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Lim, So Yeong; Chen, Susan E.; Waldorf, Brigitte S..
Low income populations are more severely affected by economic downturns than their high income counterparts because they are at high risk of unemployment and face reduced earnings in recessions. The use of food stamp benefits and other types of welfare are one mechanism that families can use to buffer the economic shock brought about by income losses due to unemployment during a recession. As a result, during unfavorable economic conditions, low income households disproportionately rely on public assistance including food stamps. What is less understood are the differential effects of macroeconomic conditions on the participation propensities of different population subgroups. Of particular importance are differential effects by age. Depending on their...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Food Stamp Program; Age; Macroeconomy; Transition; Agricultural and Food Policy; Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety; I38; J64.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Lim, So Yeong; Chen, Susan E.; Waldorf, Brigitte S..
This study examines Food Stamp Program (FSP) participation patterns with an emphasis on macroeconomic effects and age differences. Entry into and exit out of the program are examined with data from the Survey of Income and Program Participation 2004 panel using probit techniques. The results indicate that young adults easily enter the FSP but quickly move out. Older people are hesitant to enter the FSP but they stay on longer compared to their younger counterparts. The estimation results confirm the common belief that economic dynamics and FSP participation are negatively related. When the unemployment rates rise, the likelihood of entry and continuation on food stamps increases. This study also documents that the macroeconomic effects on FSP transitions...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Food stamps; Age; Macroeconomy; Transition; Agricultural and Food Policy; Food Security and Poverty; I38; J64.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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An Economic Analysis of MGNREG Programme in Mysore District of Karnataka 31
Vanitha, S.M.; Murthy, P.S. Srikantha.
An economic analysis of MGNREG programme has been made in the Mysore district of Karnataka during the year 2009-10. The women participation among total registered workers in MGNREGS has been found significant at 47.8 per cent. Among the total number of works executed under MGNREGS in the sample villages, 96.8 per cent have been natural resource management works and 74.2 per cent community works. More number of natural resource management works are needed to be taken up on individual farmers’ fields to make MGNREGS complementary to agriculture. Among the total participants and non-participants of MGNREGS, 70 per cent in each case were agricultural labourers. In the total income earned by participants and non participants, a major proportion was from...
Tipo: Article Palavras-chave: MGNREGA; Economic analysis; Women in MGNREGS; Economics of MGNREGS; Agricultural and Food Policy; I38; H53.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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An Evaluation of the Macarena Integral Consolidation Plan (PCIM) 31
Mejia, Daniel; Uribe, Maria Jose; Ibanez, Ana Maria.
This paper presents a description of the new strategy for the fight against drugs implemented in Colombia since the year 2007. The Strategic Leap Forward, as the Colombian government has called the program, or the Strategic Development Initiative, as the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) calls it, is a step forward in the design of anti-drug policies that are more sustainable and effective in the mid-term. Currently, a pilot project is being implemented in the Macarena region, in the department of Meta (southeast of Bogotá), where coca crops and illicit activities were the norm just a few years ago. The Colombian State, partially financed by the United States governments and European countries, consolidates its presence in this...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Macarena; Consolidation Plan; Colombia; Anti-drug policies; Land Economics/Use; H44; H56; I38; O18.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Are the Poor Protected from Budget Cuts? Evidence for Argentina 31
Ravallion, Martin.
Macroeconomic adjustment programs often emphasize the need to protect social spending from cuts, and to protect pro-poor spending in particular. But does this happen in practice during fiscal contractions? The paper presents evidence for Argentina. Using aggregate time series data the paper first finds that social spending was not protected historically, although more "pro-poor" social spending was no more vulnerable. Turning next to new data for an externally-financed workfare scheme introduced in response to a macro crisis, the paper finds that this program was far better targeted than other social spending. However, it appears that the program still had to assure that a small but relatively well-protected share of its benefits went to the non-poor. This...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Fiscal incidence; Social spending; Budget cuts; Argentina; Food Security and Poverty; Public Economics; E62; H22; I38.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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Asymmetric Response of Nutrient Intakes to Cereal Price Changes among the Poor in China: Implications for the Effect of Cereal Price Subsidies on the Poor’s Nutrient Intakes 31
Shimokawa, Satoru.
