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Analyse des indicateurs en lien avec les caractéristiques démographiques des populations de poissons des façades métropolitaines françaises dans le cadre de la DCSMM ArchiMer
Davies, Leo.
The Marine strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) aims to reduce impacts on the marine environment in order to achieve or maintain the good ecological status by using ecosystem approach. The conservation of fish population, exploited or not, is one of the objectives. Criterion 3 of the Descriptor 1 „Biodiversity – Fish” and Descriptor 3 “Commercial species” must qualify the ecological state of these components with regard to their demographic characteristics, in addition to other primary criteria. Many size indicators exist, but in the absence of a threshold value to qualify a condition, this criterion was classified as non-operational in the previous assessment cycle. This study aims to analyze the relevance of size indicators for providing information on...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Directive Cadre Stratégie pour le Milieu Marin; Bon état écologique; Indicateur; Taille; Marine Strategic Framework Directive; Good Environmental Status; Indicator; Length.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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Assessment of indicator trends related to exploited demersal fish populations and communities in the Mediterranean ArchiMer
Since 1994, Mediterranean research organisations have carried out yearly standardized bottom trawl surveys along the coasts of the Mediterranean Sea from Gibraltar to the Aegean Sea (Medits surveys). A dynamic indicator-based approach to the assessment of multi-stock fisheries has been applied to the data series obtained from these surveys by an international working group involving all the scientific teams contributing to the data collection process. The application was done according to the 13 GFCM geographical sub-areas sampled by the Medits surveys. While reference points for a lot of fished populations and community indicators are seldom available, reference directions are well established for some indicators, giving guidelines for fishery management....
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Mediterranean; Bottom trawl survey; Community; Fish population; Indicator.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Directive Cadre sur l’Eau : les pressions anthropiques et leur impact sur les indicateurs de l’état écologique des masses d’eau littorales de la façade Manche-Atlantique - Développement d’une base de données quantitatives sur les pressions anthropiques littorales ArchiMer
Buchet, Rémi; Guegan, Cécile.
Within the European water framework directive (WFD), the status assessment of littoral waters is based both on the chemical quality and on the ecological quality of each water body. Quality elements enabling to assess the ecological status of a water body are, among other things, biological quality elements (phytoplankton, macroalgae, angiosperms, benthic invertebrates, fish), for each of which member states have developed quantitative indicators. This document compiles three deliverables of a multi-annual study intended to characterize the sensitivity of these biological indicators regarding the various anthropogenic pressures exerted on the French Atlantic and Channel coast: ultimately, the goal is to establish a quantitative and predictive relationship,...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: DCE; Manche-Atlantique; Élément de qualité biologique; Indicateur; Métrique; DPSIR; Pressions anthropiques; Base de données; Forçages naturels; Impact; WFD; Atlantic and Channel coastline; Biological quality element; Indicator; Metric; DPSIR; Anthropogenic pressures; Database; Natural constraints; Impact.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Directive Cadre sur l’Eau : les pressions anthropiques et leur impact sur les indicateurs de l’état écologique des masses d’eau littorales de la façade Manche-Atlantique. Synthèse bibliographique ArchiMer
Buchet, Rémi.
Within the European water framework directive (WFD), the status assessment of littoral waters is based both on the chemical quality and on the ecological quality of each water body. Quality elements enabling to assess the ecological status of a water body are, among other things, biological quality elements (phytoplankton, macroalgae, angiosperms, benthic invertebrates, fish), for each of which the member states have developed quantitative indicators. This document is one of the deliverables of a multi-annual study intended to characterize the sensitivity of these biological indicators towards the various anthropogenic pressures exerted on the French Atlantic and Channel coast: ultimately, the goal is to establish a quantitative and predictive...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: DCE; Manche-Atlantique; Élément de qualité biologique; Indicateur; Métrique; DPSIR; Pressions anthropiques; Forçages naturels; Impact; WFD; Atlantic and Channel coastline; Biological quality element; Indicator; Metric; DPSIR; Anthropogenic pressures; Natural constraints; Impact.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Etat de santé des habitats et peuplements de poissons des atolls d’Entrecasteaux, zone inscrite au Patrimoine Mondial de l’Humanité et Parc naturel de la mer de Corail. Evaluation initiale par stations vidéo rotatives STAVIRO ArchiMer
Schohn, Thomas; Pelletier, Dominique; Carpentier, Liliane.
