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ACIAR’s 25 year investment in fruit-fly research AgEcon
Lindner, Robert K.; McLeod, Paul.
Fruit flies are recognised as one of the major pests of fruit and vegetable crops worldwide. Potential benefits from fruit fly research include biosecurity benefits from better quarantine surveillance that reduces the costs of an incursion by a damaging exotic pest fruit fly; market access benefits by enabling new fruit exports; and field control benefits from better crop management. The Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR)’s investment in fruitfly research goes back some 25 years to an initial project in Malaysia. Since that time, ACIAR’s continued investment has funded a total of 18 projects ranging across several areas of fruit-fly research, and covering Malaysia, Thailand, Philippines, Fiji Islands, Samoa, Tonga, Cook...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: ACIAR; Fruit-fly; Research; Impact; Assessment; Crop Production/Industries.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Adoption and impact of an award winning post-harvest technology: The ASI rice thresher in the Senegal River Valley AgEcon
Diagne, Mandiaye; Demont, Matty; Diagne, Aliou.
In Senegal, one of the highest rice import-dependent countries in Sub-Saharian Africa, double cropping is recommended in the new national program for the Great Offensive for Food and Abundance (GOANA) to boost rice production. This target impels the respect of cropping calendar by using improved technologies like the ASI thresher-cleaner. The causal or treatment effect framework (ATE and LATE) is used to estimate the ASI adoption rate and impact. The results show that the true ASI adoption rate would be 86 % if all the population of irrigated rice farmers were exposed to it. The socioeconomic characteristics that increase the probability to adopt the ASI thresher are farmer experience, farm size, and participation to ASI field experiments and/or contact...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Adoption; Impact; ATE; LATE; Senegal River Valley; ASI thresher; Agricultural and Food Policy; Production Economics; Research and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Adoption et Impact Socio-Esonomique de la semi-mecanisation du Procede de Transformation des Amandes de Karite en Beurre au Nord-Benin AgEcon
Ahouandjinou, Morenike Cendrine; Adegbola, Patrice Ygue; Yabi, Jacob Afouda; Adekambi, Souleimane Adeyemi.
In order to diversify the sources of incomes of the country, to reduce the financial risks and to improve the farmers’ revenues, the government of Benin decided to promote new agricultural sectors. One of those new sub-sectors is shea tree which is targeted in this study. Due to the painful of certain stages of shea butter processing, the semi-mechanization was initiated. The paper uses data from a stratified random sample of 198 shea butter producers to assess the adoption and impact of this semi-mechanization in North-Benin. A multinomial probit model is estimated to analyze the factors which explain the adoption of each type of technology. A counterfactual approach drawing from a modern evaluation theory is used to evaluate the impact of this...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Adoption; Impact; Shea butter; Semi mechanization; Income; Benin; Farm Management.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Aménagement industriel du littoral et surveillance de l'environnement: la centrale nucléaire de Gravelines (1975 a 1989) ArchiMer
Le Fevre-lehoerff, G; Woehrling, Daniel.
Studies have been conducted at Gravelines (France) to estimate the effects of construction and then, the operation of a nuclear power plant. These studies take into account diverse sources of stress: the thermal impact ( Delta T = +11 degree C), the chlorination procedures (0.8 ppm) and the mechanical effects (flow rate 240 m super(3)/s). Distinction has been made between impacts occurring within the cooling system and impacts within the thermal plume. The ecological monitoring has been particularly concerned with water, sediment and organic matter, benthic and pelagic organisms. Results of these field studies include a baseline information in terms of physical, chemical and biological measurements and describe a "reference state" with chronological series.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Centrale nucléaire; Environnement; Impact; Littoral sud de la Mer du Nord.
Ano: 1991 URL:
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Análise dos impactos ambientais no manejo de florestas tropicais. Infoteca-e
YARED, J. A. G.; SOUZA, A. L. de.
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Uso; Tropico; Forest; Tropic; Management; Use; Impact; Fauna; Floresta; Impacto Ambiental; Manejo; Terra; Solo; Land; Soil.
Ano: 1993 URL:
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Analyse des captures des pêcheries marines et lagunaires d'Egypte en liaison avec la construction du haut barrage d'Assouan ArchiMer
Bebars, Mi; Lasserre, G; Hoai, Tl.