Previous studies commonly assume that the effects of introducing and ending cereal price subsidies on the poor’s nutrient intakes are symmetric. We question the assumption of symmetry and show that the poor’s nutrient intakes respond asymmetrically to declines and increases in the price of cereal in China. Our results imply that introducing cereal price subsidies can increase the poor’s total energy intake by increasing their calorie intakes from fat and protein, and that ending such subsidies would insignificantly affect the poor’s total energy intake; however, it may further increase their calorie intakes from fat and protein.
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Food price subsidy; Nutrition; Poverty; Asia; China; Consumer/Household Economics; Demand and Price Analysis; Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety; Food Security and Poverty; International Development; Research Methods/ Statistical Methods; I38; O12; Q18.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Bringing "Honest Capital" to Poor Borrowers: The Passage of the Uniform Small Loan Law, 1907-1930 31
Carruthers, Bruce G.; Guinnane, Timothy W.; Lee, Yoonseok.
The Uniform Small Loan Law (USLL) was the Russell Sage Foundation’s primary device for fighting what it viewed as the scourge of high-rate lending to poor people in the first half of the twentieth century. The USLL created a new class of lenders who could make small loans at interest rates exceeding those allowed for banks under the normal usury laws. About two-thirds of the states had passed the USLL by the 1930. This paper describes the USLL and then uses econometric models to investigate the state characteristics that influenced the law’s passage. We find that urbanization and state-level economic characteristics played significant roles. So did measures of the state’s banking system. We find no evidence that party-political affiliations had any effect,...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Uniform law; Small loans; Consumer credit; Usury laws; Consumer/Household Economics; Financial Economics; Political Economy; N21; N22; I38; G21; G28; K23.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Classical Horizontal Inequities in the Provision of Agricultural Income Support 31
Allanson, Paul.
This paper explores the redistributive effect of classical horizontal inequities induced by agricultural support policy. Within farm type horizontal inequity (HI) is associated with differences in the level of support received by farms of a given type and level of pre-support income, whereas between farm type HI arises from systematic differences in support levels between commodity regimes. The overall redistributive effect of HI in Scottish agriculture is shown to be substantial, though systematic discrimination between farm types proves not to be the major cause. The imperfect targeting of support revealed by the empirical findings has implications for the design of policy.
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Farm income support; Horizontal inequity; Agricultural and Food Policy; D63; I38; Q18.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Designing REDD+ Schemes to Address Permanence Concerns: Empirical Evidence from Kenya 31
Veronesi, Marcella; Schlondorn, Tim; Zabel, Astrid; Engel, Stefanie.
Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD+) is an important topic in the debate on policies to mitigate climate change. This is the first study to test and compare the environmental impact of different REDD+ payment schemes in the field, and provide some insights on the effectiveness of different policies with respect to the permanence of forest-based emission reductions. This study implements a stated preference experiment of time allocation in the unique setting of the Kasigau Corridor REDD+ Project in Kenya, where charcoaling is a major source of forest degradation. The impact on time allocation is analyzed under the presumption that a hypothetical agricultural policy or an eco-charcoaling policy was introduced. We find that a...
Tipo: Presentation Palavras-chave: REDD; Permanence; Deforestation; Labor; Kenya; International Development; I38; J22; O13; Q18; Q23; Q28; Q56.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Do Food Prices Affect Food Security? Evidence from the CPS 2002-2006 31
Gregory, Christian A.; Coleman-Jensen, Alisha.