The AMBIO project conducted a comprehensive video-based baseline assessment of coral reef fish communities and associated habitats in the New Caledonian lagoons. Observation relies on remote unbaited underwater video, using the STAVIRO rotating technique (Pelletier et al. 2012).  This survey was conducted in 2015 in Entrecasteaux Reefs, both located within the Coral Sea Natural Park, and part of World Heritage site. 109 STAVIRO were validated in 9 days, covering the reefs and geomorphological units in the area. Images were analyzed to characterize the habitat surrounding each station, and fishes based on a list of 565 species (Pelletier et al. 2016).  28 indicators were computed and represented on maps (Sextant server). Indicators were analyzed using the...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Biodiversité; Ichtyofaune; Habitat; Vidéo sous-marine; STAVIRO; Evaluation; Suivi; Aire Marine Protégée; Patrimoine mondial; Parc de la mer de Corail; Ecosystème corallien; Nouvelle-Calédonie; Indicateur; Tableau de bord; Cartes; Sextant; PAMPA; Biodiversity; Fish; Habitat; Underwater video; STAVIRO; Monitoring and assessment; Marine Protected Area: Coral Sea Natural Park; World Heritage; Coral reefs; New Caledonia; Indicator; Dashboard; Map; Sextant; PAMPA.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Etat de santé des habitats et peuplements de poissons des îles et récifs de l’Astrolabe, Pétrie et Walpole, Parc Naturel de la Mer de Corail. Evaluation initiale par stations vidéo rotatives STAVIRO ArchiMer
Schohn, Thomas; Bockel, Thomas; Carpentier, Liliane; Pelletier, Dominique.
- The AMBIO project conducted a comprehensive video-based baseline assessment of coral reef fish communities and associated habitats in the New Caledonian lagoons. The survey relies on remote unbaited underwater video observations, using the STAVIRO rotating technique. - The study pertains to the reefs of Astrolabe, Pétrie and Walpole Island, located within the Coral Sea Natural Park. The survey conducted in 2014 covers the entire area, and the sampling design was stratified according to reef type. 95 stations were validated. They were analyzed to characterize the habitat surrounding each station, and fish communities, based on a list of 565 fish species (cf. AMBIO/A/1). - 28 indicators were computed and mapped (maps available on a Sextant server)....
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Biodiversité; Ichtyofaune; Habitat; Vidéo sous-marine; STAVIRO; Evaluation; Suivi; Parc naturel mer de Corail; Nouvelle-Calédonie; Indicateur; Tableau de bord; Serveur de cartes; Sextant; PAMPA; Ecosystème corallien; Biodiversity; Fish; Habitat; Underwater video; STAVIRO; Monitoring and assessment; Marine Protected Area: Coral Sea Natural Park; Coral reefs; New Caledonia; Indicator; Dashboard; Map server; Sextant; PAMPA.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Etat de santé initial des habitats et peuplements de poissons des récifs de Chesterfield-Bellona, Parc Naturel de la Mer de Corail, Campagne de stations vidéo rotatives STAVIRO 2013 ArchiMer
Pelletier, Dominique; Bockel, Thomas; Roman, William; Carpentier, Liliane; Laugier, Thierry.
- The AMBIO project conducted a comprehensive video-based baseline assessment of coral reef fish communities and associated habitats in the New Caledonian lagoons. The surveys rely on remote unbaited underwater video observations, using the STAVIRO rotating technique. Chesterfield and Bellona remote reefs and atolls are located in the Coral Sea Marine Park, northwest of New Caledonia. -This 2013 survey is the first scientific survey covering the entire area, with a sampling design stratified according to reef type. 203 stations were validated within 10 days. They were analyzed to characterize the habitat surrounding each station, and fish communities, based on a list of 565 fish species (cf. AMBIO/A/1). - 34 indicators were computed and mapped (maps...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Biodiversité; Ichtyofaune; Habitat; Vidéo sous-marine; STAVIRO; Evaluation; Suivi; Parc de la Mer de Corail; Aire Marine Protégée; AMP; Ecosystème corallien; Nouvelle-Calédonie; Indicateur; Tableau de bord; Serveur de cartes; Sextant; PAMPA; Biodiversity; Fish; Habitat; Underwater video; STAVIRO; Monitoring and assessment; Coral Sea Marine Park; Marine Protected Area; MPA; World Heritage; Coral reefs; New Caledonia; Indicator; Dashboard; Map server; Sextant; PAMPA.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Evaluation de la fiabilité de la consommation de poisson comme indicateur des captures de poissons récifaux dans les petites îles du Pacifique : l’exemple de l’île d’Ouvéa en Nouvelle-Calédonie ArchiMer
Leopold, M; Ferraris, J; Labrosse, Pierre.