Annually exploited communities from the Nile delta and two nearby lagoons (Manzalah and Edkou) were monitored from 1962 to 1989. The changes in community structure were analysed as a function of two events: fishing pressure growth (motorized fishing vessels) which increased by a factor of 19 between 1952 and 1962; and the construction of the Aswan Dam, which was built between 1965 and 1969, reducing the flow of the Nile by 90 %. Before the construction of the dam, increased sea fishing pressure led to a decline in landings from 33,832 tons in 1962 to 8,522 tons in 1969, but with no structural change in the exploited community. However, following completion of the dam in 1969, the community structure changed and a significant correlation was detected...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Impact; Aswan Dam; Yield; Fisheries; Diversity; Lagoon.
Ano: 1997 URL:
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Animal husbandry in Africa: Climate change impacts and adaptations AgEcon
Seo, S. Niggol; Mendelsohn, Robert.
This paper uses a cross-sectional approach to analyze the impacts of climate change on animal husbandry and the way farmers adapt. The study is based on surveys of almost 5000 livestock farmers across ten countries in Africa. A traditional Ricardian regression finds that the livestock net revenues of large farms in Africa are more sensitive to temperature than those of small farms. Cross-sectional analysis also reveals that large farms (but not small farms) have fewer animals per farm in warmer places. Farmers tend to select beef cattle and chickens in cool climates and goats and sheep in hot climates. Using the Ricardian results and examining climate scenarios for 2060 and beyond, the net revenues of small farms are predicted to increase as much as 120%...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Climate change; Livestock; Impact; Adaptation; Africa; Livestock Production/Industries; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy; Q12; Q25.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Approche experimentale du comportement d'une plaque composite sous effet d'un choc perforant ArchiMer
Paris, P; Genin, D; Hamelin, P.
Our purpose in this paper is to study the behaviour of composite materials reinforced by glass satin weave 8 fabric under the impact of a projectile. The first part of this paper deals with experimental tests carried out using a servo-hydraulic machine. The hydraulic ram can be programmed to impact the specimen at any desired velocity between a few tenths of a millimetre per minute and 20 m/s. In the second part, these experimental results are compared with the numerical results of bidimensional finite difference code AUTODYN. This program allows the numerical simulation of the penetration of composite plates by projectiles.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Ship technology; Collisions; Materials testing; Simulation; Mathematical models; Numerical analysis; Composite materials; Essai de choc; Réponse dynamique; Simulation numérique; Plaque composite; Impact.
Ano: 1992 URL:
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Aquaculture marine et littorale ArchiMer
Sauriau, Pierre-guy; Merceron, Michel; Goulletquer, Philippe.
Marine fish farming is fairly recent in France and it is still in the process of being developed. On the Atlantic and Channel coasts, it deals mainly with Atlantic salmon (Salma salar), fario trout (Salmonella faria) with l,400 t in 1991, and turbot (Scophthalmus maximus) with 600 t. In Gravelmes a bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) and bream (Sparus auratus) farm (1,000 t) uses water which is heated (Mediterranean production for these two species is around 2,000 t). Although these figures are low compared to French shellfish farming (200,000 t) and foreign fish farms (150,000 t in Norway, for example), they are growing.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Biocénoses; Conchyliculture; Algoculture; Mesure de Protection; Impact non trophiques; Impact; Aquaculture littorale; Aquaculture marine.
Ano: 1997
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Assessing new strategies for TB diagnosis in low- and middle-income countries BJID
Kritski,Afrânio; Fujiwara,Paula I.; Vieira,Maria Armanda; Netto,Antonio Ruffino; Oliveira,Martha Maria; Huf,Gisele; Squire,S. Bertel.
In this manuscript, we report the current situation of tuberculosis globally and in Brazil, the need for new strategies toward tuberculosis control, focusing on new diagnostic technologies. Critical comments are given on the state of the art regarding the evaluation of new health technologies, degree of scientific evidence needed, evaluation of clinical impact, cost-effectiveness of incorporation into the health system and the social impact.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Tuberculosis; Diagnostics; Impact; Evidence; Policy; Innovation; Regulatory agency.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Assessment of the impact of preventive maintenance strategy on reliability indicators of a rice combine harvester in the Gambia. CIGR Journal
minteh, mustapha.
Abstract: Maintenance cost of agricultural machines accounts for about 10 to 15% of total production cost and this tends to increase as the machine gets older. To stabilized this already high cost, agricultural machinery maintenance engineers chose Preventive Maintenance (PM) strategy. However, the latter may not produce the desired results especially when machines are used under different operating context. In this paper, an assessment of the effects of PM strategy on reliability indicators (failure rate, mean time between failures (MTBF), mean time to repair (MTTR) and mechanical availability) of a rice combine harvester Mitsubishi TVR96 working under the operating context of Pacharr rice fields in The Gambia, is discussed. These reliability indicators...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Assessment; Impact; Preventive maintenance; Reliability indicators; Failure; Rice combine harvester..
