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Analyse fonctionnelle des causes de rupture des DCP de la Réunion (océan Indien) 5
Sacchi, Jacques; Tessier, E.
The development of the FAD gave rise to technical problems owing to their conception, their setting spot and of their utilisation. Failings generated by the unreliability of components or the uncertain repair precariousness, those can prove to be here more and more expensive with the progression of the ageing of devices and reasons of their loss. For as various domains that aerospace or the fishing deck layout, the engineering has functional analysis tools that permit to reduce conception uncertainties of systems by the mean of a hierarchical classification of function values of components. The application of one of these techniques, the FMEA, Failure Mode and Effects Analysis, to the study of reasons of FAD loss in La Reunion describes perfectly...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Analysis Attracting techniques Risks Tuna fisheries Article Geographic Terms: ISW; Indian Ocean ISW; Indian Ocean; Mascarene Is.; Reunion.
Ano: 2000 URL:
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Les metiers de la peche a La Reunion (ocean Indien): description et evolution des techniques de peche sur les dispositifs de concentration de poissons (DCP) 5
Ross, D; Tessier, E; Berthier, P; Berthier, L.
Since a few years, the catches of pelagic fish by artisanal fishermen of Reunion Island have strongly increased. Manpower and investments have been constant through the maintenance of about 30 fads all around the island. The traditional techniques of fishing pelagic fishes have been adapted in order to maintain a high level of catches and ensure the income of the fishermen. This report describes different techniques to capture pelagic fish on fads such as drift fishing, dragnet fishing and longline fishing. Knowledge, professional experience of fishermen are the main factors in setting fads and sustaining adaptability. The strong relation between the knowledge of the fishermen and the techniques is discussed. Then, the strategies of fishing, influenced by...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Artisanal fishing Attracting techniques Fishing technology Tuna fisheries Article Geographic Terms: ISW; Indian Ocean ISW; Indian Ocean; Mascarene Is.; Reunion.
Ano: 2000 URL:
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Technologie et utilisation des DCP ancres dans les eaux de la collectivite territoriale de Mayotte (archipel des Comores, canal du Mozambique, ocean Indien) 5
Wendling, Bertrand; Le Calve, S.
The volcanic island of Mayotte (374 km super(2)) is part of the Comoros Archipelago, which is situated on the North of Mozambic's Canal (Indian Ocean). Mayotte is composed of two islands and some thirty small islands distributed in a lagoon of more than 1,000 km super(2). Being one of the French Republic's Territorial Collectivity, this island is characterized by a very fast demographic evolution (growth rate : 5.8 %), which constitutes the foundation of the development problematic. Most of local halieutic production comes from the reef (nearly 2,000 t in 1999), the technic of "palangrotte" (deep line) is still dominating. The fishing fleet is composed of monoxyl pirogues and polyester fishing boats for the 1,200 fishermen. The first FADs (Fish Aggregating...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Artisanal fishing Attracting techniques Lagoon fisheries Tuna fisheries Article Geographic Terms: Comoro Is.; Mayotte ISW; Indian Ocean ISW; West Indian Ocean; Mozambique Channel.
Ano: 2000 URL:
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The French tropical purse-seine fishery, 1981-1997, with special emphasis on 1995-1997 20
Pianet, R..
France has been one of the main fishing nations using industrial purse seiners in the Indian Ocean since the beginning of this fishery in the early 1980s. Its fleet operates over a wide area, covering the western side of the Indian Ocean, and centred around the Seychelles Islands. Catches are either transhipped to reefers in Victoria (Seychelles) and Antsiranana (Madagascar) or delivered to local canneries.
Tipo: Proceedings Paper Palavras-chave: Fishery industry Tuna fisheries Purse seining Catch statistics ISW; Indian Ocean ISW; Seychelles ISW; Madagascar.
Ano: 1998 URL:
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Trends in the Seychelles tuna fishery. 20
Distant water fishing nations (DWFN) began longlining for tuna in the Western Indian Ocean (WIO) in the early 1950s, initiated by the Japanese soon followed by the Taiwanese (1954) and Koreans (1960). Large scale industrial purse seining began in 1983 when the French and Spanish fleets moved into the Western Indian Ocean from the tropical Atlantic. By 1986 some 6 % of the world tuna catch (143,099t out of 2,400,000t) was coming from the WIO purse seiners; by 1997 this had risen to 14 %. Virtually all the purse seiners active in the WIO are licensed to fish in the Seychelles EEZ; SFA's data therefore reflect the entire WIO purse seine catch (based upon daily catch and effort reports or logbooks which must be provided to SFA by all licensed vessels). At...
Tipo: Proceedings Paper Palavras-chave: Tuna fisheries By-catch Purse seining Xiphias gladius Thunnus obesus Katsuwonus pelamis Thunnus albacares ISW; Indian Ocean ISW; Seychelles.
Ano: 1998 URL:
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