Fishing pressure on reef fish stocks, in relation to exploitable biomass, is a useful parameter for fishery resource management but difficult to assess in subsistence fisheries. A methodology for indirect fishery output assessment in island environments is proposed based on estimates of consumption and the relevant seafood trade. Ouvea atoll in the South Pacific (Loyalty Islands, New Caledonia), where subsistence fishing is the main activity, was used as the IPF experimental site. A consumer survey of the islands' households was conducted in June 2000. The sampling plan was determined on the basis of data already available on the population concerned, making it possible to give quantitative and qualitative information on catches. Total catch is estimated...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Consumer survey; Subsistence fishery; Coral reef resources; Household; Indicator.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Evaluation de l’état de santé des habitats et peuplements de poissons de la zone de Voh-Koné-Pouembout, Campagnes de stations vidéo rotatives STAVIRO 2007-2013 ArchiMer
Giraud-carrier, Charlotte; Pelletier, Dominique.
• Conducted within the AMBIO project, this work deals with coral reef fish communities and associated habitats, in the New Caledonian lagoons. It aims at assessing the status and trends of habitats and mobile macrofauna in the Voh-Kone-Pouembout lagoon, in the light of demographic and industrial developments and accounting for the existing customary reserve of Oundjo. • It relies on 280 stations collected in 2007 and 2013 using the remote unbaited underwater video STAVIRO rotating technique, which were analysed to characterize habitat, fish assemblages, turtles and sea snakes, from a list of 490 species (AMBIO/A/1). • 143 species (including one turtle species and one sea snake species), belonging to 23 families were observed. The most frequent and abundant...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Biodiversité; Ichtyofaune; Habitat; Vidéo sous-marine; STAVIRO; Evaluation; Suivi; Impact anthropique; Aire Marine Protégée; Réserve coutumière; Ecosystème corallien; Nouvelle-Calédonie; Indicateur; Tableau de bord; Serveur de cartes; Sextant; PAMPA; Biodiversity; Fish assemblage; Habitat; Underwater video; STAVIRO; Monitoring and assessment; Anthropogenic impact; Marine Protected Area; MPA; Customary reserve; Coral reefs; New Caledonia; Indicator; Dashboard; Map server; Sextant; PAMPA.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Evaluation of trawling disturbance on macrobenthic invertebrate communities in the Bay of Biscay, France: Abundance biomass comparison (ABC method) ArchiMer
Vergnon, Rémi; Blanchard, Fabian.
The necessity to move from a traditional fishery management to an ecosystem approach is now acknowledged. Indicators are required to support the development of this approach. For example, community indicators have been proposed to assess the impact of fishing. We tested here the applicability of one such community indicator, the abundance-biomass comparison (ABC method), as a measure of the impact of bottom trawling (years of sampling: 2001 and 2003) on the benthic invertebrates-typically starfishes, crabs, squat lobsters, shrimps and large hard-shelled molluscs-of "Grande Vasiere", a major French fishing zone, in the Bay of Biscay. The ABC method is generally used as an impact indicator for different types of physical, biological and anthropogenic...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Atlantic Ocean; Inter annual variability; Density; Macrobenthos; ABC method; Fishing impact; Indicator; Bottom trawl survey.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Field investigations and multi-indicators for shallow water lagoon management: perspective for societal benefit ArchiMer
Brehmer, Patrice; Thang Do Chi,; Laugier, Thierry; Galgani, Francois; Laloe, Francis; Darnaude, Audrey M.; Fiandrino, Annie; Mouillot, David.
1. Abiotic and biotic variables of coastal lagoons are highly heterogeneous in both space and time, and this heterogeneity complicates the assessment of their ecological status. These variables are essential to the monitoring and preservation of these fragile ecotones and the resources and services they sustain. 2. An integrative approach for evaluating the ecological status of coastal lagoons, based on field investigations of the key parameters driving their functioning and a set of selected ecological indicators matching lagoon management information needs for societal benefits, is investigated. Consistency in lagoon status evaluation from multiple and different variables was estimated, through a case study comparing three adjacent yet contrasting French...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Coastal lagoon; Ecological assessment; Ecotoxicology; Eutrophication; Indicator; Management; Mediterranean Sea; Observatory.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Film with anthocyanins as an indicator of chilled pork deterioration Ciênc. Tecnol. Aliment.
Golasz,Luana Baptista; Silva,Janice da; Silva,Suse Botelho da.