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Bilan du suivi de l'exploitation industrielle de la crépidule en Bretagne Nord (baies de Saint-Brieuc et du Mont Saint-Michel) 2002-2005 ArchiMer
Blanchard, Michel; Hamon, Dominique.
The slipper-limpet (Crepidula fornicata) is a marine gastropod which causes serious perturbations in shellfish beds, because of spatial spreading and density rising. Along French coasts, in Northern Brittany, two bays are highly colonized : bay of Saint-Brieuc, centre for scallops fishery, and bay of Mont-Saint-Michel, a famous oyster-farming area, with a total limpet stock about 450 000 metric tons. The association AREVAL was founded in 2001 to manage there, an industrial collect of limpets by a succing-dredge, followed ashore by a treatment for calcareous soil improvement. The scientific survey, contracted to IFREMER, included measurements of long andshort-term dredge's effects on grounds and limpet population, and proposals to set up dredging...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: France; Western Channel; Bay of Mont Saint Michel; Bay of Saint Brieuc; Impact; Dredging; Treatment; Crepidula fornicata; Slipper limpet; Manche Ouest; Baie du Mont Saint Michel; Baie de Saint Brieuc; Impact; Dragage; Exploitation; Crepidula fornicata; Crépidule.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Body condition and energy density of juvenile streaked prochilod Prochilodus lineatus (Valenciennes, 1837) in a Neotropical floodplain Neotropical Ichthyology
Corbetta,Daiany de Fátima; Veronezzi,Ana Lúcia; Benedito,Evanilde.
ABSTRACT Variations in energetic density (E D ) and the relative condition factor (K n ) of juveniles of Prochilodus lineatus were investigated to identify whether these two variables respond similarly to environmental factors. We hypothesized that fluviometric levels in different sub-basins of the Upper Paraná River floodplain positively influence the E D and K n of juvenile fish. Temporally, the values of E D and K n were linked more directly to the dynamics of the flood pulses on the plain. Spatially, the lowest values of E D and K n were observed in the environment that was directly affected by the operation of dams, the sub-basin Paraná. Although the energy density and condition factor did not show similar results for juveniles in some of the...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Condition Factor; Food web; Habitat; Impact; Paraná basin.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Características e alterações limnológicas na Bacia do Rio Taquari, MS. Infoteca-e
Considerando os usos gerais dos principais sistemas aquáticos no Brasil, os impactos causados por processos de erosão/assoreamento são pontos importantes a serem considerados em programas de pesquisa, básica e aplicada, na área de Limnologia, devido a sua importância na alteração da qualidade da água.O aumento do aporte de material em suspensão, além de causar assoreamento dos rios, altera as características físicas e químicas da água, modificando a qualidade óptica da água e a temperatura (Alabaster & Lloyd, 1982). O sedimento em suspensão pode aderir à superfície dos ovos de peixes, impedindo as trocas de oxigênio e dióxido de carbono, aderir às brânquias e prejudicar as funções de respiração e excreção, e depositar-se cobrindo plantas e locais de...
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Alteração; Característica; Assoreamento; Impacto; Rio Taquari; Characteristic; Sedimentation; Impact; Taquari river; Água; Limnologia; Pantanal; Limnology; Water.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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Changement climatique en milieu côtier & littoral : conséquences sur les peuplements marins ArchiMer
Goulletquer, Philippe.
The effect of climate changes on marine ecosystems and the ecosystemic services identified in the framework of the World ecosystem assessment program for the millennium (MEA, 2001), is a major scientific issue. In the first place, it seems necessary to identify these changes' characteristics from a physics point of view, as well as from a specific biodiversity (e.g., species distribution areas, exotic and invasive species), populational or marine ecosystem functioning point of view (e.g., trophic chain). However, one of the main difficulties in assessing these impacts results from the superposition and the interactions between natural variability and the different anthropic effects including economic activities (e.g. fisheries). A number of doubts remain,...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Impact; Biodiversité; Ecosystème marin; Changement climatique.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Lewis, Tina D.; Leitch, Jay A.; Meyer, Aaron J..