In this paper, we estimate the effect of food prices on food insecurity for SNAP recipients using data from the Current Population Survey and the recently published Quarterly Food At Home Price Database. We form a local food price index based on amounts of food for a household of four as established by the Thrifty Food Plan. We use an econometric model that accounts for the endogeneity of SNAP receipt to food insecurity and for household-level unobservables. We find that the average effect of food prices on the probability of food insecurity is positive and significant: an increase of one standard deviation in the price of our food basket is associated with an increase in food insecurity of between 1.3 and 2 percentage points for SNAP households. These...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Food price; Food insecurity; SNAP; Discrete factor model; Demand and Price Analysis; Food Security and Poverty; I38.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Economic Analysis of MGNREGA in the Drought–prone States of Karnataka, Rajasthan and Irrigation–dominated State of Andhra Pradesh 31
Murthy, P.S. Srikantha; Indumati, S..
Using macro level data on MGNREGA performance in drought-prone states of Karnataka and Rajasthan as well as in irrigation-dominated state of Andhra Pradesh, this study has revealed that the impact of MGNREGA wage on the economic scarcity of labour is relatively modest when compared with the impact of hike in non-farm wages. Even though the provision of food security through public distribution system has contributed to the economic scarcity of labour, the relative hike in non-farm wages is contributing to higher economic scarcity of labour rather than PDS and MGNREGA wages. The study has suggested subsidies for farm mechanization should be provided in order to sustain food and livelihood security in the droughtprone as well as irrigation-dominant states of...
Tipo: Article Palavras-chave: MGNREGA; Economic analysis; MGNREGA impact on labour supply; Economic scarcity of labour; Agricultural and Food Policy; I38; H53.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Employment as a factor increasing the population well-being in a social market economy 31
Kuldurova, Batima.
The paper infers competiveness of a national economy in connection with the country’s capacity to provide sufficient and sustainable employment. The author argues the importance of reverse link that goes from sustainable employment and well-being in a country to competiveness of national economy. It is concluded that active social policy is important tool in providing impulses to competitiveness of economy,
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Competitiveness; Employment; Life quality; Social policy; Profits; Welfare.; Labor and Human Capital; H30; I38.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Food Aid Allocation Policies: Donor Coordination and Responsiveness to the Needs of Recipient Countries 31
Kuhlgatz, Christian; Abdulai, Awudu; Barrett, Christopher B..
This study employs a multivariate Tobit model to investigate whether food aid flows of the main donor countries – USA, EU (Community Aid and Member States), Canada, Japan and Australia – respond to recipient countries’ needs and the extent to which the donors interact in their food aid allocation. The response of global food aid is also analyzed with a censored least absolute deviation (CLAD) model to highlight the overall performance of aggregate food aid. The empirical results generally indicate that both global and bilateral food aid are effective instruments in improving food security at the national level in recipient countries. In particular, global food aid is found to be significantly targeted to poorer countries, as well as countries facing...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Food aid; Need-orientation; Donor coordination; Agricultural and Food Policy; Food Security and Poverty; International Development; International Relations/Trade; F35; I38; O19; Q18.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Fruit and Vegetables Go Back to School 31
Park, John L.; Campbell, Benjamin L.; Silva, Andres; Nayga, Rodolfo M., Jr..
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety; I38; Q18.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Global Food Price Volatility and Spikes: An Overview of Costs, Causes, and Solutions 31
von Braun, Joachim; Tadesse, Getaw.
Since the 2007–08 food crisis, many thoughtful analyses have addressed the causes and impacts of high and volatile international food prices and proposed solutions to the crisis. These studies have covered global as well as local food price dynamics and policy reactions. The food price problem is, however, far-reaching, and its impacts are wide and interrelated. The price formation mechanism has become highly complex and dynamic. Policy actions are politically and economically sensitive. This situation calls for continuous and comprehensive assessments of the problem to provide timely and evidence-based knowledge for policy makers. This paper reviews existing evidence and theories and presents new thoughts and insights from analyses to enlighten the course...
Tipo: Working Paper Palavras-chave: Food security; Prices; Volatility; Poverty; Food policy; Speculation; Economic crises; Agricultural and Food Policy; Agricultural Finance; Community/Rural/Urban Development; Food Security and Poverty; Land Economics/Use; Production Economics; I38; O13; O16; Q11; Q18.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Impact of MGNREGA on Reducing Rural Poverty and Improving Socio-economic Status of Rural Poor: A Study in Burdwan District of West Bengal 31
Sarkar, Prattoy; Kumar, Jagdish; Supriya.