An indicator can be defined as a substance which indicates the presence or absence of another substance or the degree of a certain reaction through characteristic changes, especially color. Therefore, the aim of this work is to evaluate the performance of a bio-based film with anthocyanin as an indicator of chilled pork deterioration. A film made of cassava starch, glycerol, and grape anthocyanins was prepared using the casting technique. Pork loin samples were put in Petri dishes containing an anthocyanin film on the bottom and stored at 4 ºC. Psychrotrophic microorganism count and the pH of the pork loin samples were analyzed for a 14 day- period. At the same time, the films were subjected to colorimetric analysis using D65 illuminant and the CIELAB...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Indicator; Anthocyanins; Chilled pork; Color; Deterioration.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Impact of direct seeding mulch-based cropping systems on soil nematodes in a long-term experiment in Madagascar PAB
Villenave,Cécile; Rabary,Bodovololona; Chotte,Jean-Luc; Blanchart,Eric; Djigal,Djibril.
The objective of this work was to assess the effects of conventional tillage and of different direct seeding mulch-based cropping systems (DMC) on soil nematofauna characteristics. The long-term field experiment was carried out in the highlands of Madagascar on an andic Dystrustept soil. Soil samples were taken once a year during three successive years (14 to 16 years after installation of the treatments) from a 0-5-cm soil layer of a conventional tillage system and of three kinds of DMC: direct seeding on mulch from rotation soybean-maize residues; direct seeding of maize-maize rotation on living mulch of silverleaf (Desmodium uncinatum); direct seeding of bean (Phaseolus vulgaris)-soybean rotation on living mulch of kikuyu grass (Pennisetum...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Crop residues; Indicator; Living mulch; Nematoda; Soil functioning.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Indicadores visuais da maturação fisiológica do feijão. Infoteca-e
VIEIRA, E. H. N.; VIEIRA, N. R. de A..
São divulgados os procedimentos adotados em um estudo desenvolvido no Centro Nacional de Pesquisa de Arroz e Feijão (CNPAF), da Embrapa, que permitiram a identificação das características da planta de feijão (grãos e vagens) que podem ser utilizadas como indicadores visuais da maturação fisiológica da semente e que asseguram a obtenção de produto de boa qualidade.
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Indicadores; Bean; Maturation; Indicator; Feijão; Maturação; Semente.
Ano: 1997 URL:
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Indicators for wild animal offtake: methods and case study for African mammals and birds Ecology and Society
Ingram, Daniel J.; School of Life Sciences, University of Sussex;; Coad, Lauren; Environmental Change Institute, University of Oxford; United Nations Environment Programme World Conservation Monitoring Centre;; Collen, Ben; Centre for Biodiversity & Environment Research, University College London;; Breuer, Thomas; Global Conservation Program, Wildlife Conservation Society;; Fa, John E.; Division of Biology and Conservation Ecology, School of Science and the Environment, Manchester Metropolitan University; Center for International Forestry Research;; Gill, David J. C.; Fauna & Flora International;; Maisels, Fiona; Global Conservation Program, Wildlife Conservation Society; African Forest Ecology Group, School of Natural Sciences, University of Stirling;; Schleicher, Judith; Department of Geography, University of Cambridge;; Stokes, Emma J.; Global Conservation Program, Wildlife Conservation Society;; Taylor, Gemma; Centre for Biodiversity & Environment Research, University College London; Institute of Zoology, Zoological Society of London;
Unsustainable exploitation of wild animals is one of the greatest threats to biodiversity and to millions of people depending on wild meat for food and income. The international conservation and development community has committed to implementing plans for sustainable use of natural resources and has requested development of monitoring systems of bushmeat offtake and trade. Although offtake monitoring systems and indicators for marine species are more developed, information on harvesting terrestrial species is limited. Building on approaches developed to monitor exploitation of fisheries and population trends, we have proposed two novel indicators for harvested terrestrial species: the mean body mass indicator (MBMI) assessing whether hunters are relying...
Tipo: Peer-Reviewed Reports Palavras-chave: Africa; Bushmeat; Exploitation; Harvest; Indicator.
Ano: 2015
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Intégration des usages récréatifs et de la biodiversité marine pour la gestion et l'évaluation des espaces côtiers. Application aux Aires Marines Protégées de Nouvelle-Calédonie à partir de suivis de la fréquentation et la biodiversité et d'un modèle d'aide à la gestion ArchiMer
Gonson, Charles.
