEcon
Rahkovsky, Ilya; Gregory, Christian A..
Cardiovascular diseases (CVD) cost Americans hundreds in billions of dollars. High cholesterol levels, which are closely related to diet habits, are a major contributor to CVD. In this paper we study whether changes in food prices are related to cholesterol levels and whether taxes or subsidies of particular foods would be effective in lowering cholesterol levels and, consequently, CVD costs. We find that prices of vegetables, processed foods, and whole milk and whole grains significantly affect the blood cholesterol levels. Having analyzed the costs and benefits of government interventions, we find that a subsidy of vegetables and whole grains would be the most efficient way to reduce CVD expenditures.
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Cholesterol; CVD; Cardio-vascular; Food prices; Health; Welfare; Agricultural and Food Policy; Consumer/Household Economics; Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety; Health Economics and Policy; D04; D12; D62; H23; I19; Q18.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Jutting, Johannes Paul.
Access to public and private health insurance in rural areas of low income countries is severely constrained by high unit cost of transaction per contract due to information asymmetries between insurance sellers and buyers. This leads to a situation in which the majority of the poor have to rely on out-of-pocket expenditures when they are ill, resulting in a high vulnerability for health shocks which negatively affect the overall risk management of the household, investment and resource allocation decisions. Recently, however, in various parts of the world community based health insurance schemes have emerged and are becoming increasingly recognized as an instrument to finance health care in poor developing countries. These mutual insurance schemes often...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Rural development; Health insurance; Impact analysis; Social protection; Senegal; Health Economics and Policy; O17; I19; O55.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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