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Exceptional Agulhas leakage prolonged interglacial warmth during MIS 11c in Europe ArchiMer
Koutsodendris, Andreas; Pross, Joerg; Zahn, Rainer.
The transport of warm and saline surface water from the Indo-Pacific Ocean into the South Atlantic (Agulhas leakage) influences the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC), which in turn exerts control on European climate. Paleoceanographic data document a remarkably strong Agulhas leakage at the end of marine isotope stage (MIS) 11c interglacial (similar to 400ka B.P.), which is one of the best orbital analogues for the Holocene. Here we assess the potential influence of this exceptional Agulhas leakage on North Atlantic climate based on a compilation of marine and terrestrial proxy records from the Iberian margin and continental Europe. We show that a similar to 5ka long warm period persisted across Europe beyond the MIS 11c climatic optimum....
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Agulhas leakage; Interhemispheric teleconnection; MIS 11c; Iberian margin; Central European climate.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Hydrographic conditions along the western Iberian margin during marine isotope stage 2 ArchiMer
Voelker, A. H. L.; De Abreu, L.; Schoenfeld, J.; Erlenkeuser, H.; Abrantes, F..
The surface water hydrography along the western Iberian margin, as part of the North Atlantic's eastern boundary upwelling system, consists of a complex, seasonally variable system of equatorward and poleward surface and subsurface currents and seasonal upwelling. Not much information exists to ascertain if the modern current and productivity patterns subsisted under glacial climate conditions, such as during marine isotope stage (MIS) 2, and how North Atlantic meltwater events, especially Heinrich events, affected them. To help answer these questions we are combining stable isotope records of surface to subsurface dwelling planktonic foraminifer species with sea surface temperature and export productivity data for four cores distributed along the western...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Iberian margin; Last Glacial Maximum; Heinrich events; Planktonic foraminifer; Stable isotopes; Productivity.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Orbital- and sub-orbital-scale climate impacts on vegetation of the western Mediterranean basin over the last 48,000 yr ArchiMer
Fletcher, William J.; Goni, Maria Fernanda Sanchez.
High-resolution pollen analysis of Alboran Sea Core MD95-2043 provides a 48-ka continuous vegetation record that can be directly correlated with sea surface and deep-water changes. The reliability of this record is supported by comparison with that of Padul (Sierra Nevada, Spain). Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 3 was characterised by fluctuations in Quercus forest cover in response to Dansgaard-Oeschger climate variability. MIS 2 was characterised by the dominance of semi-desert vegetation. Despite overall dry and cold conditions during MIS 2, Heinrich events (HEs) 2 and 1 were distinguished from the last glacial maximum by more intensely and conditions. Taxon-specific vegetation responses to a tripartite climatic structure within the HEs are observed. In MIS...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Marine palynology; Land-sea correlation; Iberian margin; Mediterranean region; Dansgaard-Oeschger variability; Heinrich events; LGM; Holocene; Precession.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Similar millennial climate variability on the Iberian margin during two early Pleistocene glacials and MIS 3 ArchiMer
Birner, B.; Hodell, D. A.; Tzedakis, P. C.; Skinner, L. C..
Although millennial-scale climate variability (<10ka) has been well studied during the last glacial cycles, little is known about this important aspect of climate in the early Pleistocene, prior to the Middle Pleistocene Transition. Here we present an early Pleistocene climate record at centennial resolution for two representative glacials (marine isotope stages (MIS) 37-41 from approximately 1235 to 1320ka) during the 41ka world at Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Site U1385 (the Shackleton Site) on the southwest Iberian margin. Millennial-scale climate variability was suppressed during interglacial periods (MIS37, MIS39, and MIS41) and activated during glacial inceptions when benthic O-18 exceeded 3.2. Millennial variability during glacials MIS38 and...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Millennial variability; Interhemispheric linkage; Iberian margin; Early Pleistocene.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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