Coastal areas are complex socio-ecosystem where ecological, human and decisional compounds show multiple and reciprocal relationships. Because of the growth of population and tourism sector, coastal areas are permanently threatened through increase of recreational uses and diversification of related activities. To better understand coastal areas functioning, it is necessary to take into account uses and their management. Monitoring data over a ten years period revealed that recreational uses greatly increased especially within Marine Protecting Areas (MPA), during week-end days and warm season resulting to higher and more frequent frequentation peaks. While, practices within MPA are managed to decrease impacts, pressures associated with recreational uses...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Usages; Nouvelle-Calédonie; AMP; GIZC; Évaluation; Indicateur; DPSIR; Uses; New-Caledonia; MPA; ICZM; Assessment; Indicator; DPSIR.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Investigating trophic-level variability in Celtic Sea fish predators ArchiMer
Chassot, E; Rouyer, Tristan; Trenkel, Verena; Gascuel, D.
The trophic level mean and variance, and the degree of omnivory for five Celtic Sea fish predators were estimated using a database of stomach content records characterized by a high level of taxonomic resolution. The predators occupied a high position in the food web, i.e. 4.75 for Atlantic cod Gadus morhua, 444 for haddock Melanogrammus aeglefinus, 4.88 for European hake Merluccius merluccius, 5.00 for megrim Lepidorhombus whiffiagonis and 5.27 for whiting Merlangius merlangus. The level of taxonomic resolution of the prey did not greatly affect mean T-L predator values; an effect on variance was evident, low resolution masking intra-population variability in T-L. Generalized additive models (GAM) were used to explain the variability of predator T-L...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Trophic level; Predation; Omnivory; Indicator; GAM; Food web.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Normative, systemic and procedural aspects: a review of indicator‐based sustainability assessments in agriculture AgEcon
Binder, Claudia R.; Feola, Giuseppe.
Several methods for assessing the sustainability of agricultural systems have been developed. These methods do not fully: (i) take into account the multi‐functionality of agriculture; (ii) include multidimensionality; (iii) utilize and implement the assessment knowledge; and (iv) identify conflicting goals and trade‐offs. This paper reviews seven recently developed multidisciplinary indicator‐based assessment methods with respect to their contribution to these shortcomings. All approaches include (1) normative aspects such as goal setting, (2) systemic aspects such as a specification of scale of analysis, (3) a reproducible structure of the approach. The approaches can be categorized into three typologies. The top‐down farm assessments focus on field or...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Sustainability assessment; Indicator; Agriculture; Sustainability solution space; Agricultural and Food Policy; Community/Rural/Urban Development; Environmental Economics and Policy; Farm Management; International Development; Research Methods/ Statistical Methods.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Participatory approach to identify governance indicators for integrated coastal zone management, the case of marine protected areas ArchiMer
David, G; Cazalet, B; Barnay, As; Charbonnel, E; Couture, E; Ferraris, J; Fleury, Pierre-gildas; Malterre, P; Pascal, N; Pelletier, Dominique; Salaun, P; Tessier, Emmanuel; Thomassin, A.
Marine protected areas are a laboratory of integrated coastal management. Driving the MPA system requires the implementation of a battery of indicators of governance. This governance must take into account both the internal dynamics of the system and the threats coming from the system environment. As part of a research project funded by the French Ministry of Ecology, (Liteau program), 4 coral reef MPAs were selected as pilote studies (St Martin in the Caribbean, Reunion and Mayotte in the Indian Ocean, the South Lagoon of New Caledonia in Oceania) to develop jointly between scientists and managers of MPAs governance indicators. The approach is definitely bottom up. It is based on the co-construction of indicators. In that way, the views of the scientists...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: MPA; ICZM; Participatory approach; Indicator; Governance.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Projet SINP - Synthèse des indicateurs institutionnels de biodiversité marine et côtière ArchiMer
Fossat, Julia; Pelletier, Dominique; Levrel, Harold.
Le gouvernement français s’est engagé à travers différentes conventions et textes institutionnels à stopper d’ici 2010 la perte de la biodiversité. Pour atteindre cet objectif, le Ministère de l’Ecologie, de l’Energie, du Développement Durable et de la Mer (MEEDDM) a mis en place le Système d’Information sur la Nature et les Paysages (SINP), afin de rassembler et structurer l’information sur le patrimoine naturel et la biodiversité. Le volet marin de ce système, le SINP mer, a également pour vocation de valoriser ces informations, soit de présenter des indicateurs permettant de répondre aux enjeux de conservation de la biodiversité marine à partir des données contenues dans le système. Ce document présente la première phase de travail sur les indicateurs...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Biodiversité; Diversité biologique; Diversité écosystémique; Diversité spécifique; Indicateur; Marin; Côtier; Cadre institutionnel; Convention; Système d’information; Biodiversity; Biological diversity; Ecosystem diversity; Species diversity; Indicator; Marin; Coastal; Institutional framework; Convention; Information system.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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