Wildlife-related recreation is an important source of economic activity in North Dakota. Using primary, survey-based data, the expenditures and economic impacts of hunters and anglers were summarized for the 1996 hunting/fishing seasons. Total resident and nonresident expenditures (including cost of licenses and additional nonresident expenditures not related to hunting/angling) came to $594 million. Almost $144 million of total expenditures was spent in rural areas by nonresidents and urban residents. Resident and nonresident hunters and anglers generated $1.6 billion in total business activity, $250 million in retail trade sales, $393 million in personal income, and supported over 21,000 jobs. These results suggest that North Dakota's resident and...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Hunter; Angler; Expenditures; Impact; North Dakota; Nonresident; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy.
Ano: 1998 URL:
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ABSTRACT This study aimed to evaluate some changes in the metabolism of papaya fruits submitted to damage by impact, abrasion and compression. Injuries were caused in two areas of 15 cm2 each; in diametrically opposite positions in the equatorial region of ‘Improved Sunrise Solo Line 72/12’ papaya fruits in ripening stage 3 (fruits with 25-40% of yellow skin). After damage, fruits were stored at 15 ± 1 °C and 85 ± 5% RH, and samples were taken at intervals of two days to evaluate skin color index, incidence of diseases, loss of fresh weight, leak of solutes, pulp firmness, soluble solids content and pectinmethylesterase and polygalacturonase activities. The respiratory rate was measured at intervals of 4, 8, 12, 24, 48 and 72 hours after damage. The...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Carica papaya L.; Impact; Abrasion; Compression; Post-harvest.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Comparative performance evaluation of three coconut cracking devices with conventional cracking technique CIGR Journal
Performance evaluations of three coconut cracking devices was carried out and its results compared with the conventional (hand cracking technique) of hitting on hard surface. The three devices include a punch-split device, an impact-split device and hydraulic press split device which were developed at the Department of Agricultural & Bioenvironmental Engineering Technology, Federal College of Agriculture, Ishiagu.  Each technique was evaluated for output capacity, cracking efficiency, ergonomics, and time required to crack a unit of different grades of coconut. The average cracking efficiency for punch split was 87.09 per cent with a range of 86.76 to 95.00 per cent, impact split efficiency varied from 83.33 to 95.00 per cent with the average of...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Coconut; Cracking; Impact; Hydraulic; Sphericity; Efficiency; Capacity; Roundness.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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Contrat aménagement de la zone de marais : conséquence de l'aménagement agricole sur les autres activités - Compte rendu final de la recherche Mars 1989 ArchiMer
Chevalier, Claude; Heral, Maurice; Razet, Daniel.
Dans le contexte de développement agricole très actif des trente dernières années les marais atlantiques littoraux qui couvrent, pour leur partie endiguée environ 300.000 ha. ont été et continuent d'être soumis à des transformations importantes qui influent sur la circulation et la qualité des eaux de surface. Ce développement, visant à une amélioration de la productivité et à une meilleure intégration de l' activité agricole dans les grands processus économiques, s'est appuyé, là comme ailleurs, sur les intensifications fourragère et surtout céréalière. L'adaptation de ce modèle général aux caractéristiques écologiques du milieu nécessitait de limiter les effets des excès d'eau hivernaux sur la mise en culture ainsi que ceux de la sécheresse estivale sur...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Marais atlantique; Littoral; Agriculture; Conchyliculture; Impact; Compatibilité; Charente Maritime Dep..
Ano: 1989 URL:
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Contribution à l'identification de l'impact des perceurs O. erinacea et O. inornata au cours de la campagne d'évalutation des stocks d'huîtres 2001 ArchiMer
Robert, Stephane; Le Moine, Olivier; Guilpain, Patrice; Soletchnik, Patrick; Faury, Nicole; Razet, Daniel; Geairon, Philippe; Goulletquer, Philippe; Seugnet, Jean-luc.
L' apparition de phénomène de prédation des huîtres par des bigorneaux perceurs n'est pas nouveau. Elle a été régulièrement constatée par la profession ostréicole. C'est ainsi qu 'on a pu enregistrer une destruction massive des bancs d'élevage de la baie de Bourgneuf en 1938. Des problèmes similaires ont été enregistrés dans la région de La Rochelle et à Arcachon en 1932, où des subventions on été allouées pour le ramassage d'Ocenebra erinacea. Ces phénomènes étaient alors liés à cette espèce Atlantique. L'apparition d'Ocenebrelilis inornatus, également connu sous le nom d'Ocenebra inornata, a été signalée en 1995 dans le bassin de Marennes Oléron par P.G. Sauriau comme nouvelle espèce de perceurs. Cette description a été concomitante avec l'augmentation...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Ostréiculture; Impact; Bigorneaux perceurs; Ocenebra erinacea; Ocenebra inornata; Marennes Oléron; Charente-Maritime.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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