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A future for marine fisheries in Europe (Manifesto of the Association Francaise d'Halieumetrie) 5
Gascuel, D.; Bez, Nicolas; Forest, Andre; Guillotreau, P.; Laloe, F.; Lobry, Jeremy; Mahevas, Stephanie; Mesnil, Benoit; Rivot, Etienne; Rochette, S.; Trenkel, Verena.
We, members of the Association Francaise d'Halieumetrie, share the conviction that European fisheries have a future. It is time to get off the wrong track. Radical change is required to embark on the path of sustainable development and truly implement the ecosystem approach to fisheries. Today, high fishing pressure is deployed to catch a rare resource, which in return is responsible for the rarity. We must reverse the situation: an abundant resource that affords high catches applying moderate fishing pressure. All management tools and especially all actors must be mobilized. The transition is not simple, and European solidarity must accompany the changes. It is well worth the effort. By reducing fishing pressure, it will be possible in the medium term to...
Tipo: Text Palabras clave: Access regulation; Ecosystem approach to fisheries; European Common Fishery Policy; ITQ; MPA; MSY; Management plan; Overcapacity; Subsidies.
Año: 2011 URL:
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A retrospective analysis of the effects of adopting individual transferable quotas in the Tasmanian red rock lobster, Jasus edwardsii, fishery 5
Hamon, Katell; Thebaud, Olivier; Frusher, Stewart; Little, L. Richard.
Individual transferable quotas (ITQ) were implemented in the Tasmanian red rock lobster fishery in 1998 and ten years later we assessed the impacts on the fishery. Particular attention was devoted to investigating the performances of the fishery with regard to three features identified as major impacts in the literature: rationalization of the fishing fleet, change in fishing strategy in order to maximise the fisher's profit and concentration of fishing rights and activity. On average, the fishery reacted as expected and reached its objective in terms of reconstruction of the biomass, but the overall assessment in terms of resulting profitability is not very conclusive. There is no evidence of decrease of the profitability over the period of the study but...
Tipo: Text Palabras clave: ITQ; Economic effects; Red rock lobster fishery; Jasus edwardsii; Australia.
Año: 2009 URL:
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Flexibility of joint production in mixed fisheries and implications for management 5
Briton, Florence; Thebaud, Olivier; Macher, Claire; Gardner, Caleb; Richard Little, Lorne.
Over the past decade, efforts have been made to factor technical interactions into management recommendations for mixed fisheries. Yet, the dynamics underlying joint production in mixed fisheries are generally poorly captured in operational mixed fisheries models supporting total allowable catch advice. Using an integrated ecological–economic simulation model, we explore the extent to which fishers are likely to alter the species composition of their landings in a mixed fishery managed with individual transferable quotas, the Australian Southern and Eastern Scalefish and Shark Fishery. Our simulations capture three different types of joint production problems, highlighting the flexibility that exists in terms of achievable catch compositions when quota...
Tipo: Text Palabras clave: Fishing behaviour; ITQ; Joint production; Mixed fisheries; Southern and Eastern Scalefish and Shark Fishery; TAC advice.
Año: 2021 URL:
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How Does Self-governance Complement ITQ under QMS in New Zealand?– A Case Study of the Self-governance Evolvement in the Foveaux Strait Oyster Fishery 31
Yang, Yu Wen (Ann).
This paper examines efforts to develop industry led self-governance in the Bluff Oyster Fishery. The paper focuses on participatory management and its ability to address some of the unintended consequences of management – for example high-grading. The Bluff oyster fishery’s administrative and biological performances are analysed and then used to assess whether or not the participatory management model – fisheries self-governance in this case – complements Individual Transferable Quota (ITQ) for this inshore shellfish fishery. The paper argues that the fishery’s current self-governance model not only aids in improving the performance of the fishery, and that the Bluff oyster fishery has the capacity to shift towards an industry led self-regulated fishery.
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palabras clave: Self-governance; ITQ; OMS; Transaction costs; Agricultural and Food Policy; Environmental Economics and Policy; Farm Management.
Año: 2008 URL:
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Simulating the effect of regulatory systems in a fishery - An application to the French driftnet albacore fleet 5
Guyader, Olivier.
With a thin economic component, most bio-economic models of fisheries fail to assess the effects of the regulation systems on firms. In order to analyse the short term consequences of different management schemes, a simulation model is applied to the French driftnet albacore fleet: licence allocation with driftnet regulation, individual quotas, and individual transferable quotas without any input control. Vessel technology is estimated by using the data collected, and groups of vessels are distinguished according to criteria of performance. We present the adjustment within firms and between groups under different scenarios (limited entry with and without driftnet regulation, individual quotas and individual transferable quotas allocation), and we compare...
Tipo: Text Palabras clave: Albacore tuna; Dolphin; Driftnet; Fisheries; ITQ; Licence; Quasi-rent; Quota price; Quotas; Regulation; Simulation.
Año: 2002 URL:
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The adoption of market-based instruments for resource management: Three case studies 31
Sinner, Jim; Fenemor, Andrew; Palmer, James.
Market-based instruments (MBIs) for resource management create financial incentives for people and businesses to use resources more efficiently, within a regulatory context designed to ensure that ecological, social and cultural objectives are also met. Three case studies were done to identify factors influencing the adoption or rejection of market-based instruments in New Zealand. Case studies included Individual Transferable Quota (ITQ) for New Zealand's inshore fisheries, Transferable Water Permits (TWPs) in Tasman District and Waikato Region, and charges for occupation of coastal space at both the national and regional levels in New Zealand. This paper provides a summary of findings from these case studies. These include: MBIs are difficult to...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palabras clave: Market-based instruments; ITQ; Transferable water permits; Coastal occupation charges; Agribusiness; Agricultural and Food Policy; Consumer/Household Economics; Crop Production/Industries; Environmental Economics and Policy; Farm Management.
Año: 2005 URL:
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The Effects of ITQ Management on Fishermen’s Welfare When the Processing Sector is Imperfectly Competitive 31
McEvoy, David M.; Brandt, Sylvia J.; Lavoie, Nathalie; Anders, Sven M..
In this paper we use a general model of imperfect competition to predict welfare changes within an open-access fishery transitioning to individual transferable quota (ITQ) management. Although related research has explored the effects of market power in the harvesting sector on ITQ performance, none have considered the implications of an imperfectly competitive processing sector. This study addresses this question specifically in the context of the Atlantic herring fishery, although its implications are relevant to all fisheries with similar industry structure. Our results show that ITQs could have a negative impact on fishermen’s welfare when processors have market power and the cap on aggregate harvest is binding or becomes binding with the...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palabras clave: ITQ; Imperfect competition; Welfare analysis; Fisheries; Risk and Uncertainty; D43; Q22; Q28; L13.
Año: 2007 URL:
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