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Impact of Program Payments on Time Allocation and Farm Household Income 31
Dewbre, Joe; Mishra, Ashok K..
Using a model farm household resource allocation and data from the USDA-ERS Agricultural Resources Management Survey (ARMS), this study compares the effects of various categories of farm program payments on time allocation by farm operators and spouses. Results suggest that agricultural market transition payments (AMTA) increase leisure hours of both farm operators and spouses. Loan deficiency payments (LDP) and payments that combine market loan assistance (MLA) and disaster payments are shown to reduce leisure. The study also finds that AMTA payments exhibit a much higher degree of income transfer efficiency than the LDP and MLA payments.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Agricultural Resource Management Survey; Decoupled payments; Government programs; Income transfer efficiency; Time allocation; Agricultural and Food Policy; Farm Management; D13; J22; Q12; Q22.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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