The present study conducted in the Burdwan district of West Bengal, has examined the socio-economic impact of MGNREGA on the rural poor who are mainly comprised of small and marginal farmers & agricultural labourers. The study is based on a random sample of 102 respondents (82 beneficiary and 20 non-beneficiary households) drawn by the PPS method from two good-performing and two poorly-performing Gram Panchayats randomly selected from one randomly selected good-performing block in the district. It has been found that significant changes have taken place in the socio-economic variables like annual per capita income, monthly per capita food expenditure, annual per child expenditure on education, per capita savings, condition of the dwelling houses,...
Tipo: Article Palavras-chave: Impact of MGNREGA; Socio-economic conditions; Poverty reduction; MGNREGA constraints; Agricultural and Food Policy; I15; I38; J31; J33.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Impact of the National School Lunch Program on Children’s Food Security 31
Gao, Xiang; Ishdorj, Ariun; Higgins, Lindsey M..
Tipo: Presentation Palavras-chave: National School Lunch; Food Insecurity; Ordered Probit; Instrumental Variables; Agricultural and Food Policy; Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety; Food Security and Poverty; Health Economics and Policy; I18; I38; P46; Q18; R28.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Impacto del programa Juntos sobre nutrición temprana 31
Jaramillo, Miguel; Sánchez, Alan.
Desde fines del 2005, el programa Juntos brinda transferencias monetarias condicionadas a los hogares ubicados en los distritos pobres del Perú. En el año 2010, había alrededor de 420 mil hogares beneficiados. Si bien se evidencian mejoras en los indicadores nutricionales de los niños afiliados al programa, la pregunta de la investigación es: ¿hasta qué punto estas mejoras serían consecuencia de Juntos? Esta pregunta es válida dado que durante el periodo de estudio existe una tendencia clara hacia la reducción en los niveles de desnutrición crónica a nivel nacional. Según cifras oficiales, la desnutrición crónica disminuyó de 28.5% en 2007 a 23.2% en 2010. Los resultados evidencian que Juntos habría favorecido a aquellos niños ubicados en los percentiles...
Tipo: Working Paper Palavras-chave: Evaluación de programas; Programas sociales; Nutrición; Salud infantil; Perú; Programme evaluation; Social programmes; Nutrition; Child health; Peru; Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety; H43; I12; I38; O15.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Labor Supply Decisions of Rural Low-Income Mothers 31
Mammen, Sheila; Lass, Daniel A.; Seiling, Sharon B..
Labor force participation is crucial to the economic well-being of low-income rural families. This study identified the factors that influence two decisions that low-income rural mothers make regarding their employment: labor force entry and number of hours supplied to employment. The sample consisted of 412 rural low-income mothers who participated in a multi-state study. The logistic regression model correctly predicted 80 percent of their work participation decisions. Employed rural mothers appeared to be older, better educated, and less likely to suffer from depression compared to those not working. Additionally, they were more likely to have an employed partner, a driver's license, child care assistance, and Earned Income Tax Credit from the previous...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Rural Low-income Mothers; Labor Force Participation; Women's Labor Supply; Welfare Reform; Labor and Human Capital; D13; I38; J24; R29.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Micro-Savings & Informal Insurance in Villages: A Field Experiment on Indirect Effects of Financial Deepening on Safety Nets of the Poor 31
Flory, Jeffrey A..
Replaced with revised version of paper 07/28/11. Former title: Indirect Effects of Microfinance: A Field Experiment on Formal Savings Expansion and Informal Safety Nets of the Ultra-Poor
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Microfinance; Formal savings; Indirect effects; Safety nets; Poverty; Food security; Agricultural Finance; Community/Rural/Urban Development; Financial Economics; Food Security and Poverty; Health Economics and Policy; Institutional and Behavioral Economics; International Development; O17; O16; O12; I30; I38; I10.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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